// Copyright (c) 2011 Peter Ohler. All rights reserved. #ifndef OJ_PARSE_H #define OJ_PARSE_H #include #include #include #include "ruby.h" #include "oj.h" #include "val_stack.h" #include "circarray.h" #include "reader.h" #include "rxclass.h" struct _rxClass; typedef struct _numInfo { int64_t i; int64_t num; int64_t div; int64_t di; const char *str; size_t len; long exp; int big; int infinity; int nan; int neg; int has_exp; int no_big; int bigdec_load; } *NumInfo; typedef struct _parseInfo { // used for the string parser const char *json; const char *cur; const char *end; // used for the stream parser struct _reader rd; struct _err err; struct _options options; VALUE handler; struct _valStack stack; CircArray circ_array; struct _rxClass str_rx; int expect_value; int max_depth; // just for the json gem VALUE proc; VALUE (*start_hash)(struct _parseInfo *pi); void (*end_hash)(struct _parseInfo *pi); VALUE (*hash_key)(struct _parseInfo *pi, const char *key, size_t klen); void (*hash_set_cstr)(struct _parseInfo *pi, Val kval, const char *str, size_t len, const char *orig); void (*hash_set_num)(struct _parseInfo *pi, Val kval, NumInfo ni); void (*hash_set_value)(struct _parseInfo *pi, Val kval, VALUE value); VALUE (*start_array)(struct _parseInfo *pi); void (*end_array)(struct _parseInfo *pi); void (*array_append_cstr)(struct _parseInfo *pi, const char *str, size_t len, const char *orig); void (*array_append_num)(struct _parseInfo *pi, NumInfo ni); void (*array_append_value)(struct _parseInfo *pi, VALUE value); void (*add_cstr)(struct _parseInfo *pi, const char *str, size_t len, const char *orig); void (*add_num)(struct _parseInfo *pi, NumInfo ni); void (*add_value)(struct _parseInfo *pi, VALUE val); VALUE err_class; bool has_callbacks; } *ParseInfo; extern void oj_parse2(ParseInfo pi); extern void oj_set_error_at(ParseInfo pi, VALUE err_clas, const char* file, int line, const char *format, ...); extern VALUE oj_pi_parse(int argc, VALUE *argv, ParseInfo pi, char *json, size_t len, int yieldOk); extern VALUE oj_num_as_value(NumInfo ni); extern void oj_set_strict_callbacks(ParseInfo pi); extern void oj_set_object_callbacks(ParseInfo pi); extern void oj_set_compat_callbacks(ParseInfo pi); extern void oj_set_custom_callbacks(ParseInfo pi); extern void oj_set_wab_callbacks(ParseInfo pi); extern void oj_sparse2(ParseInfo pi); extern VALUE oj_pi_sparse(int argc, VALUE *argv, ParseInfo pi, int fd); static inline void parse_info_init(ParseInfo pi) { memset(pi, 0, sizeof(struct _parseInfo)); } static inline bool empty_ok(Options options) { switch (options->mode) { case ObjectMode: case WabMode: return true; case CompatMode: case RailsMode: return false; case StrictMode: case NullMode: case CustomMode: default: break; } return Yes == options->empty_string; } #endif /* OJ_PARSE_H */