require 'spec_helper' require 'puppet/network/http/connection' require 'puppet_spec/validators' require 'puppet/test_ca' describe Puppet::Network::HTTP::Connection do let (:host) { "me" } let (:port) { 54321 } subject {, port, :verify => Puppet::SSL::Validator.no_validator) } let (:httpok) {'1.1', 200, '') } context "when providing HTTP connections" do context "when initializing http instances" do it "should return an http instance created with the passed host and port" do conn =, port, :verify => Puppet::SSL::Validator.no_validator) expect(conn.address).to eq(host) expect(conn.port).to eq(port) end it "should enable ssl on the http instance by default" do conn =, port, :verify => Puppet::SSL::Validator.no_validator) expect(conn).to be_use_ssl end it "can disable ssl using an option" do conn =, port, :use_ssl => false, :verify => Puppet::SSL::Validator.no_validator) expect(conn).to_not be_use_ssl end it "can enable ssl using an option" do conn =, port, :use_ssl => true, :verify => Puppet::SSL::Validator.no_validator) expect(conn).to be_use_ssl end it "should raise Puppet::Error when invalid options are specified" do expect {, port, :invalid_option => nil) }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, 'Unrecognized option(s): :invalid_option') end end end context "when handling requests", :vcr do let (:host) { "my-server" } let (:port) { 8140 } let (:subject) {, port, :use_ssl => false, :verify => Puppet::SSL::Validator.no_validator) } { :request_get => {}, :request_head => {}, :request_post => "param: value" }.each do |method,body| context "##{method}" do it "should yield to the block" do block_executed = false subject.send(method, "/foo", body) do |response| block_executed = true end expect(block_executed).to eq(true) end end end end context "when response is a redirect" do let (:site) {'http', 'my_server', 8140) } let (:other_site) {'http', 'redirected', 9292) } let (:other_path) { "other-path" } let (:verify) { Puppet::SSL::Validator.no_validator } let (:subject) {, site.port, :use_ssl => false, :verify => verify) } let (:httpredirection) do response ='1.1', 302, 'Moved Temporarily') response['location'] = "#{other_site.addr}/#{other_path}" allow(response).to receive(:read_body).and_return("This resource has moved") response end def create_connection(site, options) options[:use_ssl] = site.use_ssl?, site.port, options) end it "should redirect to the final resource location" do http = double('http') allow(http).to receive(:request).and_return(httpredirection, httpok) pool = Puppet.lookup(:http_pool) expect(pool).to receive(:with_connection).with(site, anything).and_yield(http).ordered expect(pool).to receive(:with_connection).with(other_site, anything).and_yield(http).ordered conn = create_connection(site, :verify => verify) conn.get('/foo') end def expects_redirection(conn, &block) http = double('http') allow(http).to receive(:request).and_return(httpredirection) pool = Puppet.lookup(:http_pool) expect(pool).to receive(:with_connection).with(site, anything).and_yield(http) pool end def expects_limit_exceeded(conn) expect { conn.get('/') }.to raise_error(Puppet::Network::HTTP::RedirectionLimitExceededException) end it "should not redirect when the limit is 0" do conn = create_connection(site, :verify => verify, :redirect_limit => 0) pool = expects_redirection(conn) expect(pool).not_to receive(:with_connection).with(other_site, anything) expects_limit_exceeded(conn) end it "should redirect only once" do conn = create_connection(site, :verify => verify, :redirect_limit => 1) pool = expects_redirection(conn) expect(pool).to receive(:with_connection).with(other_site, anything).once expects_limit_exceeded(conn) end it "should raise an exception when the redirect limit is exceeded" do conn = create_connection(site, :verify => verify, :redirect_limit => 3) pool = expects_redirection(conn) expect(pool).to receive(:with_connection).with(other_site, anything).exactly(3).times expects_limit_exceeded(conn) end end context "when response indicates an overloaded server" do let(:http) { double('http') } let(:site) {'http', 'my_server', 8140) } let(:verify) { Puppet::SSL::Validator.no_validator } let(:httpunavailable) {'1.1', 503, 'Service Unavailable') } subject {, site.port, :use_ssl => false, :verify => verify) } context "when parsing Retry-After headers" do # Private method. Create a reference that can be called by tests. let(:header_parser) { subject.method(:parse_retry_after_header) } it "returns 0 when parsing a RFC 2822 date that has passed" do test_date = 'Wed, 13 Apr 2005 15:18:05 GMT' expect( eq(0) end end it "should return a 503 response if Retry-After is not set" do allow(http).to receive(:request).and_return(httpunavailable) pool = Puppet.lookup(:http_pool) expect(pool).to receive(:with_connection).with(site, anything).and_yield(http) result = subject.get('/foo') expect(result.code).to eq(503) end it "should return a 503 response if Retry-After is not convertible to an Integer or RFC 2822 Date" do httpunavailable['Retry-After'] = 'foo' allow(http).to receive(:request).and_return(httpunavailable) pool = Puppet.lookup(:http_pool) expect(pool).to receive(:with_connection).with(site, anything).and_yield(http) result = subject.get('/foo') expect(result.code).to eq(503) end it "should sleep and retry if Retry-After is an Integer" do httpunavailable['Retry-After'] = '42' allow(http).to receive(:request).and_return(httpunavailable, httpok) pool = Puppet.lookup(:http_pool) expect(pool).to receive(:with_connection).with(site, anything).twice.and_yield(http) expect(::Kernel).to receive(:sleep).with(42) result = subject.get('/foo') expect(result.code).to eq(200) end it "should sleep and retry if Retry-After is an RFC 2822 Date" do httpunavailable['Retry-After'] = 'Wed, 13 Apr 2005 15:18:05 GMT' allow(http).to receive(:request).and_return(httpunavailable, httpok) now =, 4, 13, 8, 17, 5, '-07:00') allow(DateTime).to receive(:now).and_return(now) pool = Puppet.lookup(:http_pool) expect(pool).to receive(:with_connection).with(site, anything).twice.and_yield(http) expect(::Kernel).to receive(:sleep).with(60) result = subject.get('/foo') expect(result.code).to eq(200) end it "should sleep for no more than the Puppet runinterval" do httpunavailable['Retry-After'] = '60' allow(http).to receive(:request).and_return(httpunavailable, httpok) Puppet[:runinterval] = 30 pool = Puppet.lookup(:http_pool) expect(pool).to receive(:with_connection).with(site, anything).twice.and_yield(http) expect(::Kernel).to receive(:sleep).with(30) subject.get('/foo') end end it "allows setting basic auth on get requests" do expect_request_with_basic_auth subject.get('/path', nil, :basic_auth => { :user => 'user', :password => 'password' }) end it "allows setting basic auth on post requests" do expect_request_with_basic_auth'/path', 'data', nil, :basic_auth => { :user => 'user', :password => 'password' }) end it "allows setting basic auth on head requests" do expect_request_with_basic_auth subject.head('/path', nil, :basic_auth => { :user => 'user', :password => 'password' }) end it "allows setting basic auth on delete requests" do expect_request_with_basic_auth subject.delete('/path', nil, :basic_auth => { :user => 'user', :password => 'password' }) end it "allows setting basic auth on put requests" do expect_request_with_basic_auth subject.put('/path', 'data', nil, :basic_auth => { :user => 'user', :password => 'password' }) end def expect_request_with_basic_auth expect_any_instance_of(Net::HTTP).to receive(:request) do |_, request| expect(request['authorization']).to match(/^Basic/) end.and_return(httpok) end it "sets HTTP User-Agent header" do puppet_ua = "Puppet/#{Puppet.version} Ruby/#{RUBY_VERSION}-p#{RUBY_PATCHLEVEL} (#{RUBY_PLATFORM})" expect_any_instance_of(Net::HTTP).to receive(:request) do |_, request| expect(request['User-Agent']).to eq(puppet_ua) end.and_return(httpok) subject.get('/path') end end