@test_unit @rspec @merging

  Test suites like RSpec and Test/Unit should be merged automatically
  when both have been run recently. The coverage report will feature
  the joined results of all test suites that are using SimpleCov.

    Given SimpleCov for Test/Unit is configured with:
      require 'simplecov'
      SimpleCov.start do
        add_filter 'test.rb'
        add_filter 'spec.rb'
    And SimpleCov for RSpec is configured with:
      require 'simplecov'
      SimpleCov.start do
        add_filter 'test.rb'
        add_filter 'spec.rb'

    When I open the coverage report generated with `bundle exec rake test`
    Then the report should be based upon:
      | Unit Tests |

    When I open the coverage report generated with `bundle exec rspec spec`
    Then the report should be based upon:
      | RSpec      |
      | Unit Tests |

    And I should see the groups:
      | name      | coverage | files |
      | All Files | 90.48%   | 4     |

    And I should see the source files:
      | name                                    | coverage |
      | lib/faked_project.rb                    | 100.0 %  |
      | lib/faked_project/some_class.rb         |  80.0 %  |
      | lib/faked_project/framework_specific.rb |  87.5 %  |
      | lib/faked_project/meta_magic.rb         | 100.0 %  |