<%- def extract_attributes(schema, properties) attributes = [] properties = properties.sort_by {|k,v| k} # ensure consistent ordering properties.each do |key, value| # found a reference to another element: _, value = schema.dereference(value) if value.has_key?('anyOf') descriptions = [] examples = [] # sort anyOf! always show unique identifier first anyof = value['anyOf'].sort_by do |property| property['$ref'].split('/').last.gsub('id', 'a') end anyof.each do |ref| _, nested_field = schema.dereference(ref) descriptions << nested_field['description'] examples << nested_field['example'] end # avoid repetition :} description = if descriptions.size > 1 descriptions.first.gsub!(/ of (this )?.*/, "") descriptions[1..-1].map { |d| d.gsub!(/unique /, "") } [descriptions[0...-1].join(", "), descriptions.last].join(" or ") else description = descriptions.last end example = [*examples].map { |e| "#{e.to_json}" }.join(" or ") attributes << [key, "string", description, example] # found a nested object elsif value['type'] == ['object'] && value['properties'] nested = extract_attributes(schema, value['properties']) nested.each do |attribute| attribute[0] = "#{key}:#{attribute[0]}" end attributes.concat(nested) # found an array with nested objects elsif value['type'] == ['array'] && value['items'] && value['items']['properties'] nested = extract_attributes(schema, value['items']['properties']) nested.each do |attribute| attribute[0] = "#{key}/#{attribute[0]}" end attributes.concat(nested) # just a regular attribute else description = value['description'] if value['default'] description += "
default: #{value['default'].to_json}" end if value['enum'] description += '
one of:' + [*value['enum']].map { |e| "#{e.to_json}" }.join(" or ") end if value.has_key?('example') example = if value['example'].is_a?(Hash) && value['example'].has_key?('oneOf') value['example']['oneOf'].map { |e| "#{e.to_json}" }.join(" or ") else "#{value['example'].to_json}" end elsif value['type'] == ['array'] && value.has_key?('items') example = "#{schema.schema_value_example(value)}" end type = if value['type'].include?('null') 'nullable ' else '' end type += (value['format'] || (value['type'] - ['null']).first) attributes << [key, type, description, example] end end return attributes end def build_link_path(schema, link) link['href'].gsub(%r|(\{\([^\)]+\)\})|) do |ref| ref = ref.gsub('%2F', '/').gsub('%23', '#').gsub(%r|[\{\(\)\}]|, '') ref_resource = ref.split('#/definitions/').last.split('/').first.gsub('-','_') identity_key, identity_value = schema.dereference(ref) if identity_value.has_key?('anyOf') '{' + ref_resource + '_' + identity_value['anyOf'].map {|r| r['$ref'].split('/').last}.join('_or_') + '}' else '{' + ref_resource + '_' + identity_key.split('/').last + '}' end end end %>