$: << File.expand_path('monkey_forms/vendor/grouped_validations/lib', File.dirname(__FILE__)) $: << File.expand_path('monkey_forms/vendor/deep_merge/lib', File.dirname(__FILE__)) # Warning: This code is atrocious. module MonkeyForms require 'monkey_forms/serializers' require 'active_model' require 'active_support/hash_with_indifferent_access' require 'active_support/core_ext/object/try' require 'grouped_validations' require 'deep_merge' module Form def self.included base base.send :include, ActiveModel::Validations base.send :extend, ActiveModel::Callbacks base.send :include, InstanceMethods base.send :extend, ClassMethods base.instance_eval do define_model_callbacks :initialize end base.send :include, ActiveModel::Validations end module InstanceMethods attr_reader :attributes def persisted? false end # TODO not sure what's best here def html_error_messages errors.full_messages.join("
") end def to_model self end def to_param nil end def to_key nil end def initialize options = {} _run_initialize_callbacks do form_params = options.delete(:form) || {} @options = options @options.each do |key, value| instance_variable_set "@#{key}", value end # Load the saved form from storage @attributes = if self.class.form_storage self.class.form_storage.load(@options) else ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess.new end # Merge in this form's params DeepMerge.deep_merge!(form_params, @attributes) self.class.attributes.each do |a| @attributes[a] ||= "" if self.class.strip_attributes? if @attributes[a].class == String @attributes[a].strip! #elsif @attributes[a].class == Array #@attributes[a].each do |v| #v.strip! if v.class == String #end end end end end end def save_to_storage! @options[:attributes] = @attributes self.class.form_storage.save(@options) end end module ClassMethods attr_reader :form_storage def attributes @attributes ||= {} end # Compatibility with ActiveModel::Naming def model_name if !defined?(@_model_name) # EWWWW @_model_name = (@_form_name.try(:to_s) || superclass.instance_variable_get(:@_form_name).try(:to_s) || name.underscore).try(:underscore) %w( singular human i18n_key partial_path plural param_key).each do |method| @_model_name.class_eval do define_method method do self end end end end @_model_name end def form_name name @_form_name = name end def set_form_storage storage_object @form_storage = storage_object end def dont_strip_form_attributes! @_strip_attributes = false end def strip_attributes? return true if !defined?(@_strip_attributes) return @_strip_attributes end def set_form_attribute_human_names options @_form_attribute_names ||= {} @_form_attribute_names.merge!(options) end def human_attribute_name name, *options @_form_attribute_names ||= {} @_form_attribute_names[name] || super end def form_attributes *attrs @attributes ||= [] attrs.each do |attr| @attributes << attr # Defines public method define_method attr do @attributes[attr.to_s] end define_method "#{attr}=" do |value| @attributes[attr.to_s] = value end end end def custom_attributes *attrs attrs.each do |attr| instance_eval do attr_reader attr end end end end end end