= Treasure Data logging library for Rails == Getting Started Add the following line to your Gemfile: gem 'td-logger' For Rails 2.x (not tested) without Bundler, edit +environment.rb+ and add to the initalizer block: config.gem "td-logger" And then add +config/treasure_data.yml+ file as following: # logging to Treasure Data directly development: apikey: "YOUR_API_KEY" database: myapp access_log_table: access auto_create_table: true # logging via td-agent (fluent) production: agent: "localhost:24224" tag: td.myapp access_log_table: access # disable logging test: === Logging access logs Following information will be logged automatically: * controller name ('controller' column) * action name ('action' column) * remote host ip address ('remote_addr' column) * http status code ('status' column) * http referer ('refer' column) To add information to the log, call 'td_access_log' method in a Controller: class YourController < ApplicationController def myaction td_access_log[:column] = "value" end end Or call 'TreasureData.access_log' method outside of a Controller: class MyHelperModule def mymethod TreasureData.access_log[:column] = "value" end end === Logging model changes Add 'td_enable_model_tracer' line to your Model class: class MyModel < ActiveRecord::Base td_enable_model_tracer :mytable end It logs all columns when the model is changed. Use :only option to limit columns to log: class MyModel < ActiveRecord::Base td_enable_model_tracer :mytable, :only => [:id, :mycol] end Alternatively, use :except option to except columns to log: class MyModel < ActiveRecord::Base td_enable_model_tracer :mytable, :except => [:created_at] end Add 'static' option to add constant key-value pairs: class MyModel < ActiveRecord::Base td_enable_model_tracer :mytable, :except => [:created_at], :static => {'model'=>'my'} end === Logging other logs You can log anytime using 'TreasureData.log' method: class MyClass def mymethod TreasureData.log('mytable', {:col1=>"val1", :col2=>"val2"} end end == Copyright Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2011 Treasure Data Inc. License:: Apache License, Version 2.0