# Application template recipe for the rails_apps_composer. Change the recipe here: # https://github.com/RailsApps/rails_apps_composer/blob/master/recipes/init.rb stage_three do say_wizard "recipe stage three" if (!prefs[:secrets].nil?) prefs[:secrets].each do |secret| env_var = " #{secret}: <%= ENV[\"#{secret.upcase}\"] %>" inject_into_file 'config/secrets.yml', "\n" + env_var, :after => "development:" ### 'inject_into_file' doesn't let us inject the same text twice unless we append the extra space, why? inject_into_file 'config/secrets.yml', "\n" + env_var + " ", :after => "production:" end end case prefs[:email] when 'none' secrets_email = foreman_email = '' when 'smtp' secrets_email = foreman_email = '' when 'gmail' secrets_email = " email_provider_username: <%= ENV[\"GMAIL_USERNAME\"] %>\n email_provider_password: <%= ENV[\"GMAIL_PASSWORD\"] %>" foreman_email = "GMAIL_USERNAME=Your_Username\nGMAIL_PASSWORD=Your_Password\nDOMAIN_NAME=example.com\n" when 'sendgrid' secrets_email = " email_provider_username: <%= ENV[\"SENDGRID_USERNAME\"] %>\n email_provider_password: <%= ENV[\"SENDGRID_PASSWORD\"] %>" foreman_email = "SENDGRID_USERNAME=Your_Username\nSENDGRID_PASSWORD=Your_Password\nDOMAIN_NAME=example.com\n" when 'mandrill' secrets_email = " email_provider_username: <%= ENV[\"MANDRILL_USERNAME\"] %>\n email_provider_apikey: <%= ENV[\"MANDRILL_APIKEY\"] %>" foreman_email = "MANDRILL_USERNAME=Your_Username\nMANDRILL_APIKEY=Your_API_Key\nDOMAIN_NAME=example.com\n" end figaro_email = foreman_email.gsub('=', ': ') secrets_d_devise = " admin_name: First User\n admin_email: user@example.com\n admin_password: changeme" secrets_p_devise = " admin_name: <%= ENV[\"ADMIN_NAME\"] %>\n admin_email: <%= ENV[\"ADMIN_EMAIL\"] %>\n admin_password: <%= ENV[\"ADMIN_PASSWORD\"] %>" foreman_devise = "ADMIN_NAME=First User\nADMIN_EMAIL=user@example.com\nADMIN_PASSWORD=changeme\n" figaro_devise = foreman_devise.gsub('=', ': ') secrets_omniauth = " omniauth_provider_key: <%= ENV[\"OMNIAUTH_PROVIDER_KEY\"] %>\n omniauth_provider_secret: <%= ENV[\"OMNIAUTH_PROVIDER_SECRET\"] %>" foreman_omniauth = "OMNIAUTH_PROVIDER_KEY=Your_Provider_Key\nOMNIAUTH_PROVIDER_SECRET=Your_Provider_Secret\n" figaro_omniauth = foreman_omniauth.gsub('=', ': ') ## EMAIL inject_into_file 'config/secrets.yml', "\n" + " domain_name: example.com", :after => "development:" inject_into_file 'config/secrets.yml', "\n" + " domain_name: <%= ENV[\"DOMAIN_NAME\"] %>", :after => "production:" inject_into_file 'config/secrets.yml', "\n" + secrets_email, :after => "development:" unless prefer :email, 'none' ### 'inject_into_file' doesn't let us inject the same text twice unless we append the extra space, why? inject_into_file 'config/secrets.yml', "\n" + secrets_email + " ", :after => "production:" append_file '.env', foreman_email if prefer :local_env_file, 'foreman' append_file 'config/application.yml', figaro_email if prefer :local_env_file, 'figaro' end ## DEVISE if prefer :authentication, 'devise' inject_into_file 'config/secrets.yml', "\n" + ' domain_name: example.com' + " ", :after => "test:" inject_into_file 'config/secrets.yml', "\n" + secrets_d_devise, :after => "development:" inject_into_file 'config/secrets.yml', "\n" + secrets_p_devise, :after => "production:" append_file '.env', foreman_devise if prefer :local_env_file, 'foreman' append_file 'config/application.yml', figaro_devise if prefer :local_env_file, 'figaro' gsub_file 'config/initializers/devise.rb', /'please-change-me-at-config-initializers-devise@example.com'/, "'no-reply@' + Rails.application.secrets.domain_name" end ## OMNIAUTH if prefer :authentication, 'omniauth' inject_into_file 'config/secrets.yml', "\n" + secrets_omniauth, :after => "development:" ### 'inject_into_file' doesn't let us inject the same text twice unless we append the extra space, why? inject_into_file 'config/secrets.yml', "\n" + secrets_omniauth + " ", :after => "production:" append_file '.env', foreman_omniauth if prefer :local_env_file, 'foreman' append_file 'config/application.yml', figaro_omniauth if prefer :local_env_file, 'figaro' end ## rails-stripe-coupons if prefer :apps4, 'rails-stripe-coupons' gsub_file 'config/secrets.yml', /<%= ENV\["PRODUCT_TITLE"\] %>/, 'What is Ruby on Rails' gsub_file 'config/secrets.yml', /<%= ENV\["PRODUCT_PRICE"\] %>/, '995' end ### EXAMPLE FILE FOR FOREMAN AND FIGARO ### if prefer :local_env_file, 'figaro' copy_file destination_root + '/config/application.yml', destination_root + '/config/application.example.yml' elsif prefer :local_env_file, 'foreman' copy_file destination_root + '/.env', destination_root + '/.env.example' end ### DATABASE SEED ### if prefer :authentication, 'devise' copy_from_repo 'db/seeds.rb', :repo => 'https://raw.github.com/RailsApps/rails-devise/master/' if prefer :authorization, 'roles' copy_from_repo 'app/services/create_admin_service.rb', :repo => 'https://raw.github.com/RailsApps/rails-devise-roles/master/' elsif prefer :authorization, 'pundit' copy_from_repo 'app/services/create_admin_service.rb', :repo => 'https://raw.github.com/RailsApps/rails-devise-pundit/master/' else copy_from_repo 'app/services/create_admin_service.rb', :repo => 'https://raw.github.com/RailsApps/rails-devise/master/' end end if prefer :apps4, 'rails-stripe-coupons' copy_from_repo 'app/services/create_couponcodes_service.rb', :repo => 'https://raw.github.com/RailsApps/rails-stripe-coupons/master/' append_file 'db/seeds.rb' do <<-FILE CreateCouponcodesService.new.call puts 'CREATED PROMOTIONAL CODES' FILE end end if prefer :apps4, 'rails-stripe-membership-saas' append_file 'db/seeds.rb' do <<-FILE CreatePlanService.new.call puts 'CREATED PLANS' FILE end end if prefer :local_env_file, 'figaro' append_file 'db/seeds.rb' do <<-FILE # Environment variables (ENV['...']) can be set in the file config/application.yml. # See http://railsapps.github.io/rails-environment-variables.html FILE end elsif prefer :local_env_file, 'foreman' append_file 'db/seeds.rb' do <<-FILE # Environment variables (ENV['...']) can be set in the file .env file. FILE end end ## DEVISE-CONFIRMABLE if (prefer :devise_modules, 'confirmable') || (prefer :devise_modules, 'invitable') inject_into_file 'app/services/create_admin_service.rb', " user.confirm!\n", :after => "user.password_confirmation = Rails.application.secrets.admin_password\n" end ## DEVISE-INVITABLE if prefer :devise_modules, 'invitable' if prefer :local_env_file, 'foreman' run 'foreman run bundle exec rake db:migrate' else run 'bundle exec rake db:migrate' end generate 'devise_invitable user' end ### APPLY DATABASE SEED ### if File.exists?('db/migrate') ## ACTIVE_RECORD say_wizard "applying migrations and seeding the database" if prefer :local_env_file, 'foreman' run 'foreman run bundle exec rake db:migrate' else run 'bundle exec rake db:migrate' end end unless prefs[:skip_seeds] if prefer :local_env_file, 'foreman' run 'foreman run bundle exec rake db:seed' else run 'bundle exec rake db:seed' end end ### GIT ### git :add => '-A' if prefer :git, true git :commit => '-qm "rails_apps_composer: set up database"' if prefer :git, true ### FRONTEND (must run after database migrations) ### # generate Devise views with appropriate styling if prefer :authentication, 'devise' case prefs[:frontend] when 'bootstrap3' generate 'layout:devise bootstrap3 -f' when 'foundation5' generate 'layout:devise foundation5 -f' end end # create navigation links using the rails_layout gem generate 'layout:navigation -f' if prefer :apps4, 'rails-stripe-coupons' inject_into_file 'app/views/layouts/_nav_links_for_auth.html.erb', ", data: { no_turbolink: true }", :after => "new_user_registration_path" inject_into_file 'app/views/layouts/_nav_links_for_auth.html.erb', "\n
  • <%= link_to 'Coupons', coupons_path %>
  • ", :after => "users_path %>" end if prefer :apps4, 'rails-stripe-membership-saas' inject_into_file 'app/views/layouts/_nav_links_for_auth.html.erb', ", data: { no_turbolink: true }", :after => "new_user_registration_path" copy_from_repo 'app/views/devise/registrations/edit.html.erb', :repo => 'https://raw.github.com/RailsApps/rails-stripe-membership-saas/master/' end ### GIT ### git :add => '-A' if prefer :git, true git :commit => '-qm "rails_apps_composer: navigation links"' if prefer :git, true end __END__ name: init description: "Set up and initialize database." author: RailsApps requires: [setup, gems, devise, omniauth] run_after: [setup, gems, pages] category: initialize