'use strict'; # TODO require formatters through aura instead of directly loding a module define 'aura/extensions/rivets', ['aura/extensions/rivets/formatters'], (formatters) -> extend = null with_component = 'mikeric~rivets@v0.5.12' rivets = require with_component Rivets = rivets._ with_component = 'indefinido~observable@es6-modules/lib/adapters/rivets.js' observable_configuration = require with_component with_component = 'segmentio~extend@1.0.0' extend = require with_component extend rivets.formatters, formatters rivets.configure observable_configuration rivets.configure prefix: '' templateDelimiters: ['{{', '}}'] # Create Node Types list for legacy browsers # # TODO externalize this to a shims file and pehaps put it on # platform extension try throw true if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE != 1) catch e window.Node = document.Node = ELEMENT_NODE : 1 ATTRIBUTE_NODE : 2 TEXT_NODE : 3 CDATA_SECTION_NODE : 4 ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE : 5 ENTITY_NODE : 6 # TOOD move rivets view to another file # Custom rivets view because we don't want to prefix attributes # Rivets.View # ----------- # A collection of bindings built from a set of parent nodes. class Rivets.View # The DOM elements and the model objects for binding are passed into the # constructor along with any local options that should be used throughout the # context of the view and it's bindings. constructor: (@els, @models, @options = {}) -> @els = [@els] unless (@els.jquery || @els instanceof Array) for option in ['config', 'binders', 'formatters'] @[option] = {} @[option][k] = v for k, v of @options[option] if @options[option] @[option][k] ?= v for k, v of Rivets[option] @build() # Regular expression used to match binding attributes. bindingRegExp: => prefix = @config.prefix if prefix then new RegExp("^data-#{prefix}-") else /^data-/ # Regular expression used to match component nodes. componentRegExp: => new RegExp "^#{@config.prefix?.toUpperCase() ? 'RV'}-" # Parses the DOM tree and builds `Rivets.Binding` instances for every matched # binding declaration. build: => @bindings = [] skipNodes = [] bindingRegExp = @bindingRegExp() componentRegExp = @componentRegExp() buildBinding = (binding, node, type, declaration) => options = {} pipes = (pipe.trim() for pipe in declaration.split '|') context = (ctx.trim() for ctx in pipes.shift().split '<') path = context.shift() splitPath = path.split /\.|:/ options.formatters = pipes options.bypass = path.indexOf(':') != -1 if splitPath[0] key = splitPath.shift() else key = null splitPath.shift() keypath = splitPath.join '.' if dependencies = context.shift() options.dependencies = dependencies.split /\s+/ if @models[key] and keypath @bindings.push new Rivets[binding] @, node, type, key, keypath, options else console.warn "Model with key '#{key}' not found for binding of type '#{type}' on keypath '#{keypath}'.", @ parse = (node) => unless node in skipNodes if node.nodeType is Node.TEXT_NODE parser = Rivets.TextTemplateParser if delimiters = @config.templateDelimiters if (tokens = parser.parse(node.data, delimiters)).length unless tokens.length is 1 and tokens[0].type is parser.types.text [startToken, restTokens...] = tokens node.data = startToken.value if startToken.type is 0 node.data = startToken.value else buildBinding 'TextBinding', node, null, startToken.value for token in restTokens text = document.createTextNode token.value node.parentNode.appendChild text if token.type is 1 buildBinding 'TextBinding', text, null, token.value else if componentRegExp.test node.tagName type = node.tagName.replace(componentRegExp, '').toLowerCase() @bindings.push new Rivets.ComponentBinding @, node, type else if node.attributes? for attribute in node.attributes if bindingRegExp.test attribute.name type = attribute.name.replace bindingRegExp, '' unless binder = @binders[type] for identifier, value of @binders if identifier isnt '*' and identifier.indexOf('*') isnt -1 regexp = new RegExp "^#{identifier.replace('*', '.+')}$" if regexp.test type binder = value binder or= @binders['*'] if binder.block skipNodes.push n for n in node.childNodes attributes = [attribute] for attribute in attributes or node.attributes if bindingRegExp.test attribute.name type = attribute.name.replace bindingRegExp, '' buildBinding 'Binding', node, type, attribute.value parse childNode for childNode in node.childNodes parse el for el in @els return # Returns an array of bindings where the supplied function evaluates to true. select: (fn) => binding for binding in @bindings when fn binding # Binds all of the current bindings for this view. bind: => binding.bind() for binding in @bindings # Unbinds all of the current bindings for this view. unbind: => binding.unbind() for binding in @bindings # Syncs up the view with the model by running the routines on all bindings. sync: => binding.sync() for binding in @bindings # Publishes the input values from the view back to the model (reverse sync). publish: => binding.publish() for binding in @select (b) -> b.binder.publishes # Updates the view's models along with any affected bindings. update: (models = {}) => @models[key] = model for key, model of models binding.update models for binding in @bindings # Treat backspace, enter and other case rivets.binders.spell ||= publishes: true bind: (el) -> @options.publisher ||= (event) => value = Rivets.Util.getInputValue @el # TODO more controllable enter handling return if event.which == 13 for formatter in @formatters.slice(0).reverse() args = formatter.split /\s+/ id = args.shift() if @view.formatters[id]?.publish value = @view.formatters[id].publish value, args... @view.config.adapter.publish @model, @keypath, value event.preventDefault() # TODO Rivets.Util.bindEvent el, 'keypress change', @options.publisher Rivets.Util.bindEvent el, 'keyup' , @options.publisher Rivets.Util.bindEvent el, 'change' , @publish unbind: (el) -> Rivets.Util.unbindEvent el, 'keyup' , @options.publisher Rivets.Util.unbindEvent el, 'change', @publish routine: (el, value) -> if window.jQuery? el = jQuery el if value?.toString() isnt el.val()?.toString() el.val if value? then value else '' else if el.type is 'select-multiple' o.selected = o.value in value for o in el if value? else if value?.toString() isnt el.value?.toString() el.value = if value? then value else '' require: paths: # TODO optimize formatters with r.js # formatters: 'aura/extensions/rivets/formatters' observable: true version: '0.1.1' initialize: (application) -> # TODO optimize formatters with r.js, and put module names under # rivets namespace # with_aura = 'formatters' # formatters = require with_aura # TODO check if it is needed to do earliear formatters loading # extend rivets.formatters, formatters # TODO implement compatibility between observable and aura loader observable = requirejs 'observable' # TODO implement small view interface original_bind = rivets.bind rivets.bind = (selector, presentation) -> for name, model of presentation unless model? console.warn "Model object not specified for key #{name}" model = {} presentation[name] = observable model unless model.observed? original_bind.apply rivets, arguments extend application.sandbox, view: rivets extend application.core , view: rivets extend application.core.Widgets.Base.prototype, bind: (presentation, options) -> if presentation.presented presented = presentation.presented delete presentation.presented @sandbox._view = @view = rivets.bind @$el, presentation, options presented(@view) if presented?