# i18n-tasks [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/glebm/i18n-tasks.png?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/glebm/i18n-tasks) [![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/glebm/i18n-tasks/badge.png?branch=master)](https://coveralls.io/r/glebm/i18n-tasks?branch=master) [![Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/github/glebm/i18n-tasks.png)](https://codeclimate.com/github/glebm/i18n-tasks)
Tasks to manage translations in ruby applications using I18n.
![i18n-screenshot](https://raw.github.com/glebm/i18n-tasks/master/doc/img/i18n-tasks.gif "i18n-tasks output screenshot")
## Usage
Use `rake -T i18n` to get the list of tasks with descriptions. These are [the tasks](/lib/tasks/i18n-tasks.rake) available:
There are reports for missing and unused translations:
rake i18n:missing
rake i18n:unused
You can also export missing and unused data to XLSX though there is no importer yet:
rake i18n:spreadsheet_report
To remove unused translations run:
rake i18n:remove_unused # this will print the unused report and ask for confirmation before deleting keys
i18n-tasks can add missing keys to the locale data, and it can also fill untranslated values.
To add the keys that are not in the base locale but detected in the source do:
# add missing keys to the base locale data (I18n.default_locale)
# values set to key.humanize
rake i18n:add_missing
# or set all values to the task argument
rake i18n:add_missing[OhNoesMissing]
Prefill empty translations using Google Translate ([more below on the API key](#translation-config)).
rake i18n:fill:google_translate
# this task and the ones below can also accept specific locales:
rake i18n:fill:google_translate[es+de]
Prefill using values from the base locale - `I8n.default_locale`:
rake i18n:fill:base_value
i18n-tasks sorts the keys and writes them to their respective files:
# this happens automatically on any i18n:fill:* task
rake i18n:normalize
`i18n:unused` will detect pattern translations and not report them, e.g.:
t 'category.' + category.key # 'category.arts_and_crafts' considered used
t "category.#{category.key}" # also works
Relative keys (`t '.title'`) and plural keys (key.one/many/other/etc) are fully supported.
For more examples see [the tests](/spec/i18n_tasks_spec.rb).
## Installation
Simply add to Gemfile:
gem 'i18n-tasks', '~> 0.2.10'
If not using Rails, require the tasks in Rakefile:
# Rakefile
load 'tasks/i18n-tasks.rake'
## Configuration
Configuration is read from `config/i18n-tasks.yml` or `config/i18n-tasks.yml.erb`.
By default, `i18n-tasks` will work with `I18n.default_locale` and `I18n.available_locales`, but you can override this:
# config/i18n-tasks.yml
base_locale: en
locales: [es, fr]
### Storage
# i18n data storage
# The default YAML adapter supports reading from and writing to YAML files
adapter: yaml
# a list of file globs to read from per-locale
# this one is default:
- 'config/locales/%{locale}.yml'
# add this one to also read from namespaced files, e.g. simple_form.en.yml:
- 'config/locales/*.%{locale}.yml'
# a list of {key pattern => file} routes, matched top to bottom
# this would save all devise keys in it's own file (per locale):
- ['devise.*', 'config/locales/devise.%{locale}.yml']
# this is the default catch-all:
- 'config/locales/%{locale}.yml' # path is short for ['*', path]
Key matching syntax:
| syntax | description |
| `*` | matches everything |
| `:` | matches a single key |
| `{a, b.c}` | match any in set, can use `:` and `*`, match is captured |
# store sorcery and simple_form keys in the respective files:
- ['{sorcery,simple_form}.*', 'config/locales/\\1.%{locale}.yml']
# write every namespace to its own file:
- ['{:}.*', 'config/locales/\1.%{locale}.yml']
### Usage search
# i18n usage search in source
# search these directories (relative to your Rails.root directory, default: 'app/')
- 'app/'
- 'vendor/'
# include only files matching this glob pattern (default: blank = include all files)
- '*.rb'
- '*.html.*'
- '*.text.*'
# explicitly exclude files (default: blank = exclude no files)
- '*.js'
# you can override the default key regex pattern:
pattern: "\\bt[( ]\\s*(:?\".+?\"|:?'.+?'|:\\w+)"
To configure paths for relative key resolution:
# directories containing relative keys
# default:
- app/views
# add a custom one:
- app/views-mobile
### Fine-tuning
Tasks may incorrectly report framework i18n keys as missing, also some patterns may not be detected.
When all else fails, use the options below.
# do not report these keys as unused
- category.*.db_name
# do not report these keys as missing (both on blank value and no key)
- devise.errors.unauthorized # ignore this key
- pagination.views.* # ignore the whole pattern
# E.g to ignore all Rails number / currency keys:
- 'number.{format, percentage.format, precision.format, human.format, currency.format}.{strip_insignificant_zeros,significant,delimiter}'
- 'time.{pm,am}'
# do not report these keys when they have the same value as the base locale version
- common.ok
- common.brand
# do not report these keys ever
- kaminari.*
### Google Translate
`rake i18n:fill:google_translate` requires a Google Translate API key, get it at [Google API Console](https://code.google.com/apis/console).
Put the key in `GOOGLE_TRANSLATE_API_KEY` environment variable or in the config file.
## RSpec integration
You might want to test for missing and unused translations as part of your test suite.
This is how you can do it with rspec:
# spec_helper.rb
require 'i18n/tasks'
require 'i18n/tasks/base_task'
# spec/locales_spec.rb
require 'spec_helper'
describe 'translations' do
let(:i18n) { I18n::Tasks::BaseTask.new }
it 'are all used' do
i18n.unused_keys.should have(0).keys
it 'are all present' do
i18n.untranslated_keys.should have(0).keys
## HTML report
While i18n-tasks does not provide an HTML version of the report, it's easy to roll your own, see [the example](https://gist.github.com/glebm/6887030).
This was originally developed for [Zuigo](http://zuigo.com/), a platform to organize and discover events.
[MIT license](/LICENSE.txt)
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