# encoding: utf-8 require 'spec_helper' describe Rubocop::Cop::Lint::RescueException do subject(:cop) { described_class.new } it 'registers an offence for rescue from Exception' do inspect_source(cop, ['begin', ' something', 'rescue Exception', ' #do nothing', 'end']) expect(cop.offences.size).to eq(1) expect(cop.messages) .to eq(['Avoid rescuing the Exception class.']) end it 'registers an offence for rescue with ::Exception' do inspect_source(cop, ['begin', ' something', 'rescue ::Exception', ' #do nothing', 'end']) expect(cop.offences.size).to eq(1) expect(cop.messages) .to eq(['Avoid rescuing the Exception class.']) end it 'registers an offence for rescue with StandardError, Exception' do inspect_source(cop, ['begin', ' something', 'rescue StandardError, Exception', ' #do nothing', 'end']) expect(cop.offences.size).to eq(1) expect(cop.messages) .to eq(['Avoid rescuing the Exception class.']) end it 'registers an offence for rescue with Exception => e' do inspect_source(cop, ['begin', ' something', 'rescue Exception => e', ' #do nothing', 'end']) expect(cop.offences.size).to eq(1) expect(cop.messages) .to eq(['Avoid rescuing the Exception class.']) end it 'does not register an offence for rescue with no class' do inspect_source(cop, ['begin', ' something', ' return', 'rescue', ' file.close', 'end']) expect(cop.offences).to be_empty end it 'does not register an offence for rescue with no class and => e' do inspect_source(cop, ['begin', ' something', ' return', 'rescue => e', ' file.close', 'end']) expect(cop.offences).to be_empty end it 'does not register an offence for rescue with other class' do inspect_source(cop, ['begin', ' something', ' return', 'rescue ArgumentError => e', ' file.close', 'end']) expect(cop.offences).to be_empty end it 'does not register an offence for rescue with other classes' do inspect_source(cop, ['begin', ' something', ' return', 'rescue EOFError, ArgumentError => e', ' file.close', 'end']) expect(cop.offences).to be_empty end it 'does not register an offence for rescue with a module prefix' do inspect_source(cop, ['begin', ' something', ' return', 'rescue Test::Exception => e', ' file.close', 'end']) expect(cop.offences).to be_empty end it 'does not crash when the splat operator is used in a rescue' do inspect_source(cop, ['ERRORS = [Exception]', 'begin', ' a = 3 / 0', 'rescue *ERRORS', ' puts e', 'end']) expect(cop.offences).to be_empty end end