module Cms class DynamicView < ActiveRecord::Base after_save :write_file_to_disk after_destroy :remove_file_from_disk include DefaultAccessible # Need to explicitly define these, since during new project creation, these files aren't discoverable. attr_accessible :name, :body, :format, :handler scope :with_file_name, lambda { |file_name| conditions = {:name => nil, :format => nil, :handler => nil} if file_name && (parts = file_name.split(".")).size == 3 conditions[:name] = parts[0] conditions[:format] = parts[1] conditions[:handler] = parts[2] end {:conditions => conditions} } def self.inherited(subclass) super if defined? super ensure subclass.class_eval do flush_cache_on_change is_publishable uses_soft_delete is_userstamped is_versioned before_validation :set_publish_on_save validates_presence_of :name, :format, :handler validates_uniqueness_of :name, :scope => [:format, :handler], :message => "Must have a unique combination of name, format and handler" end end def self.new_with_defaults(options={}) new({:format => "html", :handler => "erb", :body => default_body}.merge(options)) end def self.find_by_file_name(file_name) with_file_name(file_name).first end def self.base_path File.join(Rails.root, "tmp", "views") end def self.form_name ActiveModel::Naming.singular(self) end def file_name "#{name}.#{format}.#{handler}" end def display_name self.class.display_name(file_name) end def write_file_to_disk if respond_to?(:file_path) && !file_path.blank? FileUtils.mkpath(File.dirname(file_path)) open(file_path, 'w') { |f| f << body } end end def self.write_all_to_disk! all(:conditions => {:deleted => false}).each { |v| v.write_file_to_disk } end def remove_file_from_disk if respond_to?(:file_path) && File.exists?(file_path) File.delete(file_path) end end def self.default_body "" end def set_publish_on_save self.publish_on_save = true end # Get the plural symbol for a particular resource. # i.e. Cms::PageTemplate -> :page_templates def self.resource_name resource_collection_name.pluralize end # Default implementation def self.resource_collection_name model_name.underscore end # So that route lookup works for these resources. # See PathHelper#cms_index_path_for def self.engine "cms" end end end