;!(function () { const WeeKStart = parseInt(WeeKStartStr) var GDATA = window._G_DATA; if (!GDATA) { GDATA = {} window._G_DATA = GDATA } function date2ymd(t) { let m = t.getMonth() + 1; let d = t.getDate(); return `${t.getFullYear()}-${m < 10 ? "0" + m : m}-${d < 10 ? "0" + d : d}`; } const todayYmd = date2ymd(new Date()) const strictMod = endYear && endYear.length == 4; const maxDateYmd = `${endYear}-12-31` const dateEnd = endYear && endYear.length == 4 ? new Date(maxDateYmd) : new Date(); const endStamp = dateEnd.getTime(); const dayEleId = Math.random().toString(16).substring(2); let arr = _allyearurl.split("/"); arr.pop(); const jsonUrlBase = arr.join("/"); const nLastColumnCount = (dateEnd.getDay() - WeeKStart + 7) % 7 + 1 const ColumnsCount = 53; const RowCount = 7; const DayCount = (ColumnsCount - 1) * RowCount + nLastColumnCount; let queue = window._y_queue || [] window._y_queue = queue; function getAllYearCfg(){ if (GDATA['_allYear']) { return GDATA['_allYear']; } if (window._isFetchAllYearData == 1) { return new Promise(r=>{ queue.push(r); }) } window._isFetchAllYearData = 1; return fetch(_allyearurl) .then((r) => r.json()) .then(d => { window._isFetchAllYearData = 0; if (queue.length) { queue.forEach(calback=>{calback(d)}); queue.length = 0; } GDATA['_allYear'] = d ;return d ;}) } !(function fillData() { let year = "" + dateEnd.getFullYear(); let preYear = "" + (year - 1); getAllYearCfg() .then((d) => { let yearCfg = d; let arr = []; if (yearCfg[year]) { arr.push(getYearData(year)); } if (yearCfg[preYear]) { arr.push(getYearData(preYear)); } Promise.all(arr).then((alldata) => { let combineData = {}; let d1 = alldata[0]; let d2 = alldata[1]; for (const key in d1) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(d1, key)) { const element = d1[key]; let keyNew = "K1-" + key; combineData[keyNew] = element; } } for (const key in d2) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(d2, key)) { const element = d2[key]; let keyNew = "K2-" + key; combineData[keyNew] = element; } } updateCell(combineData); }); }); function getIndex(ymd) { return ( DayCount - Math.floor((endStamp - new Date(ymd).getTime()) / (24 * 3600000)) - 1 ); } function idx2Ymd(idx) { let t = new Date(endStamp - (DayCount - 1 - idx) * 3600000 * 24); let m = t.getMonth() + 1; let d = t.getDate(); return `${t.getFullYear()}-${m < 10 ? "0" + m : m}-${ d < 10 ? "0" + d : d }`; } function updateCell(data) { if (!data) return; let daysEle = document.getElementById(dayEleId); let dayCells = daysEle.childNodes; let Map = {}; for (const key in data) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(data, key)) { const element = data[key]; if (Array.isArray(element)) { element.forEach((e) => { if (e.date && e.title && e.url) { let arr = Map[e.date]; if (!arr) { arr = []; Map[e.date] = arr; } arr.push(e); } }); } } } let ymdArr = []; for (const dateKeyYmd in Map) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(Map, dateKeyYmd)) { ymdArr.push(dateKeyYmd); } } var G_idxOfDay = DayCount - 1; function shuffle(array) { let currentIndex = array.length; // While there remain elements to shuffle... while (currentIndex != 0) { // Pick a remaining element... let randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * currentIndex); currentIndex--; // And swap it with the current element. [array[currentIndex], array[randomIndex]] = [ array[randomIndex], array[currentIndex], ]; } } const SEQ = new Array(DayCount); let tmp = DayCount; while (tmp-- > 0) { SEQ[tmp] = tmp; } shuffle(SEQ); const minYmd = `${endYear - 1}${maxDateYmd.substring(4)}` function update1Day() { if (G_idxOfDay < 0) { return; } const idxOfDay = SEQ[G_idxOfDay--]; let dateKeyYmd = idx2Ymd(idxOfDay); let arrPostInOneDay = Map[dateKeyYmd]; let hideblock = false if (strictMod) { hideblock = dateKeyYmd <= minYmd; } let isFuture = dateKeyYmd > todayYmd; const dayCell = dayCells[idxOfDay]; if (hideblock) { dayCell.classList = 'heatmap-day-cell hm-check-notyet' } if(isFuture){ dayCell.classList = parseInt(dateKeyYmd.substring(5, 7)) % 2 == 1 ? 'heatmap-day-cell hm-check-future-b' : 'heatmap-day-cell hm-check-future-a' } else{ const nobg = parseInt(dateKeyYmd.substring(5, 7)) % 2 == 1 ? "hm-check-no-b" : "hm-check-no-a"; dayCell.classList = `heatmap-day-cell ${ !arrPostInOneDay ? nobg : arrPostInOneDay.length > 1 ? "hm-check2" : "hm-check" }`; if (arrPostInOneDay && arrPostInOneDay.length > 0) { let isDirectly = arrPostInOneDay.length == 1; let tip = document.createElement("div"); if (isDirectly) { let lnk = document.createElement("a"); lnk.href = arrPostInOneDay[0].url; dayCell.appendChild(lnk); } tip.className = "hm-tip"; let desc = ""; arrPostInOneDay.forEach((element) => { let lnk = document.createElement("a"); lnk.className = "hm-tiplink"; lnk.href = element.url; tip.appendChild(lnk); let t = document.createElement("span"); t.className = "hm-date"; t.innerText = dateKeyYmd.substring(5); lnk.appendChild(t); let t2 = document.createElement("span"); t2.className = "hm-title"; t2.innerText = element.title; lnk.appendChild(t2); }); dayCell.appendChild(tip); } } } function updateMultiDays() { let day = heatMapLoadCount; if (!day || day <= 0) { day = 8; } while (day--) { update1Day(); } if (G_idxOfDay >= 0) { requestAnimationFrame(updateMultiDays); } } requestAnimationFrame(updateMultiDays); return; } function getYearData(year) { year = '' + year if(GDATA[year]){ return GDATA[year] } let queueFlgKey = '_singleyearFlg' + year let queueArrKey = '_singleyearQueue' + year if (GDATA[queueFlgKey] == 1) { // console.log('put in queue',year,Math.random()) let arrQueue = GDATA[queueArrKey] if (!arrQueue) { arrQueue = [] GDATA[queueArrKey] = arrQueue; } return new Promise(r=>{ arrQueue.push(r); }); } GDATA[queueFlgKey] = 1; // console.log('RealQuery',year,Math.random()) return fetch(`${jsonUrlBase}/${year}.json`) .then((r) => r.json()) .then(d=>{ GDATA[queueFlgKey] = 0 ;GDATA[year] = d; let queue = GDATA[queueArrKey]; // console.log('queryFinish',year) if(queue && queue.length){ queue.forEach(cb=>{ // console.log('queryFinishQueue',year,queue.length,Math.random()); cb(d);}) queue.length = 0; GDATA[queueArrKey] = undefined } return d}) .catch((e) => { return null; }); } })(); (function initMap() { let Father = document.getElementById(heatmapid); const Frag = document.createDocumentFragment(); const monthEle = document.createElement("div"); monthEle.className = "heatmap-month"; Frag.appendChild(monthEle); const monthStr = _MonthStr.split(" "); let nowM = dateEnd.getMonth(); let nowWeekIdx = nLastColumnCount - 1; for (let i = 0; i < monthStr.length; i++) { let m = document.createElement("span"); m.className = "heatmap-month-cell"; m.innerHTML = `${monthStr[(i + nowM + 1) % 12]}`; monthEle.appendChild(m); } const weekEle = document.createElement("div"); weekEle.className = "heatmap-week"; const WeekStr = _showWeek.split(" "); for (let i = 0; i < WeekStr.length; i++) { const idx = (i + WeeKStart) % 7 let m = document.createElement("div"); m.className = "heatmap-week-cell"; m.innerHTML = i % 2 ? `${WeekStr[idx]}` : '' weekEle.appendChild(m); } Frag.appendChild(weekEle); const dayEle = document.createElement("div"); dayEle.className = "heatmap-day"; dayEle.id = dayEleId; // console.log(nowWeekIdx, firstDateDayDiff); for (let c = 0; c < ColumnsCount; c++) { for (let r = 0; r < RowCount; r++) { if (r > nowWeekIdx && c == ColumnsCount - 1) { break; } let m = document.createElement("span"); m.classList = `heatmap-day-cell hm-check-nodata`; dayEle.appendChild(m); } } Frag.appendChild(dayEle); Father.append(Frag); })(); })();