# -*- encoding : utf-8 -*- require_dependency 'card/diff' class Card::HtmlFormat < Card::Format include Card::Diff attr_accessor :options_need_save, :start_time, :skip_autosave # builtin layouts allow for rescue / testing LAYOUTS = Wagn::Loader.load_layouts.merge 'none' => '{{_main}}' INCLUSION_DEFAULTS = { :layout => { :view => :core }, :normal => { :view => :content } } def get_inclusion_defaults INCLUSION_DEFAULTS[@mode] || {} end def default_item_view :closed end def view_for_unknown view, args case when focal? && ok?( :create ) ; :new when commentable?( view, args ) ; view else super end end def commentable? view, args self.class.tagged view, :comment and args[:show] =~ /comment_box/ and ok? :comment end def get_layout_content(args) Account.as_bot do case when (params[:layout] || args[:layout]) ; layout_from_name args when card ; layout_from_card else ; LAYOUTS['default'] end end end def layout_from_name args lname = (params[:layout] || args[:layout]).to_s lcard = Card.fetch(lname, :skip_virtual=>true, :skip_modules=>true) case when lcard && lcard.ok?(:read) ; lcard.content when hardcoded_layout = LAYOUTS[lname] ; hardcoded_layout else ; "

Unknown layout: #{lname}

Built-in Layouts: #{LAYOUTS.keys.join(', ')}" end end def layout_from_card return unless rule_card = (card.rule_card(:layout) or Card.default_rule_card(:layout)) #return unless rule_card.is_a?(Card::Set::Type::Pointer) and # type check throwing lots of warnings under cucumber: rule_card.type_id == Card::PointerID and return unless rule_card.type_id == Card::PointerID and layout_name=rule_card.item_names.first and !layout_name.nil? and lo_card = Card.fetch( layout_name, :skip_virtual => true, :skip_modules=>true ) and lo_card.ok?(:read) lo_card.content end def slot_options args @@slot_option_keys ||= Card::Chunk::Include.options.reject { |k| k == :view }.unshift :home_view options_hash = {} if @context_names.present? options_hash['name_context'] = @context_names.map( &:key ) * ',' end @@slot_option_keys.inject(options_hash) do |hash, opt| hash[opt] = args[opt] if args[opt].present? hash end JSON( options_hash ) end def wrap view, args = {} classes = [ ( 'card-slot' unless args[:no_slot] ), "#{view}-view", ( args[:slot_class] if args[:slot_class] ), ( "STRUCTURE-#{args[:structure].to_name.key}" if args[:structure]), card.safe_set_keys ].compact div = %{
} if args[:no_wrap_comment] div else name = h card.name space = ' ' * @depth %{#{ div }} end end def wrap_body args={} css_classes = [ 'card-body' ] css_classes << args[:body_class] if args[:body_class] css_classes += [ 'card-content', card.safe_set_keys ] if args[:content] content_tag :div, :class=>css_classes.compact*' ' do yield args end end def wrap_frame view, args={} wrap view, args.merge(:slot_class=>'card-frame') do %{ #{ _render_header args } #{ %{
#{ args[:subheader] }
} if args[:subheader] } #{ _render_help args if args[:show_help] } #{ wrap_body args do yield args end } } end end def wrap_main(content) return content if params[:layout]=='none' %{#{ if flash[:notice] %{
#{ flash[:notice] }
} end }
} end def html_escape_except_quotes s # to be used inside single quotes (makes for readable json attributes) s.to_s.gsub(/&/, "&").gsub(/\'/, "'").gsub(/>/, ">").gsub(/:content else editor_wrap( :content ) { content_field form, args } end end #### -------------------- additional helpers ---------------- ### def rendering_error exception, view %{ error rendering #{ if Account.always_ok? %{ #{ link_to_page error_cardname, nil, :class=>'render-error-link' } } else error_cardname end } (#{view} view) } end def unknown_view view "unknown view: #{view}" end def unsupported_view view "view #{view} not supported for #{error_cardname}" end def final_link href, opts={} text = opts[:text] || href %{#{text}} end def link_to_view text, view, opts={} path_opts = view==:home ? {} : { :view=>view } if p = opts.delete( :path_opts ) path_opts.merge! p end opts[:remote] = true opts[:rel] = 'nofollow' link_to text, path( path_opts ), opts end def name_field form=nil, options={} form ||= self.form form.text_field( :name, { :value=>card.name, #needed because otherwise gets wrong value if there are updates :autocomplete=>'off' }.merge(options)) end def type_field args={} typelist = Account.createable_types typelist << card.type_name if !card.new_card? # current type should be an option on existing cards, regardless of create perms options = options_from_collection_for_select( typelist.uniq.sort.map { |name| [ name, name ] }, :first, :last, Card[ card ? card.type_id : Card.default_type_id ].name ) template.select_tag 'card[type]', options, args end def content_field form, options={} @form = form @nested = options[:nested] revision_tracking = if card && !card.new_card? && !options[:skip_rev_id] form.hidden_field :current_revision_id, :class=>'current_revision_id' end %{ #{ revision_tracking } #{ _render_editor options } } end def form_for_multi block = Proc.new {} builder = ActionView::Base.default_form_builder card.name = card.name.gsub(/^#{Regexp.escape(root.card.name)}\+/, '+') if root.card.new_card? ##FIXME -- need to match other relative inclusions. builder.new("card[cards][#{card.relative_name}]", card, template, {}, block) end def form @form ||= form_for_multi end def card_form *opts form_for( card, form_opts(*opts) ) { |form| yield form } end def form_opts url, classes='', other_html={} url = path(:action=>url) if Symbol===url opts = { :url=>url, :remote=>true, :html=>other_html } opts[:html][:class] = classes + ' slotter' opts[:html][:recaptcha] = 'on' if Wagn::Env[:recaptcha_on] && Card.toggle( card.rule(:captcha) ) opts end def editor_wrap type=nil content_tag( :div, :class=>"editor#{ " #{type}-editor" if type }" ) { yield } end def fieldset title, content, opts={} if attribs = opts[:attribs] attrib_string = attribs.keys.map do |key| %{#{key}="#{attribs[key]}"} end * ' ' end help_text = case opts[:help] when String ; _render_help :help_text=> opts[:help] when true ; _render_help else ; nil end %{

#{ title }

#{ help_text }
#{ editor_wrap( opts[:editor] ) { content } }
} end def hidden_tags hash, base=nil # convert hash into a collection of hidden tags result = '' hash.each do |key, val| result += if Hash === val hidden_tags val, key else name = base ? "#{base}[#{key}]" : key hidden_field_tag name, val end end result end def main? if ajax_call? @depth == 0 && params[:is_main] else @depth == 1 && @mainline end end private def fancy_title title=nil raw %{#{ showname(title).to_name.parts.join %{+} }} end end