# encoding: utf-8
# This transformation is used to rotate the user space. Give it an angle
# and an :origin
point about which to rotate and a block.
# Everything inside the block will be drawn with the rotated coordinates.
# The angle is in degrees.
# If you omit the :origin
option the page origin will be used.
require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),
%w[.. example_helper]))
filename = File.basename(__FILE__).gsub('.rb', '.pdf')
Prawn::Example.generate(filename) do
fill_circle [250, 200], 2
12.times do |i|
rotate(i * 30, :origin => [250, 200]) do
stroke_rectangle [350, 225], 100, 50
draw_text "Rotated #{i * 30}°", :size => 10, :at => [360, 205]