<% # Controllers that use this partial must provide the following variables: # comment # user thread = comment.thread %> <% if comment.can_be_voted_on? %> <% can_vote = comment.can_be_voted_on_by?(user) %> <% vote = comment.get_vote_by(user) %> <% comment_voting = thread.config.comment_voting.to_sym %> <% if comment_voting == :ld || comment_voting == :l %> <% vtype = (comment_voting == :ld) ? 'upvote' : 'like' %> <% if can_vote && (vote.blank? || !vote.vote_flag) %> <%= form_tag commontator.upvote_comment_path(comment), method: :put, remote: true do %> <%= image_submit_tag "commontator/upvote.png", onmouseover: "this.src='#{image_path("commontator/upvote_hover.png")}'", onmouseout: "this.src='#{image_path("commontator/upvote.png")}'" %> <% end %> <% elsif can_vote %> <%= form_tag commontator.unvote_comment_path(comment), method: :put, remote: true do %> <%= image_submit_tag "commontator/upvote_active.png", onmouseover: "this.src='#{image_path("commontator/upvote.png")}'", onmouseout: "this.src='#{image_path("commontator/upvote_active.png")}'" %> <% end %> <% else %> <%= image_tag "commontator/upvote_disabled.png" %> <% end %> <% end %> <% config = thread.config %> <%= config.vote_count_proc.call(thread, comment.cached_votes_up, comment.cached_votes_down) %> <% if comment_voting == :ld %> <% if can_vote && (vote.blank? || vote.vote_flag) %> <%= form_tag commontator.downvote_comment_path(comment), method: :put, remote: true do %> <%= image_submit_tag "commontator/downvote.png", onmouseover: "this.src='#{image_path("commontator/downvote_hover.png")}'", onmouseout: "this.src='#{image_path("commontator/downvote.png")}'" %> <% end %> <% elsif can_vote %> <%= form_tag commontator.unvote_comment_path(comment), method: :put, remote: true do %> <%= image_submit_tag "commontator/downvote_active.png", onmouseover: "this.src='#{image_path("commontator/downvote.png")}'", onmouseout: "this.src='#{image_path("commontator/downvote_active.png")}'" %> <% end %> <% else %> <%= image_tag "commontator/downvote_disabled.png" %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %>