{ "Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments": { "properties": [ "roleDefinitionId", "principalId", "scope" ], "full_properties": { "roleDefinitionId": { "description": "Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments: roleDefinitionId - id of the role to be used in the role assignment", "required": true, "type": "string", "update_causes": "unknown" }, "principalId": { "description": "Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments: principalId - specifies the principal Id. This maps to the id inside the directory and can point to a user, service principal, or security group", "required": true, "type": "string", "update_causes": "unknown" }, "scope": { "description": "Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments: scope - specifies the scope at which this role assignment applies to", "required": true, "type": "string", "update_causes": "unknown" } }, "api_version": "2014-10-01-preview", "required": [ "name", "type", "apiVersion", "properties" ] }, "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs": { "properties": [ ], "full_properties": { }, "api_version": "2015-05-21-preview", "required": [ "type", "apiVersion", "location" ] }, "Microsoft.DevTestLab/environments": { "properties": [ "labId", "vms" ], "full_properties": { "labId": { "description": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/environments - Lab ID", "required": true, "type": "string", "update_causes": "unknown" }, "vms": { "description": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/environments - VMs", "required": true, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" } }, "api_version": "2015-05-21-preview", "required": [ "type", "apiVersion", "properties", "location" ] }, "Microsoft.AppService/apiapps": { "properties": [ "gateway", "host", "package", "updatePolicy", "accessLevel", "dependencies" ], "full_properties": { "gateway": { "description": "Microsoft.AppService/apiapps: Reference to a gateway resource", "required": true, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" }, "host": { "description": "Microsoft.AppService/apiapps: Reference to a hosting web site resource", "required": false, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" }, "package": { "description": "Microsoft.AppService/apiapps: API App NuGet gallery package", "required": true, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" }, "updatePolicy": { "description": "Microsoft.AppService/apiapps: Update policy for the API App instance", "required": false, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" }, "accessLevel": { "description": "Microsoft.AppService/apiapps: Access level of the API App instance", "required": false, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" }, "dependencies": { "description": "Microsoft.AppService/apiapps: Collection of references to dependent API Apps instances", "required": false, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" } }, "api_version": null, "required": [ "type", "apiVersion", "properties", "location" ] }, "Microsoft.AppService/gateways": { "properties": [ "host" ], "full_properties": { "host": { "description": "Microsoft.AppService/gateways: Reference to a hosting web site resource", "required": false, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" } }, "api_version": null, "required": [ "type", "apiVersion", "properties", "location" ] }, "registrations": { "properties": [ "resource" ], "full_properties": { "resource": { "description": "Microsoft.AppService/gateways/registrations: Reference to a resource to be registered", "required": true, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" } }, "api_version": null, "required": [ "type", "apiVersion", "properties" ] }, "Microsoft.AppService/gateways/registrations": { "properties": [ "resource" ], "full_properties": { "resource": { "description": "Microsoft.AppService/gateways/registrations: Reference to a resource to be registered", "required": true, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" } }, "api_version": null, "required": [ "type", "apiVersion", "properties" ] }, "Microsoft.DataConnect/connectionManagers": { "properties": [ "description" ], "full_properties": { "description": { "description": "Microsoft.DataConnect/connectionManagers: The description of the connectionManager.", "required": false, "type": "string", "update_causes": "unknown" } }, "api_version": "2015-08-01-preview", "required": [ "type", "apiVersion", "properties", "location" ] }, "Microsoft.Web/serverfarms": { "properties": [ "name", "numberOfWorkers", "sku", "workerSize" ], "full_properties": { "name": { "description": "Microsoft.Web/serverfarms: Name of the server farm.", "required": false, "type": "string", "update_causes": "unknown" }, "numberOfWorkers": { "description": "Microsoft.Web/serverfarms: The instance count, which is the number of virtual machines dedicated to the farm. Supported values are 1-10.", "required": false, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" }, "sku": { "description": "Microsoft.Web/serverfarms: Server farm sku.", "required": false, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" }, "workerSize": { "description": "Microsoft.Web/serverfarms: The instance size.", "required": false, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" } }, "api_version": "2014-06-01", "required": [ "type", "apiVersion", "properties", "location" ] }, "Microsoft.Web/sites/config": { "properties": [ "connectionStrings", "phpVersion", "netFrameworkVersion" ], "full_properties": { "connectionStrings": { "description": "Microsoft.Web/sites/config: Connection strings", "required": false, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" }, "phpVersion": { "description": "Microsoft.Web/sites/config: PHP version (an empty string disables PHP).", "required": false, "type": "string", "update_causes": "unknown" }, "netFrameworkVersion": { "description": "Microsoft.Web/sites/config: The .Net Framework version.", "required": false, "type": "string", "update_causes": "unknown" } }, "api_version": "2014-06-01", "required": [ "type", "apiVersion", "properties" ] }, "Microsoft.Web/sites/extensions": { "properties": [ "packageUri", "dbType", "connectionString", "setParameters", "publisher", "type", "typeHandlerVersion", "settings" ], "full_properties": { "packageUri": { "description": "Microsoft.Web/sites/extensions: uri of package", "required": false, "type": "string", "update_causes": "unknown" }, "dbType": { "description": "Microsoft.Web/sites/extensions: type of database", "required": false, "type": "string", "update_causes": "unknown" }, "connectionString": { "description": "Microsoft.Web/sites/extensions: connection string", "required": false, "type": "string", "update_causes": "unknown" }, "setParameters": { "description": "Microsoft.Web/sites/extensions: parameters", "required": false, "type": "string", "update_causes": "unknown" }, "publisher": { "description": "Microsoft.Compute/extensions - Publisher", "required": true, "type": "string", "update_causes": "unknown" }, "type": { "description": "Microsoft.Compute/extensions - Type", "required": true, "type": "string", "update_causes": "unknown" }, "typeHandlerVersion": { "description": "Microsoft.Compute/extensions - Type handler version", "required": true, "type": "string", "update_causes": "unknown" }, "settings": { "description": "Microsoft.Compute/extensions - Settings", "required": true, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" } }, "api_version": "2014-06-01", "required": [ "type", "apiVersion", "properties" ] }, "Microsoft.Web/sites": { "properties": [ "name", "serverFarmId", "hostnames", "enabledHostnames", "hostNameSslStates", "serverFarm" ], "full_properties": { "name": { "description": "Microsoft.Web/sites: The name of web site.", "required": false, "type": "string", "update_causes": "unknown" }, "serverFarmId": { "description": "Microsoft.Web/sites: The resource Id of server farm site belongs to.", "required": false, "type": "string", "update_causes": "unknown" }, "hostnames": { "description": "Microsoft.Web/sites: An array of strings that contains the public hostnames for the site, including custom domains.", "required": false, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" }, "enabledHostnames": { "description": "Microsoft.Web/sites: An array of strings that contains enabled hostnames for the site. By default, these are .azurewebsites.net and .scm.azurewebsites.net.", "required": false, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" }, "hostNameSslStates": { "description": "Microsoft.Web/sites: Container for SSL states.", "required": false, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" }, "serverFarm": { "description": "Microsoft.Web/sites: The name of server farm site belongs to.", "required": false, "type": "string", "update_causes": "unknown" } }, "api_version": "2014-06-01", "required": [ "type", "apiVersion", "properties", "location" ] }, "Microsoft.Web/certificates": { "properties": [ "pfxBlob", "password" ], "full_properties": { "pfxBlob": { "description": "Microsoft.Web/certificates: A base64Binary value that contains the PfxBlob of the certificate.", "required": false, "type": "string", "update_causes": "unknown" }, "password": { "description": "Microsoft.Web/certficates: A string that contains the password for the certificate.", "required": false, "type": "string", "update_causes": "unknown" } }, "api_version": "2014-06-01", "required": [ "type", "apiVersion", "properties", "location" ] }, "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts": { "properties": [ "accountType" ], "full_properties": { "accountType": { "description": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts: The type of this account.", "required": true, "type": "string", "update_causes": "unknown" } }, "api_version": "2015-06-15", "required": [ "type", "apiVersion", "properties", "location" ] }, "Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses": { "properties": [ "publicIPAllocationMethod", "idleTimeoutInMinutes", "dnsSettings" ], "full_properties": { "publicIPAllocationMethod": { "description": "Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses: Public IP allocation method", "required": true, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" }, "idleTimeoutInMinutes": { "description": "Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses: Idle timeout in minutes", "required": false, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" }, "dnsSettings": { "description": "Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses: DNS settings", "required": false, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" } }, "api_version": "2015-06-15", "required": [ "type", "apiVersion", "name", "properties", "location" ] }, "Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces": { "properties": [ "networkSecurityGroup", "ipConfigurations", "dnsSettings" ], "full_properties": { "networkSecurityGroup": { "description": "Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces: Network security group", "required": false, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" }, "ipConfigurations": { "description": "Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces: IP configurations", "required": true, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" }, "dnsSettings": { "description": "Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces: DNS settings", "required": false, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" } }, "api_version": "2015-06-15", "required": [ "type", "apiVersion", "name", "properties", "location" ] }, "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks": { "properties": [ "addressSpace", "dhcpOptions", "subnets" ], "full_properties": { "addressSpace": { "description": "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks: Address space", "required": true, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" }, "dhcpOptions": { "description": "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks: DHCP options", "required": false, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" }, "subnets": { "description": "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks: Subnets", "required": true, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" } }, "api_version": "2015-06-15", "required": [ "type", "apiVersion", "name", "properties", "location" ] }, "Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers": { "properties": [ "frontendIPConfigurations", "backendAddressPools", "loadBalancingRules", "probes", "inboundNatRules", "inboundNatPools", "outboundNatRules" ], "full_properties": { "frontendIPConfigurations": { "description": "Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers: Frontend IP configurations", "required": true, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" }, 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"properties", "location" ] }, "Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups": { "properties": [ "securityRules" ], "full_properties": { "securityRules": { "description": "Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups: Security rules", "required": true, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" } }, "api_version": "2015-06-15", "required": [ "type", "apiVersion", "name", "properties", "location" ] }, "Microsoft.Network/routeTables": { "properties": [ "routes" ], "full_properties": { "routes": { "description": "Microsoft.Network/routeTables: Routes", "required": true, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" } }, "api_version": "2015-06-15", "required": [ "type", "apiVersion", "name", "properties", "location" ] }, "Microsoft.Compute/availabilitySets": { "properties": [ "platformUpdateDomainCount", "platformFaultDomainCount" ], "full_properties": { "platformUpdateDomainCount": { "description": "Microsoft.Compute/availabilitySets - Platform update domain count", "required": false, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" }, "platformFaultDomainCount": { "description": "Microsoft.Compute/availabilitySets - Platform fault domain count", "required": false, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" } }, "api_version": "2015-06-15", "required": [ "type", "apiVersion", "properties", "location" ] }, "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines": { "properties": [ "availabilitySet", "hardwareProfile", "storageProfile", "osProfile", "networkProfile" ], "full_properties": { "availabilitySet": { "description": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines - Availability set", "required": false, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" }, "hardwareProfile": { "description": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines - Hardware profile", "required": true, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" }, "storageProfile": { "description": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines - Storage profile", "required": true, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" }, "osProfile": { "description": "Mirosoft.Compute/virtualMachines - Operating system profile", "required": false, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" }, "networkProfile": { "description": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines - Network profile", "required": true, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" } }, "api_version": "2015-06-15", "required": [ "type", "apiVersion", "properties", "location" ] }, "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets": { "properties": [ "upgradePolicy", "virtualMachineProfile" ], "full_properties": { "upgradePolicy": { "description": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets - Upgrade policy", "required": true, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" }, "virtualMachineProfile": { "description": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets - Virtual machine policy", "required": true, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" } }, "api_version": "2015-06-15", "required": [ "name", "apiVersion", "type", "sku", "properties", "location" ] }, "extensions": { "properties": [ "publisher", "type", "typeHandlerVersion", "settings" ], "full_properties": { "publisher": { "description": "Microsoft.Compute/extensionsChild - Publisher", "required": true, "type": "string", "update_causes": "unknown" }, "type": { "description": "Microsoft.Compute/extensionsChild - Type", "required": true, "type": "string", "update_causes": "unknown" }, "typeHandlerVersion": { "description": "Microsoft.Compute/extensionsChild - Type handler version", "required": true, "type": "string", "update_causes": "unknown" }, "settings": { "description": "Microsoft.Compute/extensionsChild - Settings", "required": true, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" } }, "api_version": "2015-06-15", "required": [ "type", "apiVersion", "properties" ] }, "Microsoft.Cache/Redis": { "properties": [ "sku", "shardCount", "enableNonSslPort", "redisConfiguration", "virtualNetwork", "subnet", "staticIP", "redisVersion", "maxMemoryPolicy" ], "full_properties": { "sku": { "description": "Microsoft.Cache/Redis: sku", "required": true, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" }, "shardCount": { "description": "Microsoft.Cache/Redis: (only if using clustering) number of shards in the redis cluster", "required": false, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" }, "enableNonSslPort": { "description": "Microsoft.Cache/Redis enableNonSslPort. Enables less secure direct access to redis on port 6379 WITHOUT SSL tunneling.", "required": false, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" }, "redisConfiguration": { "description": "Microsoft.Cache/Redis/redisConfiguration", "required": false, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" }, "virtualNetwork": { "description": "Microsoft.Cache/Redis (optional) the ARM resource ID of a Classic Virtual Network for the redis cache to join", "required": false, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" }, "subnet": { "description": "Microsoft.Cache/Redis (required with virtualNetwork) the name of an existing subnet for the redis cache to join", "required": false, "type": "string", "update_causes": "unknown" }, "staticIP": { "description": "Microsoft.Cache/Redis (required with virtualNetwork) the static IP address to allocate to the redis cache", "required": false, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" }, "redisVersion": { "description": "Microsoft.Cache/Redis: version of Redis", "required": true, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" }, "maxMemoryPolicy": { "description": "Microsoft.Cache/Redis: maxMemoryPolicy. How Redis will select what to remove when maxmemory is reached. Default: VolatileLRU.", "required": false, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" } }, "api_version": "2014-04-01-preview", "required": [ "name", "type", "apiVersion", "properties", "location" ] }, "Microsoft.Scheduler/jobCollections": { "properties": [ "sku", "quota" ], "full_properties": { "sku": { "description": "Microsoft.Scheduler/jobCollections: Job Collection sku", "required": true, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" }, "quota": { "description": "Microsoft.Scheduler/jobCollections/quota", "required": false, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" } }, "api_version": "2014-08-01", "required": [ "type", "apiVersion", "properties", "location" ] }, "Microsoft.Scheduler/jobCollections/jobs": { "properties": [ "startTime", "recurrence", "state", "action" ], "full_properties": { "startTime": { "description": "Microsoft.Scheduler/jobCollections/jobs: For simple scheduler startTime will be the first occurrence and for complex schedules the job will start no sooner than startTime.", "required": false, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" }, "recurrence": { "description": "Microsoft.Scheduler/jobCollections/jobs: The recurrence schedule the job will execute.", "required": false, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" }, "state": { "description": "Microsoft.Scheduler/jobCollections/jobs: Running state of the job.", "required": false, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" }, "action": { "description": "Microsoft.Scheduler/jobCollections/jobs: Action to perform on the prescribed schedule", "required": false, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" } }, "api_version": "2014-08-01", "required": [ "type", "apiVersion", "properties" ] }, "Microsoft.NotificationHubs/namespaces": { "properties": [ "name", "namespaceType" ], "full_properties": { "name": { "description": "Microsoft.NotificationHubs/namespaces: The name of the namespace.", "required": false, "type": "string", "update_causes": "unknown" }, "namespaceType": { "description": "Microsoft.NotificationHubs/namespaces: The type of the namespace", "required": true, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" } }, "api_version": "2014-09-01", "required": [ "type", "apiVersion", "properties" ] }, "Microsoft.NotificationHubs/namespaces/notificationHubs": { "properties": [ "wnsCredential", "apnsCredential", "gcmCredential", "mpnsCredential", "AdmCredential", "BaiduCredential", "authorizationRules" ], "full_properties": { "wnsCredential": { "description": "Microsoft.NotificationHubs/namespaces/notificationHubs: WNS credentials for a Notification Hub.", "required": false, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" }, "apnsCredential": { "description": "Microsoft.NotificationHubs/namespaces/notificationHubs: APNS credentials for a Notification Hub.", "required": false, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" }, "gcmCredential": { "description": "Microsoft.NotificationHubs/namespaces/notificationHubs: GCM credentials for a Notification Hub.", "required": false, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" }, "mpnsCredential": { "description": "Microsoft.NotificationHubs/namespaces/notificationHubs: MPNS credentials for a Notification Hub.", "required": false, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" }, "AdmCredential": { "description": "Microsoft.NotificationHubs/namespaces/notificationHubs: ADM credentials for a Notification Hub.", "required": false, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" }, "BaiduCredential": { "description": "Microsoft.NotificationHubs/namespaces/notificationHubs: Baidu credentials for a Notification Hub.", "required": false, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" }, "authorizationRules": { "description": "Microsoft.NotificationHubs/namespaces/notificationHubs: Authorization Rules for a Notification Hub.", "required": false, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" } }, "api_version": "2014-09-01", "required": [ "type", "apiVersion", "properties" ] }, "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults": { "properties": [ "sku", "tenantId", "accessPolicies", "enabledForDeployment" ], "full_properties": { "sku": { "description": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults: Sku", "required": true, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" }, "tenantId": { "description": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults: The tenant ID of the Azure Active Directory Tenant to use for authorization.", "required": true, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" }, "accessPolicies": { "description": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults: Access policies", "required": true, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" }, "enabledForDeployment": { "description": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults: Enabled for deployment", "required": false, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" } }, "api_version": "2015-06-01", "required": [ "apiVersion", "properties", "type" ] }, "Microsoft.Sql/servers": { "properties": [ "version", "administratorLogin", "administratorLoginPassword" ], "full_properties": { "version": { "description": "Microsoft.Sql/server: Azure SQL DB server version", "required": false, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" }, "administratorLogin": { "description": "Microsoft.Sql/server: administrator login name", "required": true, "type": "string", "update_causes": "unknown" }, "administratorLoginPassword": { "description": "Microsoft.Sql/server: administrator login password", "required": true, "type": "string", "update_causes": "unknown" } }, "api_version": "2014-04-01-preview", "required": [ "type", "apiVersion", "properties", "location" ] }, "databases": { "properties": [ ], "full_properties": { }, "api_version": "2014-04-01-preview", "required": [ "type", "apiVersion", "properties" ] }, "SuccessBricks.ClearDB/databases": { "properties": [ ], "full_properties": { }, "api_version": "2014-04-01", "required": [ "type", "apiVersion", "plan", "location" ] }, "firewallrules": { "properties": [ "endIpAddress", "startIpAddress" ], "full_properties": { "endIpAddress": { "description": "Microsoft.Sql/server/firewallrules: ending IP address", "required": false, "type": "string", "update_causes": "unknown" }, "startIpAddress": { "description": "Microsoft.Sql/server/firewallrules: starting IP address", "required": false, "type": "string", "update_causes": "unknown" } }, "api_version": "2014-04-01-preview", "required": [ "type", "apiVersion", "properties" ] }, "Microsoft.Sql/servers/firewallrules": { "properties": [ "endIpAddress", "startIpAddress" ], "full_properties": { "endIpAddress": { "description": "Microsoft.Sql/server/firewallrules: ending IP address", "required": false, "type": "string", "update_causes": "unknown" }, "startIpAddress": { "description": "Microsoft.Sql/server/firewallrules: starting IP address", "required": false, "type": "string", "update_causes": "unknown" } }, "api_version": "2014-04-01-preview", "required": [ "type", "apiVersion", "properties" ] }, "Microsoft.Network/trafficManagerProfiles": { "properties": [ "profileStatus", "trafficRoutingMethod", "dnsConfig", "monitorConfig", "endpoints" ], "full_properties": { "profileStatus": { "description": "The status of the profile (Enabled/Disabled)", "required": false, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" }, "trafficRoutingMethod": { "description": "The traffic routing method (Performance/Priority/Weighted", "required": true, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" }, "dnsConfig": { "description": "DNS configuration settings for the profile", "required": true, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" }, "monitorConfig": { "description": "Microsoft.Network/trafficManagerProfiles Configuration for monitoring (probing) of endpoints in this profile", "required": true, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" }, "endpoints": { "description": "The endpoints over which this profile will route traffic", "required": false, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" } }, "api_version": "2015-11-01", "required": [ "apiVersion", "type", "location", "properties" ] }, "Microsoft.Resources/deployments": { "properties": [ "mode", "templateLink", "template", "parametersLink", "parameters" ], "full_properties": { "mode": { "description": "Deployment mode", "required": true, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" }, "templateLink": { "description": "Deployment template link", "required": false, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" }, "template": { "description": "Deployment template", "required": false, "type": "string", "update_causes": "unknown" }, "parametersLink": { "description": "Deployment parameters link", "required": false, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" }, "parameters": { "description": "Deployment parameters", "required": false, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" } }, "api_version": "2015-01-01", "required": [ "type", "apiVersion", "name", "properties" ] }, "Microsoft.Resources/links": { "properties": [ "targetId", "notes" ], "full_properties": { "targetId": { "description": "Target resource id to link to", "required": true, "type": "string", "update_causes": "unknown" }, "notes": { "description": "Notes for this link", "required": false, "type": "string", "update_causes": "unknown" } }, "api_version": "2015-01-01", "required": [ "type", "apiVersion", "name", "properties" ] }, "Microsoft.Authorization/locks": { "properties": [ "level", "notes" ], "full_properties": { "level": { "description": "Microsoft.Authorization/locks: level - specifies the type of lock to apply to the scope. CanNotDelete allows modification but prevents deletion, ReadOnly prevents modification or deletion.", "required": true, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" }, "notes": { "description": "Microsoft.Authorization/locks: notes - user defined notes for the lock", "required": false, "type": "string", "update_causes": "unknown" } }, "api_version": "2015-01-01", "required": [ "name", "type", "apiVersion", "properties" ] }, "microsoft.visualstudio/account": { "properties": [ "OperationType", "AccountName" ], "full_properties": { "OperationType": { "description": "microsoft.visualstudio/account: Type of operation being performed on the account, which can be either Create or Link.", "required": false, "type": "string", "update_causes": "unknown" }, "AccountName": { "description": "microsoft.visualstudio/account: Name of the Visual Studio Online account", "required": false, "type": "string", "update_causes": "unknown" } }, "api_version": "2014-02-26", "required": [ "type", "apiVersion", "properties", "location" ] }, "microsoft.visualstudio/account/project": { "properties": [ "ProcessTemplateId", "VersionControlOption" ], "full_properties": { "ProcessTemplateId": { "description": "microsoft.visualstudio/account/project: Process template guid for the project", "required": false, "type": "string", "update_causes": "unknown" }, "VersionControlOption": { "description": "microsoft.visualstudio/account/project: Version control type for the project, currently TfsVc and Git", "required": false, "type": "string", "update_causes": "unknown" } }, "api_version": "2014-02-26", "required": [ "type", "apiVersion", "properties" ] }, "Microsoft.BizTalkServices/BizTalk": { "properties": [ "sku" ], "full_properties": { "sku": { "description": "BizTalk SKU", "required": true, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" } }, "api_version": "2014-04-01", "required": [ "type", "apiVersion", "properties", "location" ] }, "Microsoft.BizTalkServices/BizTalk/HybridConnection": { "properties": [ "hostName", "port" ], "full_properties": { "hostName": { "description": "Microsoft.BizTalkServices/BizTalk/HybridConnection: Hostname of the machine to which hybrid connection is to be established", "required": true, "type": "string", "update_causes": "unknown" }, "port": { "description": "Microsoft.BizTalkServices/BizTalk/HybridConnection: Port number of the machine to which hybrid connection is to be established", "required": true, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" } }, "api_version": "2014-04-01", "required": [ "type", "apiVersion", "properties" ] }, "Microsoft.Insights/alertrules": { "properties": [ "name", "description", "isEnabled", "condition", "action" ], "full_properties": { "name": { "description": "Microsoft.Insights/alertrules: Name of the alert rule.", "required": false, "type": "string", "update_causes": "unknown" }, "description": { "description": "Microsoft.Insights/alertrules: Description of the alert rule that will be included in the alert email.", "required": false, "type": "string", "update_causes": "unknown" }, "isEnabled": { "description": "Microsoft.Insights/alertrules: Indicates whether the alert rule is enabled.", "required": false, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" }, "condition": { "description": "Microsoft.Insights/alertrules: The condition that results in the alert rule being activated.", "required": false, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" }, "action": { "description": "Microsoft.Insights/alertrules: The action that is performed when the alert rule becomes active, and when an alert condition is resolved.", "required": false, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" } }, "api_version": "2014-04-01", "required": [ "type", "apiVersion", "properties", "location" ] }, "Microsoft.Insights/components": { "properties": [ "applicationId" ], "full_properties": { "applicationId": { "description": "Microsoft.Insights/components: applicationId", "required": false, "type": "string", "update_causes": "unknown" } }, "api_version": "2014-04-01", "required": [ "type", "apiVersion", "properties", "location" ] }, "Microsoft.Insights/webtests": { "properties": [ "provisioningState", "Name", "Description", "Enabled", "Frequency", "Timeout", "Locations", "Configuration", "SyntheticMonitorId" ], "full_properties": { "provisioningState": { "description": "Microsoft.Insights/webtests: provisioning state.", "required": false, "type": "string", "update_causes": "unknown" }, "Name": { "description": "Microsoft.Insights/webtests: name of the webtest.", "required": false, "type": "string", "update_causes": "unknown" }, "Description": { "description": "Microsoft.Insights/webtests: description of the webtest.", "required": false, "type": "string", "update_causes": "unknown" }, "Enabled": { "description": "Microsoft.Insights/webtests: Is the webtest enabled.", "required": false, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" }, "Frequency": { "description": "Microsoft.Insights/webtests: Frequency of the webtest.", "required": false, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" }, "Timeout": { "description": "Microsoft.Insights/webtests: Timeout for the webtest.", "required": false, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" }, "Locations": { "description": "Microsoft.Insights/webtests: Locations of the webtest.", "required": false, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" }, "Configuration": { "description": "Microsoft.Insights/webtests: Configuration for the webtest.", "required": false, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" }, "SyntheticMonitorId": { "description": "Microsoft.Insights/webtests: Synthetic monitor id.", "required": false, "type": "string", "update_causes": "unknown" } }, "api_version": "2014-04-01", "required": [ "type", "apiVersion", "properties", "location" ] }, "Microsoft.Insights/autoscalesettings": { "properties": [ "profiles", "enabled", "name", "targetResourceUri" ], "full_properties": { "profiles": { "description": "Microsoft.Insights/autoscalesettings: Contains a collection of automatic scaling profiles that specify different scaling parameters for different time periods. A maximum of 20 profiles can be specified.", "required": false, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" }, "enabled": { "description": "Microsoft.Insights/autoscalesettings: Specifies whether automatic scaling is enabled for the resource.", "required": false, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" }, "name": { "description": "Microsoft.Insights/autoscalesettings: The name of the autoscale setting.", "required": false, "type": "string", "update_causes": "unknown" }, "targetResourceUri": { "description": "Microsoft.Insights/autoscalesettings: The resource identifier of the resource that the autoscale setting should be added to.", "required": false, "type": "string", "update_causes": "unknown" } }, "api_version": "2014-04-01", "required": [ "type", "apiVersion", "properties", "location" ] }, "Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts": { "properties": [ "name", "databaseAccountOfferType", "consistencyPolicy" ], "full_properties": { "name": { "description": "Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts: Name of the database account.", "required": true, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" }, "databaseAccountOfferType": { "description": "Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts: Database account offer type", "required": true, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" }, "consistencyPolicy": { "description": "Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts: Consistency policy", "required": false, "type": null, "update_causes": "unknown" } }, "api_version": "2015-04-08", "required": [ "type", "apiVersion", "properties", "location" ] } }