;;; Sandboxed evaluation of Scheme code ;;; Copyright (C) 2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ;;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public ;;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either ;;;; version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ;;;; ;;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;;;; Lesser General Public License for more details. ;;;; ;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ;;;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software ;;;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ;;; Commentary: ;;; ;;; Code: (define-module (ice-9 sandbox) #:use-module (ice-9 control) #:use-module (ice-9 match) #:use-module ((ice-9 threads) #:select (current-thread)) #:use-module (system vm vm) #:export (call-with-time-limit call-with-allocation-limit call-with-time-and-allocation-limits eval-in-sandbox make-sandbox-module alist-bindings array-bindings bit-bindings bitvector-bindings char-bindings char-set-bindings clock-bindings core-bindings error-bindings fluid-bindings hash-bindings iteration-bindings keyword-bindings list-bindings macro-bindings nil-bindings number-bindings pair-bindings predicate-bindings procedure-bindings promise-bindings prompt-bindings regexp-bindings sort-bindings srfi-4-bindings string-bindings symbol-bindings unspecified-bindings variable-bindings vector-bindings version-bindings mutating-alist-bindings mutating-array-bindings mutating-bitvector-bindings mutating-fluid-bindings mutating-hash-bindings mutating-list-bindings mutating-pair-bindings mutating-sort-bindings mutating-srfi-4-bindings mutating-string-bindings mutating-variable-bindings mutating-vector-bindings all-pure-bindings all-pure-and-impure-bindings)) (define (call-with-time-limit limit thunk limit-reached) "Call @var{thunk}, but cancel it if @var{limit} seconds of wall-clock time have elapsed. If the computation is cancelled, call @var{limit-reached} in tail position. @var{thunk} must not disable interrupts or prevent an abort via a @code{dynamic-wind} unwind handler." ;; FIXME: use separate thread instead of sigalrm. If rounded limit is ;; <= 0, make it 1 usec to signal immediately. (let ((limit-usecs (max (inexact->exact (round (* limit 1e6))) 1)) (prev-sigalarm-handler #f) (tag (make-prompt-tag))) (call-with-prompt tag (lambda () (dynamic-wind (lambda () (set! prev-sigalarm-handler (sigaction SIGALRM (lambda (sig) ;; If signal handling is delayed ;; until after prompt, no worries; ;; the success path won the race. (false-if-exception (abort-to-prompt tag))))) (setitimer ITIMER_REAL 0 0 0 limit-usecs)) thunk (lambda () (setitimer ITIMER_REAL 0 0 0 0) (match prev-sigalarm-handler ((handler . flags) (sigaction SIGALRM handler flags)))))) (lambda (k) (limit-reached))))) (define (call-with-allocation-limit limit thunk limit-reached) "Call @var{thunk}, but cancel it if @var{limit} bytes have been allocated. If the computation is cancelled, call @var{limit-reached} in tail position. @var{thunk} must not disable interrupts or prevent an abort via a @code{dynamic-wind} unwind handler. This limit applies to both stack and heap allocation. The computation will not be aborted before @var{limit} bytes have been allocated, but for the heap allocation limit, the check may be postponed until the next garbage collection. Note that as a current shortcoming, the heap size limit applies to all threads; concurrent allocation by other unrelated threads counts towards the allocation limit." (define (bytes-allocated) (assq-ref (gc-stats) 'heap-total-allocated)) (let ((zero (bytes-allocated)) (tag (make-prompt-tag)) (thread (current-thread))) (define (check-allocation) (when (< limit (- (bytes-allocated) zero)) (system-async-mark (lambda () (false-if-exception (abort-to-prompt tag))) thread))) (call-with-prompt tag (lambda () (dynamic-wind (lambda () (add-hook! after-gc-hook check-allocation)) (lambda () (call-with-stack-overflow-handler ;; The limit is in "words", which used to be 4 or 8 but now ;; is always 8 bytes. (max (floor/ limit 8) 1) thunk (lambda () (abort-to-prompt tag)))) (lambda () (remove-hook! after-gc-hook check-allocation)))) (lambda (k) (limit-reached))))) (define (call-with-time-and-allocation-limits time-limit allocation-limit thunk) "Invoke @var{thunk} in a dynamic extent in which its execution is limited to @var{time-limit} seconds of wall-clock time, and its allocation to @var{allocation-limit} bytes. @var{thunk} must not disable interrupts or prevent an abort via a @code{dynamic-wind} unwind handler. If successful, return all values produced by invoking @var{thunk}. Any uncaught exception thrown by the thunk will propagate out. If the time or allocation limit is exceeded, an exception will be thrown to the @code{limit-exceeded} key." (call-with-time-limit time-limit (lambda () (call-with-allocation-limit allocation-limit thunk (lambda () (scm-error 'limit-exceeded "with-resource-limits" "Allocation limit exceeded" '() #f)))) (lambda () (scm-error 'limit-exceeded "with-resource-limits" "Time limit exceeded" '() #f)))) (define (sever-module! m) "Remove @var{m} from its container module." (match (module-name m) ((head ... tail) (let ((parent (resolve-module head #f))) (unless (eq? m (module-ref-submodule parent tail)) (error "can't sever module?")) (hashq-remove! (module-submodules parent) tail))))) ;; bindings := module-binding-list ... ;; module-binding-list := interface-name import ... ;; import := name | (exported-name . imported-name) ;; name := symbol (define (make-sandbox-module bindings) "Return a fresh module that only contains @var{bindings}. The @var{bindings} should be given as a list of import sets. One import set is a list whose car names an interface, like @code{(ice-9 q)}, and whose cdr is a list of imports. An import is either a bare symbol or a pair of @code{(@var{out} . @var{in})}, where @var{out} and @var{in} are both symbols and denote the name under which a binding is exported from the module, and the name under which to make the binding available, respectively." (let ((m (make-fresh-user-module))) (purify-module! m) (module-use-interfaces! m (map (match-lambda ((mod-name . bindings) (resolve-interface mod-name #:select bindings))) bindings)) m)) (define* (eval-in-sandbox exp #:key (time-limit 0.1) (allocation-limit #e10e6) (bindings all-pure-bindings) (module (make-sandbox-module bindings)) (sever-module? #t)) "Evaluate the Scheme expression @var{exp} within an isolated \"sandbox\". Limit its execution to @var{time-limit} seconds of wall-clock time, and limit its allocation to @var{allocation-limit} bytes. The evaluation will occur in @var{module}, which defaults to the result of calling @code{make-sandbox-module} on @var{bindings}, which itself defaults to @code{all-pure-bindings}. This is the core of the sandbox: creating a scope for the expression that is @dfn{safe}. A safe sandbox module has two characteristics. Firstly, it will not allow the expression being evaluated to avoid being cancelled due to time or allocation limits. This ensures that the expression terminates in a timely fashion. Secondly, a safe sandbox module will prevent the evaluation from receiving information from previous evaluations, or from affecting future evaluations. All combinations of binding sets exported by @code{(ice-9 sandbox)} form safe sandbox modules. The @var{bindings} should be given as a list of import sets. One import set is a list whose car names an interface, like @code{(ice-9 q)}, and whose cdr is a list of imports. An import is either a bare symbol or a pair of @code{(@var{out} . @var{in})}, where @var{out} and @var{in} are both symbols and denote the name under which a binding is exported from the module, and the name under which to make the binding available, respectively. Note that @var{bindings} is only used as an input to the default initializer for the @var{module} argument; if you pass @code{#:module}, @var{bindings} is unused. If @var{sever-module?} is true (the default), the module will be unlinked from the global module tree after the evaluation returns, to allow @var{mod} to be garbage-collected. If successful, return all values produced by @var{exp}. Any uncaught exception thrown by the expression will propagate out. If the time or allocation limit is exceeded, an exception will be thrown to the @code{limit-exceeded} key." (dynamic-wind (lambda () #t) (lambda () (call-with-time-and-allocation-limits time-limit allocation-limit (lambda () ;; Prevent the expression from forging syntax objects. See "Syntax ;; Transformer Helpers" in the manual. (parameterize ((allow-legacy-syntax-objects? #f)) (eval exp module))))) (lambda () (when sever-module? (sever-module! module))))) ;; An evaluation-sandboxing facility is safe if: ;; ;; (1) every evaluation will terminate in a timely manner ;; ;; (2) no evaluation can affect future evaluations ;; ;; For (1), we impose a user-controllable time limit on the evaluation, ;; in wall-clock time. When that limit is reached, Guile schedules an ;; asynchronous interrupt in the sandbox that aborts the computation. ;; For this to work, the sandboxed evaluation must not disable ;; interrupts, and it must not prevent timely aborts via malicious "out" ;; guards in dynamic-wind thunks. ;; ;; The sandbox also has an allocation limit that uses a similar cancel ;; mechanism, but this limit is less precise as it only runs at ;; garbage-collection time. ;; ;; The sandbox sets the allocation limit as the stack limit as well. ;; ;; For (2), the only way an evaluation can affect future evaluations is ;; if it causes a side-effect outside its sandbox. That side effect ;; could change the way the host or future sandboxed evaluations ;; operate, or it could leak information to future evaluations. ;; ;; One means of information leakage would be the file system. Although ;; one can imagine "safe" ways to access a file system, in practice we ;; just prevent all access to this and other operating system facilities ;; by not exposing the Guile primitives that access the file system, ;; connect to networking hosts, etc. If we chose our set of bindings ;; correctly and it is impossible to access host values other than those ;; given to the evaluation, then we have succeeded in granting only a ;; limited set of capabilities to the guest. ;; ;; To prevent information leakage we also limit other information about ;; the host, like its hostname or the Guile build information. ;; ;; The guest must also not have the capability to mutate a location used ;; by the host or by future sandboxed evaluations. Either you expose no ;; primitives to the evaluation that can mutate locations, or you expose ;; no mutable locations. In this sandbox we opt for a combination of ;; the two, though the selection of bindings is up to the user. "set!" ;; is always excluded, as Guile doesn't have a nice way to prevent set! ;; on imported bindings. But variable-set! is included, as no set of ;; bindings from this module includes a variable or a capability to a ;; variable. It's possible though to build sandbox modules with no ;; mutating primitives. As far as we know, all possible combinations of ;; the binding sets listed below are safe. ;; (define core-bindings '(((guile) and begin apply call-with-values values case case-lambda case-lambda* cond define define* define-values do if lambda lambda* let let* letrec letrec* or quasiquote quote ;; Can't allow mutation to globals. ;; set! unless unquote unquote-splicing when while λ))) (define macro-bindings '(((guile) bound-identifier=? ;; Although these have "current" in their name, they are lexically ;; scoped, not dynamically scoped. current-filename current-source-location datum->syntax define-macro define-syntax define-syntax-parameter define-syntax-rule defmacro free-identifier=? generate-temporaries gensym identifier-syntax identifier? let-syntax letrec-syntax macroexpand macroexpanded? quasisyntax start-stack syntax syntax->datum syntax-case syntax-error syntax-parameterize syntax-rules syntax-source syntax-violation unsyntax unsyntax-splicing with-ellipsis with-syntax make-variable-transformer))) (define iteration-bindings '(((guile) compose for-each identity iota map map-in-order const noop))) (define clock-bindings '(((guile) get-internal-real-time internal-time-units-per-second sleep usleep))) (define procedure-bindings '(((guile) procedure-documentation procedure-minimum-arity procedure-name procedure? thunk?))) (define version-bindings '(((guile) effective-version major-version micro-version minor-version version version-matches?))) (define nil-bindings '(((guile) nil?))) (define unspecified-bindings '(((guile) unspecified? *unspecified*))) (define predicate-bindings '(((guile) ->bool and-map and=> boolean? eq? equal? eqv? negate not or-map))) ;; The current ports (current-input-port et al) are dynamically scoped, ;; which is a footgun from a sandboxing perspective. It's too easy for ;; a procedure that is the result of a sandboxed evaluation to be later ;; invoked in a different context and thereby be implicitly granted ;; capabilities to whatever port is then current. This is compounded by ;; the fact that most Scheme i/o primitives allow the port to be omitted ;; and thereby default to whatever's current. For now, sadly, we avoid ;; exposing any i/o primitive to the sandbox. #; (define i/o-bindings '(((guile) display eof-object? force-output format make-soft-port newline read simple-format write write-char) ((ice-9 ports) %make-void-port char-ready? ;; Note that these are mutable parameters. current-error-port current-input-port current-output-port current-warning-port drain-input eof-object? file-position force-output ftell input-port? output-port? peek-char port-closed? port-column port-conversion-strategy port-encoding port-filename port-line port-mode port? read-char the-eof-object ;; We don't provide open-output-string because it needs ;; get-output-string, and get-output-string provides a generic ;; capability on any output string port. For consistency then we ;; don't provide open-input-string either; call-with-input-string ;; is sufficient. call-with-input-string call-with-output-string with-error-to-port with-error-to-string with-input-from-port with-input-from-string with-output-to-port with-output-to-string))) ;; If two evaluations are called with the same input port, unread-char ;; and unread-string can use a port as a mutable channel to pass ;; information from one to the other. #; (define mutating-i/o-bindings '(((guile) set-port-encoding!) ((ice-9 ports) close-input-port close-output-port close-port file-set-position seek set-port-column! set-port-conversion-strategy! set-port-encoding! set-port-filename! set-port-line! setvbuf unread-char unread-string))) (define error-bindings '(((guile) error throw with-throw-handler catch ;; false-if-exception can cause i/o if the #:warning arg is passed. ;; false-if-exception ;; See notes on i/o-bindings. ;; peek ;; pk ;; print-exception ;; warn strerror scm-error ))) ;; FIXME: Currently we can't expose anything that works on the current ;; module to the sandbox. It could be that the sandboxed evaluation ;; returns a procedure, and that procedure may later be invoked in a ;; different context with a different current-module and it is unlikely ;; that the later caller will consider themselves as granting a ;; capability on whatever module is then current. Likewise export (and ;; by extension, define-public and the like) also operate on the current ;; module. ;; ;; It could be that we could expose a statically scoped eval to the ;; sandbox. #; (define eval-bindings '(((guile) current-module module-name module? define-once define-private define-public defined? export defmacro-public ;; FIXME: single-arg eval? eval primitive-eval eval-string self-evaluating? ;; Can we? set-current-module))) (define sort-bindings '(((guile) sort sorted? stable-sort sort-list))) ;; These can only form part of a safe binding set if no mutable pair or ;; vector is exposed to the sandbox. (define mutating-sort-bindings '(((guile) sort! stable-sort! sort-list! restricted-vector-sort!))) (define regexp-bindings '(((guile) make-regexp regexp-exec regexp/basic regexp/extended regexp/icase regexp/newline regexp/notbol regexp/noteol regexp?))) (define alist-bindings '(((guile) acons assoc assoc-ref assq assq-ref assv assv-ref sloppy-assoc sloppy-assq sloppy-assv))) ;; These can only form part of a safe binding set if no mutable pair ;; is exposed to the sandbox. Unfortunately all charsets in Guile are ;; mutable, currently, including the built-in charsets, so we can't ;; expose these primitives. (define mutating-alist-bindings '(((guile) assoc-remove! assoc-set! assq-remove! assq-set! assv-remove! assv-set!))) (define number-bindings '(((guile) * + - / 1+ 1- < <= = > >= abs acos acosh angle asin asinh atan atanh ceiling ceiling-quotient ceiling-remainder ceiling/ centered-quotient centered-remainder centered/ complex? cos cosh denominator euclidean-quotient euclidean-remainder euclidean/ even? exact->inexact exact-integer-sqrt exact-integer? exact? exp expt finite? floor floor-quotient floor-remainder floor/ gcd imag-part inf inf? integer-expt integer-length integer? lcm log log10 magnitude make-polar make-rectangular max min modulo modulo-expt most-negative-fixnum most-positive-fixnum nan nan? negative? numerator odd? positive? quotient rational? rationalize real-part real? remainder round round-quotient round-remainder round/ sin sinh sqrt tan tanh truncate truncate-quotient truncate-remainder truncate/ zero? number? number->string string->number))) (define char-set-bindings '(((guile) ->char-set char-set char-set->list char-set->string char-set-adjoin char-set-any char-set-complement char-set-contains? char-set-copy char-set-count char-set-cursor char-set-cursor-next char-set-delete char-set-diff+intersection char-set-difference char-set-every char-set-filter char-set-fold char-set-for-each char-set-hash char-set-intersection char-set-map char-set-ref char-set-size char-set-unfold char-set-union char-set-xor char-set:ascii char-set:blank char-set:designated char-set:digit char-set:empty char-set:full char-set:graphic char-set:hex-digit char-set:iso-control char-set:letter char-set:letter+digit char-set:lower-case char-set:printing char-set:punctuation char-set:symbol char-set:title-case char-set:upper-case char-set:whitespace char-set<= char-set= char-set? end-of-char-set? list->char-set string->char-set ucs-range->char-set))) ;; These can only form part of a safe binding set if no mutable char-set ;; is exposed to the sandbox. Unfortunately all charsets in Guile are ;; mutable, currently, including the built-in charsets, so we can't ;; expose these primitives. #; (define mutating-char-set-bindings '(((guile) char-set-adjoin! char-set-complement! char-set-delete! char-set-diff+intersection! char-set-difference! char-set-filter! char-set-intersection! char-set-unfold! char-set-union! char-set-xor! list->char-set! string->char-set! ucs-range->char-set!))) (define array-bindings '(((guile) array->list array-cell-ref array-contents array-dimensions array-equal? array-for-each array-in-bounds? array-length array-rank array-ref array-shape array-slice array-slice-for-each array-slice-for-each-in-order array-type array-type-code array? list->array list->typed-array make-array make-shared-array make-typed-array shared-array-increments shared-array-offset shared-array-root transpose-array typed-array?))) ;; These can only form part of a safe binding set if no mutable vector, ;; bitvector, bytevector, srfi-4 vector, or array is exposed to the ;; sandbox. (define mutating-array-bindings '(((guile) array-cell-set! array-copy! array-copy-in-order! array-fill! array-index-map! array-map! array-map-in-order! array-set!))) (define hash-bindings '(((guile) doubly-weak-hash-table? hash hash-count hash-fold hash-for-each hash-for-each-handle hash-get-handle hash-map->list hash-ref hash-table? hashq hashq-get-handle hashq-ref hashv hashv-get-handle hashv-ref hashx-get-handle hashx-ref make-doubly-weak-hash-table make-hash-table make-weak-key-hash-table make-weak-value-hash-table weak-key-hash-table? weak-value-hash-table?))) ;; These can only form part of a safe binding set if no hash table is ;; exposed to the sandbox. (define mutating-hash-bindings '(((guile) hash-clear! hash-create-handle! hash-remove! hash-set! hashq-create-handle! hashq-remove! hashq-set! hashv-create-handle! hashv-remove! hashv-set! hashx-create-handle! hashx-remove! hashx-set!))) (define variable-bindings '(((guile) make-undefined-variable make-variable variable-bound? variable-ref variable?))) ;; These can only form part of a safe binding set if no mutable variable ;; is exposed to the sandbox; this applies particularly to variables ;; that are module bindings. (define mutating-variable-bindings '(((guile) variable-set! variable-unset!))) (define string-bindings '(((guile) absolute-file-name? file-name-separator-string file-name-separator? in-vicinity basename dirname list->string make-string object->string reverse-list->string string string->list string-any string-any-c-code string-append string-append/shared string-capitalize string-ci< string-ci<= string-ci<=? string-ci<> string-ci string-ci>= string-ci>=? string-ci>? string-compare string-compare-ci string-concatenate string-concatenate-reverse string-concatenate-reverse/shared string-concatenate/shared string-contains string-contains-ci string-copy string-count string-delete string-downcase string-drop string-drop-right string-every string-every-c-code string-filter string-fold string-fold-right string-for-each string-for-each-index string-hash string-hash-ci string-index string-index-right string-join string-length string-map string-normalize-nfc string-normalize-nfd string-normalize-nfkc string-normalize-nfkd string-null? string-pad string-pad-right string-prefix-ci? string-prefix-length string-prefix-length-ci string-prefix? string-ref string-replace string-reverse string-rindex string-skip string-skip-right string-split string-suffix-ci? string-suffix-length string-suffix-length-ci string-suffix? string-tabulate string-take string-take-right string-titlecase string-tokenize string-trim string-trim-both string-trim-right string-unfold string-unfold-right string-upcase string-utf8-length string< string<= string<=? string<> string string>= string>=? string>? string? substring substring/copy substring/read-only substring/shared xsubstring))) ;; These can only form part of a safe binding set if no mutable string ;; is exposed to the sandbox. (define mutating-string-bindings '(((guile) string-capitalize! string-copy! string-downcase! string-fill! string-map! string-reverse! string-set! string-titlecase! string-upcase! string-xcopy! substring-fill! substring-move!))) (define symbol-bindings '(((guile) string->symbol string-ci->symbol symbol->string list->symbol make-symbol symbol symbol-append symbol-hash symbol-interned? symbol?))) (define keyword-bindings '(((guile) keyword? keyword->symbol symbol->keyword))) ;; These can only form part of a safe binding set if no valid prompt tag ;; is ever exposed to the sandbox, or can be constructed by the sandbox. (define prompt-bindings '(((guile) abort-to-prompt abort-to-prompt* call-with-prompt make-prompt-tag))) (define bit-bindings '(((guile) ash round-ash logand logcount logior lognot logtest logxor logbit?))) (define bitvector-bindings '(((guile) bit-count bit-count* bit-extract bit-position bitvector bitvector->list bitvector-length bitvector-ref bitvector? list->bitvector make-bitvector))) ;; These can only form part of a safe binding set if no mutable ;; bitvector is exposed to the sandbox. (define mutating-bitvector-bindings '(((guile) bit-invert! bit-set*! bitvector-fill! bitvector-set!))) (define fluid-bindings '(((guile) fluid-bound? fluid-ref ;; fluid-ref* could escape the sandbox and is not allowed. fluid-thread-local? fluid? make-fluid make-thread-local-fluid make-unbound-fluid with-fluid* with-fluids with-fluids* make-parameter parameter? parameterize))) ;; These can only form part of a safe binding set if no fluid is ;; directly exposed to the sandbox. (define mutating-fluid-bindings '(((guile) fluid-set! fluid-unset! fluid->parameter))) (define char-bindings '(((guile) char-alphabetic? char-ci<=? char-ci=? char-ci>? char-downcase char-general-category char-is-both? char-lower-case? char-numeric? char-titlecase char-upcase char-upper-case? char-whitespace? char<=? char=? char>? char? char->integer integer->char))) (define list-bindings '(((guile) list list-cdr-ref list-copy list-head list-index list-ref list-tail list? null? make-list append delete delq delv filter length member memq memv merge reverse))) ;; These can only form part of a safe binding set if no mutable ;; pair is exposed to the sandbox. (define mutating-list-bindings '(((guile) list-cdr-set! list-set! append! delete! delete1! delq! delq1! delv! delv1! filter! merge! reverse!))) (define pair-bindings '(((guile) last-pair pair? caaaar caaadr caaar caadar caaddr caadr caar cadaar cadadr cadar caddar cadddr caddr cadr car cdaaar cdaadr cdaar cdadar cdaddr cdadr cdar cddaar cddadr cddar cdddar cddddr cdddr cddr cdr cons cons*))) ;; These can only form part of a safe binding set if no mutable ;; pair is exposed to the sandbox. (define mutating-pair-bindings '(((guile) set-car! set-cdr!))) (define vector-bindings '(((guile) list->vector make-vector vector vector->list vector-copy vector-length vector-ref vector?))) ;; These can only form part of a safe binding set if no mutable ;; vector is exposed to the sandbox. (define mutating-vector-bindings '(((guile) vector-fill! vector-move-left! vector-move-right! vector-set!))) (define promise-bindings '(((guile) force delay make-promise promise?))) (define srfi-4-bindings '(((srfi srfi-4) f32vector f32vector->list f32vector-length f32vector-ref f32vector? f64vector f64vector->list f64vector-length f64vector-ref f64vector? list->f32vector list->f64vector list->s16vector list->s32vector list->s64vector list->s8vector list->u16vector list->u32vector list->u64vector list->u8vector make-f32vector make-f64vector make-s16vector make-s32vector make-s64vector make-s8vector make-u16vector make-u32vector make-u64vector make-u8vector s16vector s16vector->list s16vector-length s16vector-ref s16vector? s32vector s32vector->list s32vector-length s32vector-ref s32vector? s64vector s64vector->list s64vector-length s64vector-ref s64vector? s8vector s8vector->list s8vector-length s8vector-ref s8vector? u16vector u16vector->list u16vector-length u16vector-ref u16vector? u32vector u32vector->list u32vector-length u32vector-ref u32vector? u64vector u64vector->list u64vector-length u64vector-ref u64vector? u8vector u8vector->list u8vector-length u8vector-ref u8vector?))) ;; These can only form part of a safe binding set if no mutable ;; bytevector is exposed to the sandbox. (define mutating-srfi-4-bindings '(((srfi srfi-4) f32vector-set! f64vector-set! s16vector-set! s32vector-set! s64vector-set! s8vector-set! u16vector-set! u32vector-set! u64vector-set! u8vector-set!))) (define all-pure-bindings (append alist-bindings array-bindings bit-bindings bitvector-bindings char-bindings char-set-bindings clock-bindings core-bindings error-bindings fluid-bindings hash-bindings iteration-bindings keyword-bindings list-bindings macro-bindings nil-bindings number-bindings pair-bindings predicate-bindings procedure-bindings promise-bindings prompt-bindings regexp-bindings sort-bindings srfi-4-bindings string-bindings symbol-bindings unspecified-bindings variable-bindings vector-bindings version-bindings)) (define all-pure-and-impure-bindings (append all-pure-bindings mutating-alist-bindings mutating-array-bindings mutating-bitvector-bindings mutating-fluid-bindings mutating-hash-bindings mutating-list-bindings mutating-pair-bindings mutating-sort-bindings mutating-srfi-4-bindings mutating-string-bindings mutating-variable-bindings mutating-vector-bindings))