# # image.test,v 1.9 2007/11/25 17:06:02 jenglish Exp # package require Tk package require tcltest ; namespace import -force tcltest::* loadTestedCommands lappend auto_path . package require tile # catch background errors: # if {[info procs bgerror] == "bgerror"} { rename bgerror {} } array set BGerror { caught 0 message {} } proc bgerror {message} { variable BGerror set BGerror(caught) 1 set BGerror(message) $message } proc caughtbgerror {} { variable BGerror if {!$BGerror(caught)} { error "No bgerror caught" } set BGerror(caught) 0 return $BGerror(message) } test image-1.1 "Bad image element" -body { ttk::style element create BadImage image badimage #- ttk::style layout BadImage { BadImage } #- ttk::label .l -style BadImage #- pack .l ; update #- destroy .l #- caughtbgerror } -returnCodes error -result {image "badimage" doesn't exist} test image-1.2 "Duplicate element" -setup { image create photo test.element -width 10 -height 10 ttk::style element create testElement image test.element } -body { ttk::style element create testElement image test.element } -returnCodes 1 -result "Duplicate element testElement" test image-1.3 "Bad image element later in list" -body { ttk::style element create BadImage image {test.element {} badimage} } -returnCodes error -result {image "badimage" doesn't exist} test image-1.4 "Bad image option" -body { ttk::button .b -image [list test.element {} badimage] } -returnCodes error -result {image "badimage" doesn't exist} test image-2.0 "Deletion of displayed image (label)" -constraints { KNOWNBUG } -setup { image create photo test.image -width 10 -height 10 } -body { pack [set w [ttk::label .ttk_image20 -image test.image]] tkwait visibility $w image delete test.image update } -cleanup { destroy .ttk_image20 } -result {} test image-2.1 "Deletion of displayed image (checkbutton)" -constraints { KNOWNBUG } -setup { image create photo test.image -width 10 -height 10 } -body { pack [set w [ttk::checkbutton .ttk_image21 -image test.image]] tkwait visibility $w image delete test.image update } -cleanup { destroy .ttk_image21 } -result {} test image-2.2 "Deletion of displayed image (radiobutton)" -constraints { KNOWNBUG } -setup { image create photo test.image -width 10 -height 10 } -body { pack [set w [ttk::radiobutton .ttk_image22 -image test.image]] tkwait visibility $w image delete test.image update } -cleanup { destroy .ttk_image22 } -result {} # tcltest::cleanupTests