# The Later plugin allows you to send messages/commands to robut based on # a time delay. Like so: # # @robut in 5 minutes lunch? # @robut in 1 hr echo @justin wake up! # # @robut will respond effectively the same as he would if someone had told # him "lunch?" 5 minutes from now. In the case of the Lunch plugin, he # would repond with a lunch suggestion. The Later plugin works with all other # plugins as you follow this syntax: # # @robut in [command] # # Where command is the message you want to send to @robut in the future. For # the time denominations it also recognizes minute, minutes, hour, hours, # second, seconds. # class Robut::Plugin::Later include Robut::Plugin # Returns a description of how to use this plugin def usage "#{at_nick} in - sends to #{nick} after the specified interval" end # Passes +message+ back through the plugin chain if we've been given # a time to execute it later. def handle(time, sender_nick, message) if sent_to_me?(message) phrase = words(message).join(' ') if phrase =~ timer_regex count = $1.to_i scale = $2 future_message = at_nick + ' ' + $3 sleep_time = count * scale_multiplier(scale) if sleep_time >= 21_600 reply "Too far into the future--ain't no body got (timeforthat)" return end reply("Ok, see you in #{count} #{scale}") connection = self.connection threader do sleep sleep_time fake_message(Time.now, sender_nick, future_message) end return true end end end private # A regex that detects a time. def timer_regex /in (.*) (sec|secs|second|seconds|min|mins|minute|minutes|hr|hrs|hour|hours) (.*)$/ end # Takes a time scale (secs, mins, hours, etc.) and returns the # factor to convert it into seconds. def scale_multiplier(time_scale) case time_scale when /sec(s|ond|onds)?/ 1 when /min(s|ute|utes)?/ 60 when /(hr|hrs|hour|hours)/ 60 * 60 end end # Asynchronously runs the given block. def threader Thread.new do yield end end end