module ElabsMatchers module Matchers module HaveTableRow rspec :type => :request rspec :type => :feature class HaveTableRowMatcher <, :row) attr_reader :page def matches?(page) @page = page table and table.has_selector?(selector_type, selector) end def does_not_match?(page) @page = page !table or table.has_no_selector?(selector_type, selector) end def failure_message_for_should "Expected #{row.inspect} to be included in the table #{table_name}, but it wasn't:\n\n#{ascii_table}" end def failure_message_for_should_not "Expected there to be no table #{table_name} with row #{row.inspect}, but there was.\n\n#{ascii_table}" end private def selector_type :xpath end def selector if ElabsMatchers.table_row_selector ElabsMatchers.table_row_selector[row, table] else exps = do |header, value| col_index = table.all("th").index { |th| th.text.include?(header.to_s) } col_index = if col_index then col_index + 1 else 0 end XPath.generate do |x| cell = x.child(:td, :th)[col_index.to_s.to_sym] if value.blank? cell["not(node())".to_sym].or(cell.descendant(:input)["string-length(normalize-space(@value))=0".to_sym]) else cell[x.contains(value).or(x.descendant(:input)[x.attr(:value).contains(value)])] end end end XPath.descendant["tr"][exps.reduce(:&)] end end def table table_xpath = XPath::HTML.table(table_name) if page.has_xpath?(table_xpath) page.find(:xpath, table_xpath) end end def ascii_table if table column_lengths = [] table.all("tr").map do |tr| tr.all("td,th").each_with_index do |td, i| size = td_content(td).strip.size if (column_lengths[i] || 0) < size column_lengths[i] = size end end end table.all("tr").map do |tr| middle = [] space = if tr.all("td,th").first.tag_name == "th" then "_" else " " end wall = "|" tr.all("td,th").each_with_index do |td, i| middle << td_content(td).strip.ljust(column_lengths[i], space) end [wall, space, middle.join(space + wall + space), space, wall].join end.join("\n") end end def td_content(td) text = td.text.presence text ||= td.find("input, textarea")[:value] if td.has_css?("input") text || "" end end ## # # Asserts if the supplied table row exists in the table # # @param [String] table_name The tables's caption text. # @param [Hash] row A hash representing the column name and value in key-value form. # # Example: # table.should have_table_row("Posts", "Title" => "First", :year => "2012") def have_table_row(table_name, row), row) end end end end