module KingForm module Helper # renders a form with the # KingForm::Builder::DefinitionList # It allows to devide the form into sections(fieldsets) where each contains # a definition list with dl/dd blocks for each label/field # # Read on to find out more about the available tags/fieldtypes # # === Example haml # -dl_form_for(:client, :url => object_url, :html => { :method => :put }) do |f| # - f.section 'Client Details' do # = f.text :number # - f.bundle 'Gender/Title' do # = f.selection :gender # = f.text :title, :class => 'medium' # = f.text :position # = f.text :last_name # = :birthday # # =>
# Client Details #
# .... #
# def dl_form_for(record_or_name_or_array, *args, &proc) options = args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.pop : {} options[:builder] = KingForm::Builder::DefinitionList form_for(record_or_name_or_array, *(args << options), &proc) end def dl_fields_for(record_or_name_or_array, *args, &block) options = args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.pop : {} options[:builder] = KingForm::Builder::DefinitionList fields_for(record_or_name_or_array, *(args << options), &block) end # renders a form with the KingForm::Builder::Labeled # It allows to devide the form into sections(fieldsets) where each contains # a definition list with dl/dd blocks for each label/field # # Read on to find out more about the avalable tags/fieldtypes # # === Example haml # -labeled_form_for(:client, :url => object_url, :html => { :method => :put }) do |f| # - f.section 'Client Details' do # = f.text :number # - f.bundle 'Gender/Title' do # = f.text :gender # = f.text :title, :class => 'medium' # # =>
# Client Details #
# # #
# # # #
# def labeled_form_for(record_or_name_or_array, *args, &proc) options = args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.pop : {} options[:builder] = KingForm::Builder::Labeled form_for(record_or_name_or_array, *(args << options), &proc) end def labeled_fields_for(record_or_name_or_array, *args, &block) options = args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.pop : {} options[:builder] = KingForm::Builder::Labeled fields_for(record_or_name_or_array, *(args << options), &block) end # Returns an array for a given settings which has comma-seperated values. # In the view those are used for select boxes # Accepts an optional block to change the array elements def make_select(values, &block) return nil unless values raise ArgumentError unless values.class == String result = [] values.split(',').each do |s| s.strip! s = yield(s) if block_given? result.push(s) end result end end end