#include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; /* Fortran Namelist Reader for C * Written by Edmund Highcock * edmundhighcock@sourceforge.net * * This is free software released * under the GPL v3 */ int FNR_DEBUG=0; void fnr_error_message(char * message, int exit) { printf("%s\n", message); if (exit) abort(); } void fnr_debug_write(char * message) { if (FNR_DEBUG) printf("%s\n", message); } struct fnr_struct { int n_namelists; char ** namelist_names; int * namelist_sizes; char *** variable_names; char *** variable_values; /*void * template_ptr;*/ /*int check_template;*/ }; int fnr_file_size(FILE * fp) { /*Get file size*/ int sz; if (FNR_DEBUG) printf("Seeking end\n"); fseek(fp, 0L, SEEK_END); if (FNR_DEBUG) printf("Sought end\n"); sz = ftell(fp); /*Seek back to the beginning:*/ fseek(fp, 0L, SEEK_SET); return sz; } void fnr_read_file(char * fname, char ** text_ptr) { /*FILE * fp=fopen("my_file.txt", "r");*/ FILE * fp=fopen(fname, "r"); if (FNR_DEBUG) printf("Opened file\n"); int sz = fnr_file_size(fp); /* File size*/ if (FNR_DEBUG) printf("Size was %d\n", sz); *text_ptr = (char *)malloc((sz+1)*sizeof(char)); char *text = *text_ptr; int i=0; while(!feof(fp)) { /*printf("I is %d\n", i);*/ text[i++] = fgetc(fp); /*printf("reading");*/ } text[i-1]='\0'; fclose(fp); if (FNR_DEBUG) printf("Read file into memory\n"); } int fnr_count_matches(char * text, regex_t regex){ int reti; if (FNR_DEBUG) printf("Marker A4\n"); int location = 0; int text_length = strlen(text); int nmatches=0; if (FNR_DEBUG) printf("Marker D1\n"); size_t nmatch = 1; regmatch_t length_match[1]; while (location < text_length - 1){ if (FNR_DEBUG) printf("Location %d\n", location); reti = regexec(®ex, &text[location], nmatch, length_match, 0); if (!reti) { /*printf("First letter %s", &text[location + length_match[0].rm_so + 4]);*/ location = location + length_match[0].rm_eo ; nmatches += 1; } if (reti) break; } if (FNR_DEBUG) printf("Matches was %d\n", nmatches); return nmatches; } int fnr_count_namelists(char * text) { if (FNR_DEBUG) printf("void fnr_count_namelists; string is %s\n", text); regex_t regex; int reti; int nmatches; /* Compile regular expression */ /*reti = regcomp(®ex, "&[_[:alnum:]]\\+\\?\n", 0);*/ /*reti = regcomp(®ex, "&[_[:alnum:]]+[[:blank:]]", REG_EXTENDED);*/ reti = regcomp(®ex, "^&[_[:alnum:]]+[\n\r[:blank:]]", REG_EXTENDED|REG_NEWLINE); if( reti ){ fprintf(stderr, "Could not compile regex\n"); exit(1); } nmatches = fnr_count_matches(text, regex); regfree(®ex); if (FNR_DEBUG) printf("Marker A6\n"); return nmatches; } int fnr_count_variables(char * text) { if (FNR_DEBUG) printf("void fnr_count_variables; string is %s\n", text); regex_t regex; int reti; int nmatches; /* Compile regular expression */ reti = regcomp(®ex, "^[[:space:]]*[_[:alnum:]()]+([[:blank:]]|=)", REG_EXTENDED|REG_NEWLINE); if( reti ){ fprintf(stderr, "Could not compile regex\n"); exit(1); } nmatches = fnr_count_matches(text, regex); regfree(®ex); if (FNR_DEBUG) printf("Marker A8\n"); return nmatches; } void fnr_match_namelists(char * text, char ** namelist_names, char ** namelist_texts) { if (FNR_DEBUG) printf("void fnr_match_namelists\n"); regex_t regex; int reti; int location = 0; int text_length = strlen(text); // int nmatches=0; size_t nmatch = 3; regmatch_t length_match[3]; int name_size, ntext_size; /* Compile regular expression */ // reti = regcomp(®ex, "^&([_[:alnum:]]+)([[:blank:]\n\r](!.*/.*(\r|\n)|[^/]|(\r|\n))+)^/", REG_EXTENDED|REG_NEWLINE); //reti = regcomp(®ex, "[\n\r][[:blank:]]*&([_[:alnum:]]+)([[:blank:]\n\r](!.*[\r\n]|[^/]|[\r\n])+)^/", REG_EXTENDED|REG_NEWLINE); //reti = regcomp(®ex, "^[[:blank:]]*&([_[:alnum:]]+)([[:blank:]\n\r](!.*|[^/\r\n]|[\r\n]+([^/\n\r]|[\n\r][^/]))+)[\r\n]/", REG_EXTENDED|REG_NEWLINE); /*reti = regcomp(®ex, "^[[:blank:]]*&([_[:alnum:]]+)([[:blank:]\n\r]([^\n\r]/|(\n|\r\n)[^/\n\r]|[^\n\r/])+)(\n|\r\n)/", REG_EXTENDED|REG_NEWLINE);*/ reti = regcomp(®ex, "^[[:blank:]]*&([_[:alnum:]]+)([[:blank:]\n\r]([^\n\r]/|(\n|\r\n)|[^\n\r/])+)^/", REG_EXTENDED|REG_NEWLINE); /*reti = regcomp(®ex, "^[[:blank:]]*&([_[:alnum:]]+)([[:blank:]\n\r]([^\n\r]/|[^/])+)(\n|\r\n)/", REG_EXTENDED|REG_NEWLINE);*/ // reti = regcomp(®ex, "[\n\r][[:blank:]]*&([_[:alnum:]]+)([[:blank:]\n\r](.|[\r\n])+)^/", REG_EXTENDED|REG_NEWLINE); /*reti = regcomp(®ex, "&[_[:alnum:]]\\+\\?\n", 0);*/ if( reti ){ fprintf(stderr, "Could not compile regex for matching namelist names and texts\n"); exit(1); } int i = 0; while (location < text_length - 1){ if (FNR_DEBUG) printf("Location %d\n", location); reti = regexec(®ex, &text[location], nmatch, length_match, 0); char ** ntexts = namelist_texts; char ** nnames = namelist_names; if (!reti) { /*Assign namelist name*/ name_size = length_match[1].rm_eo - length_match[1].rm_so + 1; nnames[i] = (char *)malloc(name_size*sizeof(char)); strncpy(nnames[i], &text[location+length_match[1].rm_so], name_size-1); nnames[i][name_size - 1 ] = '\0'; /*Assign namelist text*/ ntext_size = length_match[2].rm_eo - length_match[2].rm_so + 1; ntexts[i] = (char *)malloc(ntext_size*sizeof(char)); strncpy(ntexts[i], &text[location+length_match[2].rm_so], ntext_size-1); ntexts[i][ntext_size - 1] = '\0'; /*variable_text_size = length_match[2].rm_eo - length_match[2].rm_so;*/ if (FNR_DEBUG) printf("begin %d, end %d, Size %d, Name %s\n", length_match[1].rm_so, length_match[1].rm_eo, name_size, nnames[i]); if (FNR_DEBUG) printf("begin %d, end %d, Size %d, Name %s\n", length_match[2].rm_so, length_match[2].rm_eo, ntext_size, ntexts[i]); /*nmatches++;*/ i++; location = location + length_match[0].rm_eo; } if (reti) { if (FNR_DEBUG) printf("Finished matching namelists\n"); break; } } /*printf("F*/ regfree(®ex); } void fnr_match_variables(char * text, char ** variable_names, char ** variable_values) { if (FNR_DEBUG) printf("void fnr_match_variables\n"); regex_t regex; int reti; int location = 0; int text_length = strlen(text); // int nmatches=0; size_t nmatch = 6; regmatch_t length_match[6]; int name_size, value_size; /* Compile regular expression */ /*reti = regcomp(®ex, "(^|\n)[[:space:]]*([_[:alnum:]]+)([[:blank:]]|=)[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*(\"([^\"]|\\\\|\\\")+\"|'([[^']|\\\\|\\')+'|[[:alnum:].+-]+)([[:blank:]\r\n]|!)", REG_EXTENDED|REG_NEWLINE);*/ reti = regcomp(®ex, "(^|\n|\r)[[:space:]]*([_[:alnum:]()]+)([[:blank:]]+=|=)[[:blank:]]*(\"([^\"]|\\\\|\\\")+\"|'([^']|\\\\|\\')+'|[[:alnum:].+-]+)([[:blank:]\r\n]|!)", REG_EXTENDED|REG_NEWLINE); if( reti ){ fprintf(stderr, "Could not compile regex for matching namelist names and texts\n"); exit(1); } int i = 0; if (FNR_DEBUG) printf ("Finished making regex; MARKER D1\n"); if (FNR_DEBUG) printf ("location, %d, text_length, %d, text %s\n", location, text_length, text); while (location < text_length - 1){ if (FNR_DEBUG) printf("Location %d\n", location); reti = regexec(®ex, &text[location], nmatch, length_match, 0); char ** vnames = variable_names; char ** vvalues = variable_values; if (!reti) { /*Assign variable name*/ int a = 2; int b = 4; name_size = length_match[a].rm_eo - length_match[a].rm_so + 1; vnames[i] = (char *)malloc(name_size*sizeof(char)); strncpy(vnames[i], &text[location+length_match[a].rm_so], name_size-1); vnames[i][name_size - 1 ] = '\0'; /*Assign variable value*/ value_size = length_match[b].rm_eo - length_match[b].rm_so + 1; vvalues[i] = (char *)malloc(value_size*sizeof(char)); strncpy(vvalues[i], &text[location+length_match[b].rm_so], value_size-1); vvalues[i][value_size - 1] = '\0'; /*variable_text_size = length_match[2].rm_eo - length_match[2].rm_so;*/ if (FNR_DEBUG) printf("begin %d, end %d, Size %d, Name %s\n", length_match[2].rm_so, length_match[2].rm_eo, name_size, vnames[i]); if (FNR_DEBUG) printf("begin %d, end %d, Size %d, Name %s\n", length_match[3].rm_so, length_match[3].rm_eo, value_size, vvalues[i]); /*nmatches++;*/ i++; location = location + length_match[0].rm_eo; } if (reti) { if (FNR_DEBUG) printf("Finished matching variables\n"); break; } } regfree(®ex); } struct fnr_struct fnr_read_namelist_string(char * file_string) { struct fnr_struct namelist_struct; char ** namelist_texts; if (FNR_DEBUG) printf("The string to be read is %s\n\n", file_string); /*fnr_match_namelists(file_string, namelist_struct.namelist_names, &namelist_texts);*/ /* Count the namelists and allocate the namelists arrays accordingly */ namelist_struct.n_namelists = fnr_count_namelists(file_string); namelist_struct.namelist_names = (char **)malloc(namelist_struct.n_namelists*sizeof(char *)); namelist_struct.namelist_sizes = (int *)malloc(namelist_struct.n_namelists*sizeof(int)); namelist_struct.variable_names = (char ***)malloc(namelist_struct.n_namelists*sizeof(char **)); namelist_struct.variable_values = (char ***)malloc(namelist_struct.n_namelists*sizeof(char **)); namelist_texts = (char **)malloc(namelist_struct.n_namelists*sizeof(char *)); /* Match all the namelists, put their names into namelist names and * their content into namelist_texts*/ fnr_match_namelists(file_string, namelist_struct.namelist_names, namelist_texts); int i; int nvars; for (i=0; i < namelist_struct.n_namelists; i++) { if (FNR_DEBUG) printf("Analysing namelist %d, called %s\n", i, namelist_struct.namelist_names[i]); nvars = namelist_struct.namelist_sizes[i] = fnr_count_variables(namelist_texts[i]); namelist_struct.variable_names[i] = (char **)malloc(nvars*sizeof(char *)); namelist_struct.variable_values[i] = (char **)malloc(nvars*sizeof(char *)); fnr_match_variables(namelist_texts[i], namelist_struct.variable_names[i], namelist_struct.variable_values[i]); free(namelist_texts[i]); } free(namelist_texts); return namelist_struct; }; struct fnr_struct fnr_read_namelist_file(char * file_name) { char * file_string; /*printf("Marker A1\n");*/ printf("Reading file %s\n", file_name); if (FNR_DEBUG) printf("Reading file\n"); fnr_read_file(file_name, &file_string); if (FNR_DEBUG) printf("The string read was: \n%s\n", file_string); struct fnr_struct namelist_struct = fnr_read_namelist_string(file_string); return namelist_struct; } void fnr_free(struct fnr_struct * namelist_struct){ int i,j; for (i=0; i < namelist_struct->n_namelists; i++) { for (j=0; j < namelist_struct->namelist_sizes[i];j++){ free(namelist_struct->variable_names[i][j]); free(namelist_struct->variable_values[i][j]); } free(namelist_struct->variable_names[i]); free(namelist_struct->variable_values[i]); free(namelist_struct->namelist_names[i]); } free(namelist_struct->namelist_sizes); free(namelist_struct->namelist_names); free(namelist_struct->variable_names); free(namelist_struct->variable_values); } int FNR_NAMELIST_NOT_FOUND=1; int FNR_VARIABLE_NOT_FOUND=2; int FNR_VARIABLE_SSCANF_ERROR=3; int FNR_NAMELIST_NOT_IN_TEMPLATE=4; int FNR_VARIABLE_NOT_IN_TEMPLATE=5; int fnr_abort_on_error; int fnr_abort_if_missing; /* Defaults */ /*fnr_abort_on_error=1;*/ /*fnr_abort_if_missing=0;*/ void fnr_check_rvalue(const char * namelist, const char * variable, int rvalue) { if (FNR_DEBUG) printf("rvalue, %d, fnr_abort_if_missing, %d\n", rvalue, fnr_abort_if_missing); if (!rvalue) return; if (fnr_abort_on_error && rvalue == FNR_VARIABLE_SSCANF_ERROR) { printf("Error in namelist %s, variable %s\n", namelist, variable); abort(); } if (fnr_abort_if_missing && rvalue == FNR_NAMELIST_NOT_FOUND) { printf("Missing namelist %s\n", namelist); abort(); } if (fnr_abort_if_missing && rvalue == FNR_VARIABLE_NOT_FOUND) { printf("Missing variable %s in namelist %s\n", variable, namelist); abort(); } if (rvalue == FNR_NAMELIST_NOT_IN_TEMPLATE) { printf("Namelist %s is not in template (i.e. it is not a valid namelist).\n", namelist); abort(); } if (rvalue == FNR_VARIABLE_NOT_IN_TEMPLATE) { printf("Variable %s in namelist %s is not in template (i.e. it is not a valid variable).\n", variable, namelist); abort(); } if (FNR_DEBUG) printf("Marker E8\n"); } int fnr_get_string_no_test(struct fnr_struct * namelist_struct, const char * namelist, const char * variable, char ** value) /*{*/ /*int check_template = 0;*/ /*struct fnr_struct * dummy;*/ /*return fnr_get_string(namelist_struct, namelist, variable, value, check_template, dummy);*/ /*}*/ /*int fnr_get_string(struct fnr_struct * namelist_struct, const char * namelist, const char * variable, char ** value, const int check_template, const struct fnr_struct * namelist_template)*/ { int i,j; int found_namelist = 0; int found_variable = 0; int rvalue = 0; for (i=0;in_namelists; i++) { if (!strcmp(namelist_struct->namelist_names[i], namelist) ) { found_namelist = 1; break; } } if (!found_namelist){ rvalue = FNR_NAMELIST_NOT_FOUND; } if (found_namelist) { if (FNR_DEBUG) printf("Found namelist %s, size: %d\n", namelist_struct->namelist_names[i], namelist_struct->namelist_sizes[i]); for (j=namelist_struct->namelist_sizes[i]-1;j>-1;j--) /* Must take the last specification of the variable*/ { if (FNR_DEBUG) printf("Marker C2; %d %s\n", j, namelist_struct->variable_names[i][j]); if (!strcmp(namelist_struct->variable_names[i][j], variable)) { found_variable = 1; break; } } if (!found_variable) rvalue = FNR_VARIABLE_NOT_FOUND; if (FNR_DEBUG) printf("Marker C3\n"); if (found_variable) { if (FNR_DEBUG) printf("Found variable %s\n", variable); char * v = namelist_struct->variable_values[i][j]; if (FNR_DEBUG) printf("Found value %s\n", v); const char * dq = "\""; const char * sq = "'"; if (v[0] == dq[0] || v[0] == sq[0]) { if (FNR_DEBUG) printf("Value was a string \n"); *value = (char *)malloc((strlen(v)-1)*sizeof(char)); char * val = *value; if (FNR_DEBUG) printf("Allocated \n"); strncpy(val, &v[1], strlen(v)-2); if (FNR_DEBUG) printf("Copied: %s \n", val); val[strlen(v)-2] = '\0'; if (FNR_DEBUG) printf("Terminated: %s \n", val); } else { if (FNR_DEBUG) printf("MARKER D4.5; Length of string %d\n", strlen(variable)); *value = (char *)malloc((strlen(v)+1)*sizeof(char)); strcpy(*value, v); if (FNR_DEBUG) printf("MARKER D4.6; copied value %s to output: %s\n", *value, v); } } } if (!found_namelist || !found_variable){ if (FNR_DEBUG) printf("MARKER D4; Length of string %d\n", strlen(variable)); *value = (char *)malloc((strlen(variable)+1)*sizeof(char)); /*char empty_string = "";*/ if (FNR_DEBUG) printf("Length of variable was %d\n", strlen(variable)); if (FNR_DEBUG) printf("MARKER D5\n"); strcpy(*value, variable); if (FNR_DEBUG) printf("MARKER D5.3\n"); /**value[strlen(variable)] = '\0";*/ if (FNR_DEBUG) printf("MARKER D5.5\n"); } return rvalue; } int fnr_get_string(struct fnr_struct * namelist_struct, const char * namelist, const char * variable, char ** value) { if (FNR_DEBUG) printf("Getting string no test, namelist %s, variable %s\n", namelist, variable); int rvalue = fnr_get_string_no_test(namelist_struct, namelist, variable, value); fnr_check_rvalue(namelist, variable, rvalue); if (FNR_DEBUG) printf("Checked rvalue for %s\n", variable); return rvalue; } int fnr_get_int(struct fnr_struct * namelist_struct, const char * namelist, const char * variable, int * value) { char * str_value; int scfrvalue=0; int rvalue; rvalue = fnr_get_string(namelist_struct, namelist, variable, &str_value); if (FNR_DEBUG) printf("Got string for int\n"); /*if (rvalue) return rvalue;*/ if (FNR_DEBUG) printf("Size of value is %d\n", strlen(str_value)); if (FNR_DEBUG) printf("Str value was %s\n", str_value); if (!rvalue) scfrvalue = sscanf(str_value, "%d", value); if (FNR_DEBUG) printf("rvalue was %d\n, int is %d\n", rvalue, *value); if (!rvalue && !scfrvalue) rvalue = FNR_VARIABLE_SSCANF_ERROR; /*else rvalue = 0;*/ fnr_check_rvalue(namelist, variable, rvalue); return rvalue; } int fnr_get_bool(struct fnr_struct * namelist_struct, const char * namelist, const char * variable, int * value) { char * str_value; // int scfrvalue=0; int rvalue; rvalue = fnr_get_string(namelist_struct, namelist, variable, &str_value); /*if (rvalue) return rvalue;*/ if (FNR_DEBUG) printf("Str value was %s\n", str_value); if (!rvalue) { regex_t regex_true, regex_false; int reti; /* Compile regular expression */ reti = regcomp(®ex_true, "^(t|\\.true\\.)$", REG_ICASE|REG_EXTENDED); if( reti ){ fprintf(stderr, "Could not compile regex_true\n"); exit(1); } reti = regcomp(®ex_false, "^(f|\\.false\\.)$", REG_ICASE|REG_EXTENDED); if( reti ){ fprintf(stderr, "Could not compile regex_false\n"); exit(1); } reti = regexec(®ex_true, str_value, 0, NULL, 0); if (!reti) *value = 1; else { if (FNR_DEBUG) printf("Not True\n"); reti = regexec(®ex_false, str_value, 0, NULL, 0); if (!reti) *value = 0; else rvalue=FNR_VARIABLE_SSCANF_ERROR; } regfree(®ex_true); regfree(®ex_false); if (FNR_DEBUG) printf("Marker A6\n"); } if (FNR_DEBUG) printf("rvalue was %d\n, int is %d\n", rvalue, *value); fnr_check_rvalue(namelist, variable, rvalue); return rvalue; } int fnr_get_float(struct fnr_struct * namelist_struct, const char * namelist, const char * variable, float * value) { char * str_value; int rvalue; int scfrvalue=0; rvalue = fnr_get_string(namelist_struct, namelist, variable, &str_value); /*if (rvalue) return rvalue;*/ if (FNR_DEBUG) printf("Str value was %s\n", str_value); if (!rvalue) scfrvalue = sscanf(str_value, "%f", value); if (FNR_DEBUG) printf("rvalue was %d\n, float is %f\n", rvalue, *value); if (!rvalue && !scfrvalue) rvalue = FNR_VARIABLE_SSCANF_ERROR; /*else rvalue = 0;*/ fnr_check_rvalue(namelist, variable, rvalue); if (FNR_DEBUG) printf("Marker E9\n"); return rvalue; } int fnr_get_double(struct fnr_struct * namelist_struct, const char * namelist, const char * variable, double * value) { char * str_value; int rvalue; int scfrvalue=0; rvalue = fnr_get_string(namelist_struct, namelist, variable, &str_value); /*if (rvalue) return rvalue;*/ if (FNR_DEBUG) printf("Marker E1\n"); if (FNR_DEBUG) printf("Str value was %s\n, rvalue %d", str_value, rvalue); if (!rvalue) scfrvalue = sscanf(str_value, "%lf", value); if (FNR_DEBUG) printf("scrvalue was %d\n, double is %f\n", rvalue, *value); if (!rvalue && !scfrvalue) rvalue = FNR_VARIABLE_SSCANF_ERROR; /*else rvalue = 0;*/ fnr_check_rvalue(namelist, variable, rvalue); return rvalue; } void fnr_check_namelist_against_template(struct fnr_struct * namelist_struct, struct fnr_struct * template_struct) { int i,j; for (i=0; i < namelist_struct->n_namelists; i++) { for (j=0; j < namelist_struct->namelist_sizes[i];j++) { char * dummy; int template_rvalue = fnr_get_string_no_test(template_struct, namelist_struct->namelist_names[i], namelist_struct->variable_names[i][j], &dummy); if (FNR_DEBUG) printf("Template return value was %d\n", template_rvalue); /*int old_abort = fnr_abort_if_missing;*/ /*fnr_abort_if_missing = 0;*/ int rvalue = template_rvalue; if (template_rvalue == FNR_NAMELIST_NOT_FOUND) rvalue = FNR_NAMELIST_NOT_IN_TEMPLATE; if (template_rvalue == FNR_VARIABLE_NOT_FOUND) rvalue = FNR_VARIABLE_NOT_IN_TEMPLATE; fnr_check_rvalue(namelist_struct->namelist_names[i], namelist_struct->variable_names[i][j], rvalue); } } } const char * FNR_TEMPLATE_STRING = "\n\ \n\ &my_namelist\n\ beta = \"This is some help for beta\"\n\ /\n\ \n\ &my_namelist1\n\ !asd\n\ beta = 2.7 ! adadfsa\n\ asdf = \"xxxsdfa\"\n\ \n\ /\n\ "; // int main (int argc, char ** argv) { // if (argc < 2) fnr_error_message("Please pass the first test input file as the first parameter.", 1); // // int noah = 1; // // if (noah) // { // struct fnr_struct namelist_struct = fnr_read_namelist_file(argv[1]); // int Nx; // fnr_abort_on_error = 1; // fnr_abort_if_missing = 1; // // if(fnr_get_int(&namelist_struct, "kt_grids_box_parameters", "nx", &Nx)) *&Nx=128; // printf("Nx was %d\n", Nx); // return(0); // } // // if (argc < 3) fnr_error_message("Please pass the second test input file as the second parameter.", 1); // if (FNR_DEBUG) printf("Read namelist template???\n"); // // if (!strcmp(argv[1], "help_variable")) // { // if (argc < 4) fnr_error_message("Please pass the namelist as the second parameter and the variable as the third.", 1); // struct fnr_struct template_struct_help = fnr_read_namelist_string(FNR_TEMPLATE_STRING); // if (FNR_DEBUG) printf("Read namelist template successful\n"); // fnr_abort_on_error = 1; // fnr_abort_if_missing = 1; // char * help; // if (fnr_get_string(&template_struct_help, argv[2], argv[3], &help)) // printf("No help available"); // else // printf("%s\n", help); // exit(0); // } // // struct fnr_struct namelist_struct = fnr_read_namelist_file(argv[1]); // /*namelist_struct.check_template = 0;*/ // // fnr_abort_on_error = 1; // fnr_abort_if_missing = 1; // // /* String */ // /* fnr_get returns 0 if successful */ // char * collision_model; // if (fnr_get_string(&namelist_struct, "collisions_knobs", "collision_model", &collision_model)) // collision_model = "default"; // printf("Collison model was %s\n", collision_model); // // /* Integer */ // int nx; // if (fnr_get_int(&namelist_struct, "kt_grids_box_parameters", "nx", &nx)) nx = 0; // printf("nx was %d\n", nx); // // /* Float */ // float g_exb; // if (fnr_get_float(&namelist_struct, "dist_fn_knobs", "g_exb", &g_exb)) g_exb = 4.0; // printf("g_exb was %f\n", g_exb); // // /* Double */ // double phiinit; // if (fnr_get_double(&namelist_struct, "init_g_knobs", "phiinit", &phiinit)) phiinit = 0.0; // printf("phiinit was %f\n", phiinit); // // /*Bool*/ // int write_phi_over_time; // if (fnr_get_bool(&namelist_struct, "gs2_diagnostics_knobs", "write_phi_over_time", &write_phi_over_time)) write_phi_over_time = 0; // printf("write_phi_over_time was %d\n", write_phi_over_time); // // // /*Fails*/ // /*if (fnr_get_double(&namelist_struct, "init_g_knobs", "hiinit", &phiinit)) phiinit = 0.0;*/ // /*printf("phiinit was %f\n", phiinit);*/ // // printf("Success!\n"); // // // struct fnr_struct namelist_struct_with_template = fnr_read_namelist_file(argv[2]); // if (FNR_DEBUG) printf("Finished reading second namelist\n\n"); // struct fnr_struct template_struct = fnr_read_namelist_string(FNR_TEMPLATE_STRING); // // fnr_abort_on_error = 1; // fnr_abort_if_missing = 0; // // double beta = 1.2; // if (fnr_get_double(&namelist_struct_with_template, "my_namelist1", "beta", &beta)) beta = 0.5; // printf("beta was %e\n", beta); // // fnr_check_namelist_against_template(&namelist_struct_with_template, &template_struct); // // fnr_free(&namelist_struct); // fnr_free(&namelist_struct_with_template); // fnr_free(&template_struct); // } // // // // // int main(int argc, char* argv[]){ string line; cout << "Starting..." << endl; char* input_file_name = argv[1]; //Get the input file name from the command line cout << input_file_name << endl; struct fnr_struct namelist_file; namelist_file = fnr_read_namelist_file(input_file_name); int calculate_sides; //Should the program calculate the area of the sides of the cube? if (fnr_get_int(&namelist_file, "cubecalc", "calculate_sides", &calculate_sides)) calculate_sides = 0; cout << calculate_sides << endl; int must_sleep; if (fnr_get_int(&namelist_file, "cubecalc", "must_sleep", &must_sleep)) must_sleep = 0; if (must_sleep){ //It has been told to sleep for a time bool cont = true; time_t start_t; time(&start_t); while (cont){ time_t new_t; time(&new_t); cont = (new_t < (start_t + must_sleep * 1.0)); } } float* edges = new float[3]; if (fnr_get_float(&namelist_file, "cubecalc", "width", &edges[0])) edges[0] = 1.0; if (fnr_get_float(&namelist_file, "cubecalc", "depth", &edges[1])) edges[1] = 1.0; if (fnr_get_float(&namelist_file, "cubecalc", "height", &edges[2])) edges[2] = 1.0; printf("edges[0] %f\n", edges[0]); FILE* output = fopen("results.txt", "w"); //Write the volume to the output file fprintf(output, "Volume was %f", edges[0] * edges[1] * edges[2]); fclose(output); if (calculate_sides == 1){ //If it has been told to calculate the sides cout << "calculating sides" << endl; FILE* sides = fopen("sides.txt", "w"); for(int i=0; i<3; i++){ cout << "Side " << i << ": " << edges[(i%3)] * edges[((i+1)%3)] << endl; fprintf(sides, "The area of side %d is %f\n", i, edges[i%3] * edges[(i+1)%3]); } fclose(sides); } }