require 'rbconfig' require_relative 'base_exporter' module Processing # A utility class to export Ruby-Processing sketches as # Mac/Win/Nix Applications. class ApplicationExporter < BaseExporter USAGE = <<-EOS The application exporter will generate a Mac application for you. Usage: script/application Example: script/applet samples/jwishy.rb Probably won't work with Oracle Java on Mac EOS def export!(sketch) # Check to make sure that the main file exists @main_file_path, @main_file, @main_folder = *get_main_file(sketch) usage(@main_file_path && FileTest.exist?(@main_file_path)) extract_information compute_destination_name wipe_and_recreate_destination copy_over_necessary_files calculate_substitutions create_executables symlink_library_into_place end def compute_destination_name @dest = "#{@title}.app" end def copy_over_necessary_files @prefix = 'lib' cp_r(Dir["#{RP5_ROOT}/lib/templates/application/{*,**}"], @dest) @necessary_files = [@main_file_path] @necessary_files += Dir["#{RP_CONFIG['PROCESSING_ROOT']}/core/library/{*,**}"] @necessary_files += Dir["#{RP5_ROOT}/lib/{*,**}"] @necessary_files += @real_requires NECESSARY_FOLDERS.each do |folder| resource_path = File.join(@main_folder, folder) @necessary_files << resource_path if FileTest.exist?(resource_path) end @necessary_files.uniq! cp_r(@necessary_files, File.join(@dest, @prefix)) cp_r(@libraries, File.join(@dest, @prefix, 'library')) unless @libraries.empty? # Then move the icon potential_icon = Dir.glob(File.join(@dest, @prefix, 'data/*.icns'))[0] move(potential_icon, File.join(@dest, 'Contents/Resources/sketch.icns'), force: true) if potential_icon end def calculate_substitutions file_list = ['lib/ruby/jruby-complete.jar'] @class_path = { |f| '$JAVAROOT/' + f.sub(@prefix + '/', '') }.join(':') @linux_class_path = '.:../lib/ruby/*:../lib/*:../lib/library/*' @windows_class_path = '.;../lib/ruby/*;../lib/*;../lib/library/*' end def create_executables render_erb_in_path_with_binding(@dest, binding, delete: true) rm Dir.glob(@dest + "/**/*.java") runnable = @dest + '/' + File.basename(@main_file, '.rb') move @dest + '/run', runnable move @dest + '/run.exe', "#{runnable}.exe" chmod 0755, runnable chmod 0755, "#{runnable}.exe" chmod 0755, File.join(@dest, 'Contents', 'MacOS', 'JavaApplicationStub') end def symlink_library_into_place cd @dest + '/Contents/Resources' # Poor ol' windows can't symlink. # TODO... win ||= RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'].match(/mswin/i) win ||= RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'].match(/windows/i) puts "\n[warning] Applications exported from Windows won't run on Macs...\n" if win ln_s('../../lib', 'Java') unless win end def usage(predicate) return if predicate puts USAGE exit end end end