namespace :spec do desc 'add attribute comments to model spec' task attributes: :environment do |t, args| raise 'No Model Given' unless ARGV[1].present? model_name = ARGV[1] root_path = '' if model_name =~ /better\_?record/i root_path = BetterRecord::Engine.root else root_path = Rails.root end file_path = root_path.join('spec', 'models', "#{model_name.underscore}_spec.rb") if File.exists?(file_path) file = model = model_name.constantize attr_line_regex = /([ ]+describe \'Attributes\' do\n)/ s_idx = (file =~ attr_line_regex) if s_idx e_idx = file.index(/describe/, s_idx) - 1 prefix = "#{file[s_idx..e_idx]} " existance_regex = /[ ]+# run \`rails spec:attributes .*?\` to replace this line\n/ if file =~ existance_regex file.sub!(existance_regex, model.column_comments(prefix)) else attributes = model.column_comments.split("\n") attributes.each do |attribute| file.sub!(/[ ]*?#{Regexp.escape(attribute)}[ ]*?\n/, '') end file.sub!(attr_line_regex, "\\0#{model.column_comments(prefix)}") end, 'w') {|f| f.puts file} else puts 'Attributes section not found' end else puts "#{file_path} not found" end task ARGV[1].to_sym do ; end end end