/* * Copyright (C) the libgit2 contributors. All rights reserved. * * This file is part of libgit2, distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with * a Linking Exception. For full terms see the included COPYING file. */ #include "midx.h" #include "array.h" #include "buf.h" #include "filebuf.h" #include "futils.h" #include "hash.h" #include "odb.h" #include "pack.h" #include "fs_path.h" #include "repository.h" #include "str.h" #define MIDX_SIGNATURE 0x4d494458 /* "MIDX" */ #define MIDX_VERSION 1 #define MIDX_OBJECT_ID_VERSION 1 struct git_midx_header { uint32_t signature; uint8_t version; uint8_t object_id_version; uint8_t chunks; uint8_t base_midx_files; uint32_t packfiles; }; #define MIDX_PACKFILE_NAMES_ID 0x504e414d /* "PNAM" */ #define MIDX_OID_FANOUT_ID 0x4f494446 /* "OIDF" */ #define MIDX_OID_LOOKUP_ID 0x4f49444c /* "OIDL" */ #define MIDX_OBJECT_OFFSETS_ID 0x4f4f4646 /* "OOFF" */ #define MIDX_OBJECT_LARGE_OFFSETS_ID 0x4c4f4646 /* "LOFF" */ struct git_midx_chunk { off64_t offset; size_t length; }; typedef int (*midx_write_cb)(const char *buf, size_t size, void *cb_data); static int midx_error(const char *message) { git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_ODB, "invalid multi-pack-index file - %s", message); return -1; } static int midx_parse_packfile_names( git_midx_file *idx, const unsigned char *data, uint32_t packfiles, struct git_midx_chunk *chunk) { int error; uint32_t i; char *packfile_name = (char *)(data + chunk->offset); size_t chunk_size = chunk->length, len; if (chunk->offset == 0) return midx_error("missing Packfile Names chunk"); if (chunk->length == 0) return midx_error("empty Packfile Names chunk"); if ((error = git_vector_init(&idx->packfile_names, packfiles, git__strcmp_cb)) < 0) return error; for (i = 0; i < packfiles; ++i) { len = p_strnlen(packfile_name, chunk_size); if (len == 0) return midx_error("empty packfile name"); if (len + 1 > chunk_size) return midx_error("unterminated packfile name"); git_vector_insert(&idx->packfile_names, packfile_name); if (i && strcmp(git_vector_get(&idx->packfile_names, i - 1), packfile_name) >= 0) return midx_error("packfile names are not sorted"); if (strlen(packfile_name) <= strlen(".idx") || git__suffixcmp(packfile_name, ".idx") != 0) return midx_error("non-.idx packfile name"); if (strchr(packfile_name, '/') != NULL || strchr(packfile_name, '\\') != NULL) return midx_error("non-local packfile"); packfile_name += len + 1; chunk_size -= len + 1; } return 0; } static int midx_parse_oid_fanout( git_midx_file *idx, const unsigned char *data, struct git_midx_chunk *chunk_oid_fanout) { uint32_t i, nr; if (chunk_oid_fanout->offset == 0) return midx_error("missing OID Fanout chunk"); if (chunk_oid_fanout->length == 0) return midx_error("empty OID Fanout chunk"); if (chunk_oid_fanout->length != 256 * 4) return midx_error("OID Fanout chunk has wrong length"); idx->oid_fanout = (const uint32_t *)(data + chunk_oid_fanout->offset); nr = 0; for (i = 0; i < 256; ++i) { uint32_t n = ntohl(idx->oid_fanout[i]); if (n < nr) return midx_error("index is non-monotonic"); nr = n; } idx->num_objects = nr; return 0; } static int midx_parse_oid_lookup( git_midx_file *idx, const unsigned char *data, struct git_midx_chunk *chunk_oid_lookup) { size_t oid_size = git_oid_size(idx->oid_type); if (chunk_oid_lookup->offset == 0) return midx_error("missing OID Lookup chunk"); if (chunk_oid_lookup->length == 0) return midx_error("empty OID Lookup chunk"); if (chunk_oid_lookup->length != idx->num_objects * oid_size) return midx_error("OID Lookup chunk has wrong length"); idx->oid_lookup = (unsigned char *)(data + chunk_oid_lookup->offset); return 0; } static int midx_parse_object_offsets( git_midx_file *idx, const unsigned char *data, struct git_midx_chunk *chunk_object_offsets) { if (chunk_object_offsets->offset == 0) return midx_error("missing Object Offsets chunk"); if (chunk_object_offsets->length == 0) return midx_error("empty Object Offsets chunk"); if (chunk_object_offsets->length != idx->num_objects * 8) return midx_error("Object Offsets chunk has wrong length"); idx->object_offsets = data + chunk_object_offsets->offset; return 0; } static int midx_parse_object_large_offsets( git_midx_file *idx, const unsigned char *data, struct git_midx_chunk *chunk_object_large_offsets) { if (chunk_object_large_offsets->length == 0) return 0; if (chunk_object_large_offsets->length % 8 != 0) return midx_error("malformed Object Large Offsets chunk"); idx->object_large_offsets = data + chunk_object_large_offsets->offset; idx->num_object_large_offsets = chunk_object_large_offsets->length / 8; return 0; } int git_midx_parse( git_midx_file *idx, const unsigned char *data, size_t size) { struct git_midx_header *hdr; const unsigned char *chunk_hdr; struct git_midx_chunk *last_chunk; uint32_t i; off64_t last_chunk_offset, chunk_offset, trailer_offset; size_t checksum_size, oid_size; int error; struct git_midx_chunk chunk_packfile_names = {0}, chunk_oid_fanout = {0}, chunk_oid_lookup = {0}, chunk_object_offsets = {0}, chunk_object_large_offsets = {0}, chunk_unknown = {0}; GIT_ASSERT_ARG(idx); oid_size = git_oid_size(idx->oid_type); if (size < sizeof(struct git_midx_header) + oid_size) return midx_error("multi-pack index is too short"); hdr = ((struct git_midx_header *)data); if (hdr->signature != htonl(MIDX_SIGNATURE) || hdr->version != MIDX_VERSION || hdr->object_id_version != MIDX_OBJECT_ID_VERSION) { return midx_error("unsupported multi-pack index version"); } if (hdr->chunks == 0) return midx_error("no chunks in multi-pack index"); /* * The very first chunk's offset should be after the header, all the chunk * headers, and a special zero chunk. */ last_chunk_offset = sizeof(struct git_midx_header) + (1 + hdr->chunks) * 12; checksum_size = oid_size; trailer_offset = size - checksum_size; if (trailer_offset < last_chunk_offset) return midx_error("wrong index size"); memcpy(idx->checksum, data + trailer_offset, checksum_size); chunk_hdr = data + sizeof(struct git_midx_header); last_chunk = NULL; for (i = 0; i < hdr->chunks; ++i, chunk_hdr += 12) { uint32_t chunk_id = ntohl(*((uint32_t *)(chunk_hdr + 0))); uint64_t high_offset = ((uint64_t)ntohl(*((uint32_t *)(chunk_hdr + 4)))) & 0xffffffffu; uint64_t low_offset = ((uint64_t)ntohl(*((uint32_t *)(chunk_hdr + 8)))) & 0xffffffffu; if (high_offset >= INT32_MAX) return midx_error("chunk offset out of range"); chunk_offset = (off64_t)(high_offset << 32 | low_offset); if (chunk_offset < last_chunk_offset) return midx_error("chunks are non-monotonic"); if (chunk_offset >= trailer_offset) return midx_error("chunks extend beyond the trailer"); if (last_chunk != NULL) last_chunk->length = (size_t)(chunk_offset - last_chunk_offset); last_chunk_offset = chunk_offset; switch (chunk_id) { case MIDX_PACKFILE_NAMES_ID: chunk_packfile_names.offset = last_chunk_offset; last_chunk = &chunk_packfile_names; break; case MIDX_OID_FANOUT_ID: chunk_oid_fanout.offset = last_chunk_offset; last_chunk = &chunk_oid_fanout; break; case MIDX_OID_LOOKUP_ID: chunk_oid_lookup.offset = last_chunk_offset; last_chunk = &chunk_oid_lookup; break; case MIDX_OBJECT_OFFSETS_ID: chunk_object_offsets.offset = last_chunk_offset; last_chunk = &chunk_object_offsets; break; case MIDX_OBJECT_LARGE_OFFSETS_ID: chunk_object_large_offsets.offset = last_chunk_offset; last_chunk = &chunk_object_large_offsets; break; default: chunk_unknown.offset = last_chunk_offset; last_chunk = &chunk_unknown; break; } } last_chunk->length = (size_t)(trailer_offset - last_chunk_offset); error = midx_parse_packfile_names( idx, data, ntohl(hdr->packfiles), &chunk_packfile_names); if (error < 0) return error; error = midx_parse_oid_fanout(idx, data, &chunk_oid_fanout); if (error < 0) return error; error = midx_parse_oid_lookup(idx, data, &chunk_oid_lookup); if (error < 0) return error; error = midx_parse_object_offsets(idx, data, &chunk_object_offsets); if (error < 0) return error; error = midx_parse_object_large_offsets(idx, data, &chunk_object_large_offsets); if (error < 0) return error; return 0; } int git_midx_open( git_midx_file **idx_out, const char *path, git_oid_t oid_type) { git_midx_file *idx; git_file fd = -1; size_t idx_size; struct stat st; int error; GIT_ASSERT_ARG(idx_out && path && oid_type); /* TODO: properly open the file without access time using O_NOATIME */ fd = git_futils_open_ro(path); if (fd < 0) return fd; if (p_fstat(fd, &st) < 0) { p_close(fd); git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_ODB, "multi-pack-index file not found - '%s'", path); return -1; } if (!S_ISREG(st.st_mode) || !git__is_sizet(st.st_size)) { p_close(fd); git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_ODB, "invalid pack index '%s'", path); return -1; } idx_size = (size_t)st.st_size; idx = git__calloc(1, sizeof(git_midx_file)); GIT_ERROR_CHECK_ALLOC(idx); idx->oid_type = oid_type; error = git_str_sets(&idx->filename, path); if (error < 0) return error; error = git_futils_mmap_ro(&idx->index_map, fd, 0, idx_size); p_close(fd); if (error < 0) { git_midx_free(idx); return error; } if ((error = git_midx_parse(idx, idx->index_map.data, idx_size)) < 0) { git_midx_free(idx); return error; } *idx_out = idx; return 0; } bool git_midx_needs_refresh( const git_midx_file *idx, const char *path) { git_file fd = -1; struct stat st; ssize_t bytes_read; unsigned char checksum[GIT_HASH_MAX_SIZE]; size_t checksum_size; /* TODO: properly open the file without access time using O_NOATIME */ fd = git_futils_open_ro(path); if (fd < 0) return true; if (p_fstat(fd, &st) < 0) { p_close(fd); return true; } if (!S_ISREG(st.st_mode) || !git__is_sizet(st.st_size) || (size_t)st.st_size != idx->index_map.len) { p_close(fd); return true; } checksum_size = git_oid_size(idx->oid_type); bytes_read = p_pread(fd, checksum, checksum_size, st.st_size - checksum_size); p_close(fd); if (bytes_read != (ssize_t)checksum_size) return true; return (memcmp(checksum, idx->checksum, checksum_size) != 0); } int git_midx_entry_find( git_midx_entry *e, git_midx_file *idx, const git_oid *short_oid, size_t len) { int pos, found = 0; size_t pack_index, oid_size, oid_hexsize; uint32_t hi, lo; unsigned char *current = NULL; const unsigned char *object_offset; off64_t offset; GIT_ASSERT_ARG(idx); oid_size = git_oid_size(idx->oid_type); oid_hexsize = git_oid_hexsize(idx->oid_type); hi = ntohl(idx->oid_fanout[(int)short_oid->id[0]]); lo = ((short_oid->id[0] == 0x0) ? 0 : ntohl(idx->oid_fanout[(int)short_oid->id[0] - 1])); pos = git_pack__lookup_id(idx->oid_lookup, oid_size, lo, hi, short_oid->id, idx->oid_type); if (pos >= 0) { /* An object matching exactly the oid was found */ found = 1; current = idx->oid_lookup + (pos * oid_size); } else { /* No object was found */ /* pos refers to the object with the "closest" oid to short_oid */ pos = -1 - pos; if (pos < (int)idx->num_objects) { current = idx->oid_lookup + (pos * oid_size); if (!git_oid_raw_ncmp(short_oid->id, current, len)) found = 1; } } if (found && len != oid_hexsize && pos + 1 < (int)idx->num_objects) { /* Check for ambiguousity */ const unsigned char *next = current + oid_size; if (!git_oid_raw_ncmp(short_oid->id, next, len)) found = 2; } if (!found) return git_odb__error_notfound("failed to find offset for multi-pack index entry", short_oid, len); if (found > 1) return git_odb__error_ambiguous("found multiple offsets for multi-pack index entry"); object_offset = idx->object_offsets + pos * 8; offset = ntohl(*((uint32_t *)(object_offset + 4))); if (idx->object_large_offsets && offset & 0x80000000) { uint32_t object_large_offsets_pos = (uint32_t) (offset ^ 0x80000000); const unsigned char *object_large_offsets_index = idx->object_large_offsets; /* Make sure we're not being sent out of bounds */ if (object_large_offsets_pos >= idx->num_object_large_offsets) return git_odb__error_notfound("invalid index into the object large offsets table", short_oid, len); object_large_offsets_index += 8 * object_large_offsets_pos; offset = (((uint64_t)ntohl(*((uint32_t *)(object_large_offsets_index + 0)))) << 32) | ntohl(*((uint32_t *)(object_large_offsets_index + 4))); } pack_index = ntohl(*((uint32_t *)(object_offset + 0))); if (pack_index >= git_vector_length(&idx->packfile_names)) return midx_error("invalid index into the packfile names table"); e->pack_index = pack_index; e->offset = offset; git_oid__fromraw(&e->sha1, current, idx->oid_type); return 0; } int git_midx_foreach_entry( git_midx_file *idx, git_odb_foreach_cb cb, void *data) { git_oid oid; size_t oid_size, i; int error; GIT_ASSERT_ARG(idx); oid_size = git_oid_size(idx->oid_type); for (i = 0; i < idx->num_objects; ++i) { if ((error = git_oid__fromraw(&oid, &idx->oid_lookup[i * oid_size], idx->oid_type)) < 0) return error; if ((error = cb(&oid, data)) != 0) return git_error_set_after_callback(error); } return error; } int git_midx_close(git_midx_file *idx) { GIT_ASSERT_ARG(idx); if (idx->index_map.data) git_futils_mmap_free(&idx->index_map); git_vector_free(&idx->packfile_names); return 0; } void git_midx_free(git_midx_file *idx) { if (!idx) return; git_str_dispose(&idx->filename); git_midx_close(idx); git__free(idx); } static int packfile__cmp(const void *a_, const void *b_) { const struct git_pack_file *a = a_; const struct git_pack_file *b = b_; return strcmp(a->pack_name, b->pack_name); } int git_midx_writer_new( git_midx_writer **out, const char *pack_dir #ifdef GIT_EXPERIMENTAL_SHA256 , git_oid_t oid_type #endif ) { git_midx_writer *w; #ifndef GIT_EXPERIMENTAL_SHA256 git_oid_t oid_type = GIT_OID_SHA1; #endif GIT_ASSERT_ARG(out && pack_dir && oid_type); w = git__calloc(1, sizeof(git_midx_writer)); GIT_ERROR_CHECK_ALLOC(w); if (git_str_sets(&w->pack_dir, pack_dir) < 0) { git__free(w); return -1; } git_fs_path_squash_slashes(&w->pack_dir); if (git_vector_init(&w->packs, 0, packfile__cmp) < 0) { git_str_dispose(&w->pack_dir); git__free(w); return -1; } w->oid_type = oid_type; *out = w; return 0; } void git_midx_writer_free(git_midx_writer *w) { struct git_pack_file *p; size_t i; if (!w) return; git_vector_foreach (&w->packs, i, p) git_mwindow_put_pack(p); git_vector_free(&w->packs); git_str_dispose(&w->pack_dir); git__free(w); } int git_midx_writer_add( git_midx_writer *w, const char *idx_path) { git_str idx_path_buf = GIT_STR_INIT; int error; struct git_pack_file *p; error = git_fs_path_prettify(&idx_path_buf, idx_path, git_str_cstr(&w->pack_dir)); if (error < 0) return error; /* TODO: SHA256 */ error = git_mwindow_get_pack(&p, git_str_cstr(&idx_path_buf), 0); git_str_dispose(&idx_path_buf); if (error < 0) return error; error = git_vector_insert(&w->packs, p); if (error < 0) { git_mwindow_put_pack(p); return error; } return 0; } typedef git_array_t(git_midx_entry) object_entry_array_t; struct object_entry_cb_state { uint32_t pack_index; object_entry_array_t *object_entries_array; }; static int object_entry__cb(const git_oid *oid, off64_t offset, void *data) { struct object_entry_cb_state *state = (struct object_entry_cb_state *)data; git_midx_entry *entry = git_array_alloc(*state->object_entries_array); GIT_ERROR_CHECK_ALLOC(entry); git_oid_cpy(&entry->sha1, oid); entry->offset = offset; entry->pack_index = state->pack_index; return 0; } static int object_entry__cmp(const void *a_, const void *b_) { const git_midx_entry *a = (const git_midx_entry *)a_; const git_midx_entry *b = (const git_midx_entry *)b_; return git_oid_cmp(&a->sha1, &b->sha1); } static int write_offset(off64_t offset, midx_write_cb write_cb, void *cb_data) { int error; uint32_t word; word = htonl((uint32_t)((offset >> 32) & 0xffffffffu)); error = write_cb((const char *)&word, sizeof(word), cb_data); if (error < 0) return error; word = htonl((uint32_t)((offset >> 0) & 0xffffffffu)); error = write_cb((const char *)&word, sizeof(word), cb_data); if (error < 0) return error; return 0; } static int write_chunk_header(int chunk_id, off64_t offset, midx_write_cb write_cb, void *cb_data) { uint32_t word = htonl(chunk_id); int error = write_cb((const char *)&word, sizeof(word), cb_data); if (error < 0) return error; return write_offset(offset, write_cb, cb_data); return 0; } static int midx_write_buf(const char *buf, size_t size, void *data) { git_str *b = (git_str *)data; return git_str_put(b, buf, size); } struct midx_write_hash_context { midx_write_cb write_cb; void *cb_data; git_hash_ctx *ctx; }; static int midx_write_hash(const char *buf, size_t size, void *data) { struct midx_write_hash_context *ctx = (struct midx_write_hash_context *)data; int error; error = git_hash_update(ctx->ctx, buf, size); if (error < 0) return error; return ctx->write_cb(buf, size, ctx->cb_data); } static int midx_write( git_midx_writer *w, midx_write_cb write_cb, void *cb_data) { int error = 0; size_t i; struct git_pack_file *p; struct git_midx_header hdr = {0}; uint32_t oid_fanout_count; uint32_t object_large_offsets_count; uint32_t oid_fanout[256]; off64_t offset; git_str packfile_names = GIT_STR_INIT, oid_lookup = GIT_STR_INIT, object_offsets = GIT_STR_INIT, object_large_offsets = GIT_STR_INIT; unsigned char checksum[GIT_HASH_MAX_SIZE]; size_t checksum_size, oid_size; git_midx_entry *entry; object_entry_array_t object_entries_array = GIT_ARRAY_INIT; git_vector object_entries = GIT_VECTOR_INIT; git_hash_ctx ctx; git_hash_algorithm_t checksum_type; struct midx_write_hash_context hash_cb_data = {0}; hdr.signature = htonl(MIDX_SIGNATURE); hdr.version = MIDX_VERSION; hdr.object_id_version = MIDX_OBJECT_ID_VERSION; hdr.base_midx_files = 0; hash_cb_data.write_cb = write_cb; hash_cb_data.cb_data = cb_data; hash_cb_data.ctx = &ctx; oid_size = git_oid_size(w->oid_type); GIT_ASSERT((checksum_type = git_oid_algorithm(w->oid_type))); checksum_size = git_hash_size(checksum_type); if ((error = git_hash_ctx_init(&ctx, checksum_type)) < 0) return error; cb_data = &hash_cb_data; write_cb = midx_write_hash; git_vector_sort(&w->packs); git_vector_foreach (&w->packs, i, p) { git_str relative_index = GIT_STR_INIT; struct object_entry_cb_state state = {0}; size_t path_len; state.pack_index = (uint32_t)i; state.object_entries_array = &object_entries_array; error = git_str_sets(&relative_index, p->pack_name); if (error < 0) goto cleanup; error = git_fs_path_make_relative(&relative_index, git_str_cstr(&w->pack_dir)); if (error < 0) { git_str_dispose(&relative_index); goto cleanup; } path_len = git_str_len(&relative_index); if (path_len <= strlen(".pack") || git__suffixcmp(git_str_cstr(&relative_index), ".pack") != 0) { git_str_dispose(&relative_index); git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_INVALID, "invalid packfile name: '%s'", p->pack_name); error = -1; goto cleanup; } path_len -= strlen(".pack"); git_str_put(&packfile_names, git_str_cstr(&relative_index), path_len); git_str_puts(&packfile_names, ".idx"); git_str_putc(&packfile_names, '\0'); git_str_dispose(&relative_index); error = git_pack_foreach_entry_offset(p, object_entry__cb, &state); if (error < 0) goto cleanup; } /* Sort the object entries. */ error = git_vector_init(&object_entries, git_array_size(object_entries_array), object_entry__cmp); if (error < 0) goto cleanup; git_array_foreach (object_entries_array, i, entry) { if ((error = git_vector_set(NULL, &object_entries, i, entry)) < 0) goto cleanup; } git_vector_set_sorted(&object_entries, 0); git_vector_sort(&object_entries); git_vector_uniq(&object_entries, NULL); /* Pad the packfile names so it is a multiple of four. */ while (git_str_len(&packfile_names) & 3) git_str_putc(&packfile_names, '\0'); /* Fill the OID Fanout table. */ oid_fanout_count = 0; for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) { while (oid_fanout_count < git_vector_length(&object_entries) && ((const git_midx_entry *)git_vector_get(&object_entries, oid_fanout_count))->sha1.id[0] <= i) ++oid_fanout_count; oid_fanout[i] = htonl(oid_fanout_count); } /* Fill the OID Lookup table. */ git_vector_foreach (&object_entries, i, entry) { error = git_str_put(&oid_lookup, (char *)&entry->sha1.id, oid_size); if (error < 0) goto cleanup; } /* Fill the Object Offsets and Object Large Offsets tables. */ object_large_offsets_count = 0; git_vector_foreach (&object_entries, i, entry) { uint32_t word; word = htonl((uint32_t)entry->pack_index); error = git_str_put(&object_offsets, (const char *)&word, sizeof(word)); if (error < 0) goto cleanup; if (entry->offset >= 0x80000000l) { word = htonl(0x80000000u | object_large_offsets_count++); if ((error = write_offset(entry->offset, midx_write_buf, &object_large_offsets)) < 0) goto cleanup; } else { word = htonl((uint32_t)entry->offset & 0x7fffffffu); } error = git_str_put(&object_offsets, (const char *)&word, sizeof(word)); if (error < 0) goto cleanup; } /* Write the header. */ hdr.packfiles = htonl((uint32_t)git_vector_length(&w->packs)); hdr.chunks = 4; if (git_str_len(&object_large_offsets) > 0) hdr.chunks++; error = write_cb((const char *)&hdr, sizeof(hdr), cb_data); if (error < 0) goto cleanup; /* Write the chunk headers. */ offset = sizeof(hdr) + (hdr.chunks + 1) * 12; error = write_chunk_header(MIDX_PACKFILE_NAMES_ID, offset, write_cb, cb_data); if (error < 0) goto cleanup; offset += git_str_len(&packfile_names); error = write_chunk_header(MIDX_OID_FANOUT_ID, offset, write_cb, cb_data); if (error < 0) goto cleanup; offset += sizeof(oid_fanout); error = write_chunk_header(MIDX_OID_LOOKUP_ID, offset, write_cb, cb_data); if (error < 0) goto cleanup; offset += git_str_len(&oid_lookup); error = write_chunk_header(MIDX_OBJECT_OFFSETS_ID, offset, write_cb, cb_data); if (error < 0) goto cleanup; offset += git_str_len(&object_offsets); if (git_str_len(&object_large_offsets) > 0) { error = write_chunk_header(MIDX_OBJECT_LARGE_OFFSETS_ID, offset, write_cb, cb_data); if (error < 0) goto cleanup; offset += git_str_len(&object_large_offsets); } error = write_chunk_header(0, offset, write_cb, cb_data); if (error < 0) goto cleanup; /* Write all the chunks. */ error = write_cb(git_str_cstr(&packfile_names), git_str_len(&packfile_names), cb_data); if (error < 0) goto cleanup; error = write_cb((const char *)oid_fanout, sizeof(oid_fanout), cb_data); if (error < 0) goto cleanup; error = write_cb(git_str_cstr(&oid_lookup), git_str_len(&oid_lookup), cb_data); if (error < 0) goto cleanup; error = write_cb(git_str_cstr(&object_offsets), git_str_len(&object_offsets), cb_data); if (error < 0) goto cleanup; error = write_cb(git_str_cstr(&object_large_offsets), git_str_len(&object_large_offsets), cb_data); if (error < 0) goto cleanup; /* Finalize the checksum and write the trailer. */ error = git_hash_final(checksum, &ctx); if (error < 0) goto cleanup; error = write_cb((char *)checksum, checksum_size, cb_data); if (error < 0) goto cleanup; cleanup: git_array_clear(object_entries_array); git_vector_free(&object_entries); git_str_dispose(&packfile_names); git_str_dispose(&oid_lookup); git_str_dispose(&object_offsets); git_str_dispose(&object_large_offsets); git_hash_ctx_cleanup(&ctx); return error; } static int midx_write_filebuf(const char *buf, size_t size, void *data) { git_filebuf *f = (git_filebuf *)data; return git_filebuf_write(f, buf, size); } int git_midx_writer_commit( git_midx_writer *w) { int error; int filebuf_flags = GIT_FILEBUF_DO_NOT_BUFFER; git_str midx_path = GIT_STR_INIT; git_filebuf output = GIT_FILEBUF_INIT; error = git_str_joinpath(&midx_path, git_str_cstr(&w->pack_dir), "multi-pack-index"); if (error < 0) return error; if (git_repository__fsync_gitdir) filebuf_flags |= GIT_FILEBUF_FSYNC; error = git_filebuf_open(&output, git_str_cstr(&midx_path), filebuf_flags, 0644); git_str_dispose(&midx_path); if (error < 0) return error; error = midx_write(w, midx_write_filebuf, &output); if (error < 0) { git_filebuf_cleanup(&output); return error; } return git_filebuf_commit(&output); } int git_midx_writer_dump( git_buf *midx, git_midx_writer *w) { git_str str = GIT_STR_INIT; int error; if ((error = git_buf_tostr(&str, midx)) < 0 || (error = midx_write(w, midx_write_buf, &str)) == 0) error = git_buf_fromstr(midx, &str); git_str_dispose(&str); return error; }