# Methods for generating Table of Contents module RogerStyleGuide::Helpers::TocHelper # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength, # rubocop:disable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity, # rubocop:disable Metrics/PerceivedComplexity, # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize DEFAULT_MATCH = /html.erb\Z/ DEFAULT_MAX_DEPTH = 1000 DEFAULT_LINKER = lambda do |url, name, level| "#{name}" end # Generate a table of contents for a certain path getting all files # that match the `match` regexp and go `max_depth` levels deep. # # Options are: # # - match [Regexp] (/html.erb\Z/) What files to match # - max_depth [Integer] (1000) How many directory levels deep should we go # - linker [lambda {|url, name| ... }] A lambda writing out the tag. # # Will output html in this structure: # # ``` # # ``` def toc(path = nil, options = {}) options = { match: DEFAULT_MATCH, max_depth: DEFAULT_MAX_DEPTH, linker: DEFAULT_LINKER }.update(options) path ||= env["roger.project"].html_path tree = traverse_tree(path, options[:max_depth], options[:match]) display_tree(tree, options) end # Path will be used to generate the real link # Name_path can be used to use a different string as link name def link_to_template(path, name = nil, level = nil, linker = DEFAULT_LINKER) # Strip of html path url = path.to_s.gsub(env["roger.project"].html_path.to_s, "").gsub(/html\.erb$/, "html") name ||= humanize_path(path) linker.call(url, name, level) end # Convert path into human readable name def humanize_path(path) File.basename(path).split(".", 2).first.capitalize end # Build a tree # # - Path: The path to get the entries from # - Match: Files to match (use regexp). Will only match the File.basename # - Max_depth: How deep should we traverse the tree? # - Level: keep track of how deep we are in the recursino # # @return result = {name: "XX", path: "XX", children: [], type: :file} def traverse_tree(path, max_depth = DFEAULT_MAX_DEPTH, match = DEFAULT_MATCH, level = 0) result = { name: humanize_path(path), path: path, children: [], type: :dir } path = Pathname.new(path) # Don't go deeper if we reached max_depth return if level >= max_depth path.entries.each do |entry| entry_path = path + entry # Normalize paths, removing all "." and "_" files next if entry.to_s.start_with?(".") || entry.to_s.start_with?("_") # Check match next if entry_path.file? && !entry.to_s.match(match) if entry_path.directory? subdir = traverse_tree(entry_path, max_depth, match, level + 1) result[:children] << subdir if subdir else result[:children] << { name: humanize_path(entry), path: path + entry, type: :file } end end # If we don't have children we're not going to be visible. return if result[:children].empty? result end # Display the tree # # @option :linker The linker to use def display_tree(tree, options = {}, level = 0) return "" unless tree linker = options[:linker] || DEFAULT_LINKER output = [] output << "" output.join("\n") end end Roger::Renderer.helper RogerStyleGuide::Helpers::TocHelper