require 'logger' require 'ox' require 'oj' require 'rest-client' # Gmaps geocoding module module GmapsGeocoding # Google Maps Geocoding Service abstraction class # # @example # opts = {address: 'Tour Eiffel, Paris, IDF, France', output: 'json'} # api = # class Api attr_reader :config def initialize(opts = {}) @logger = opts.delete(:logger) unless @logger @logger = do |l| l.progname = 'gmaps_geocoding'.freeze l.level = $DEBUG ? Logger::DEBUG : Logger::INFO end end @config = Oj.default_options = Oj.default_options.merge(bigdecimal_load: :float, float_precision: 7) end # Return a Ruby Hash object of the Google Maps Geocoding Service response # # { Google Maps Geocoding Service documentation}. # # @example # # json output example # opts = {address: 'Tour Eiffel, Paris, IDF, France', output: 'json'} # api = # result = api.location # # xml output example # opts = {address: 'Tour Eiffel, Paris, IDF, France', output: 'xml'} # api = # result = api.location # def location if @config.valid? rest_client = retrieve_geocoding_data case @config.json_format? when true json_to_hash(rest_client) else xml_to_hash(rest_client) end else fail 'Invalid configuration parameters check the Google Geocoding API documentation'.freeze end rescue => e @logger.error e nil end # Get the best latlng for an address based on Google Maps Geocoder "location_type" # # location_type stores additional data about the specified location. The following values are currently supported: # google.maps.GeocoderLocationType.ROOFTOP indicates that the returned result reflects a precise geocode. # google.maps.GeocoderLocationType.RANGE_INTERPOLATED indicates that the returned result reflects an approximation (usually on a road) interpolated between two precise points (such as intersections). Interpolated results are generally returned when rooftop geocodes are unavailable for a street address. # google.maps.GeocoderLocationType.GEOMETRIC_CENTER indicates that the returned result is the geometric center of a result such as a polyline (for example, a street) or polygon (region). # google.maps.GeocoderLocationType.APPROXIMATE indicates that the returned result is approximate. # # @example # # json output example # opts = {address: 'Tour Eiffel, Paris, IDF, France', output: 'json'} # api = # data = api.location # if data.include?('status') && data['status'].eql?('OK') # or more simple : if data.include?('results') # return finest_latlng(data['results']) # output : [2.291018, 48.857269] # end # # @param data [Array] The json#results or xml#result array from {#location} method # @return [Array] array contains latitude and longitude of the location # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize def finest_latlng(data) result = retrieve_finest_location(data) return [result['ROOFTOP'][:lng], result['ROOFTOP'][:lat]] if result.include?('ROOFTOP'.freeze) return [result['RANGE_INTERPOLATED'][:lng], result['RANGE_INTERPOLATED'][:lat]] if result.include?('RANGE_INTERPOLATED'.freeze) return [result['GEOMETRIC_CENTER'][:lng], result['GEOMETRIC_CENTER'][:lat]] if result.include?('GEOMETRIC_CENTER'.freeze) [result['APPROXIMATE'][:lng], result['APPROXIMATE'][:lat]] rescue [0.0, 0.0].freeze end # rubocop:enable Metrics/AbcSize private def retrieve_finest_location(data) result = {} tmp_data = data tmp_data = [tmp_data] unless tmp_data.is_a?(Array) tmp_data.each do |d| result["#{d['geometry']['location_type']}"] = { lng: d['geometry']['location']['lng'].to_f, lat: d['geometry']['location']['lat'].to_f } end result end def build_url_query query_params = {} VALID_QUERY_PARAMS.each do |k| val = @config.send(k) query_params[k] = val if val end { url: "#{@config.url}/#{@config.output}", params: query_params }.freeze end def retrieve_geocoding_data data = build_url_query RestClient.get data[:url], params: data[:params] end def json_to_hash(json_str) Oj.load(json_str) end def xml_to_hash(xml_str) xml = Ox.parse(xml_str) r = xml_node_to_ruby(xml) if r.include?('GeocodeResponse'.freeze) r['GeocodeResponse'] else { status: 'UNKNOWN_ERROR'.freeze } end end # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize # rubocop:disable Metrics/PerceivedComplexity # rubocop:disable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity def xml_node_to_ruby(ox) return unless ox.respond_to?(:nodes) result = {} ox.nodes.each do |d| next unless d.respond_to?(:nodes) if d.nodes[0].is_a?(Ox::Element) if result.include?(d.value) unless result[d.value].is_a?(Array) result[d.value] = [result[d.value]] end result[d.value] << xml_node_to_ruby(d) else result[d.value] = xml_node_to_ruby(d) end else if result.include?(d.value) unless result[d.value].is_a?(Array) result[d.value] = [result[d.value]] end result[d.value] << d.nodes[0] else result[d.value] = d.nodes[0] end end end result end # rubocop:enable Metrics/AbcSize # rubocop:enable Metrics/PerceivedComplexity # rubocop:enable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity end end