#include #include #include #include #include struct Gosu::TextInput::Impl { // These two strings contain UTF-8 data. // See this Wiki page for an overview of what is going on here: // http://wiki.libsdl.org/Tutorials/TextInput#CandidateList std::wstring text, composition; unsigned caretPos, selectionStart; Impl() : caretPos(0), selectionStart(0) { } void insertText(const std::wstring& newText) { // Stop IME composition. composition.clear(); // Delete (overwrite) previous selection. if (caretPos != selectionStart) { unsigned min = std::min(caretPos, selectionStart); unsigned max = std::max(caretPos, selectionStart); text.erase(text.begin() + min, text.begin() + max); caretPos = selectionStart = min; } text.insert(text.begin() + caretPos, newText.begin(), newText.end()); caretPos += newText.size(); selectionStart = caretPos; } void moveLeft(bool modifySelection) { if (caretPos > 0) caretPos -= 1; if (modifySelection) selectionStart = caretPos; } void moveRight(bool modifySelection) { if (caretPos < text.length()) caretPos += 1; if (modifySelection) selectionStart = caretPos; } void moveWordLeft(bool modifySelection) { if (caretPos == text.length()) --caretPos; while (caretPos > 0 && std::iswspace(text.at(caretPos - 1))) --caretPos; while (caretPos > 0 && !std::iswspace(text.at(caretPos - 1))) --caretPos; if (modifySelection) selectionStart = caretPos; } void moveWordRight(bool modifySelection) { while (caretPos < text.length() && std::iswspace(text.at(caretPos))) ++caretPos; while (caretPos < text.length() && !std::iswspace(text.at(caretPos))) ++caretPos; if (modifySelection) selectionStart = caretPos; } void moveToBeginningOfLine(bool modifySelection) { caretPos = 0; if (modifySelection) selectionStart = caretPos; } void moveToEndOfLine(bool modifySelection) { caretPos = static_cast(text.length()); if (modifySelection) selectionStart = caretPos; } void deleteBackward() { if (selectionStart != caretPos) { unsigned min = std::min(caretPos, selectionStart); unsigned max = std::max(caretPos, selectionStart); text.erase(text.begin() + min, text.begin() + max); selectionStart = caretPos = min; } else if (caretPos > 0) { unsigned oldCaret = caretPos; caretPos -= 1; text.erase(text.begin() + caretPos, text.begin() + oldCaret); selectionStart = caretPos; } } void deleteForward() { if (selectionStart != caretPos) { unsigned min = std::min(caretPos, selectionStart); unsigned max = std::max(caretPos, selectionStart); text.erase(text.begin() + min, text.begin() + max); selectionStart = caretPos = min; } else if (caretPos < text.length()) { unsigned oldCaret = caretPos; caretPos += 1; text.erase(text.begin() + oldCaret, text.begin() + caretPos); selectionStart = caretPos = oldCaret; } } }; Gosu::TextInput::TextInput() : pimpl(new Impl) { } Gosu::TextInput::~TextInput() { } std::wstring Gosu::TextInput::text() const { std::wstring composedText = pimpl->text; if (! pimpl->composition.empty()) { composedText.insert(pimpl->caretPos, pimpl->composition); } return composedText; } void Gosu::TextInput::setText(const std::wstring& text) { pimpl->text = text; pimpl->composition.clear(); pimpl->caretPos = pimpl->selectionStart = static_cast(text.length()); } unsigned Gosu::TextInput::caretPos() const { return static_cast(pimpl->caretPos); } void Gosu::TextInput::setCaretPos(unsigned pos) { pimpl->caretPos = pos; } unsigned Gosu::TextInput::selectionStart() const { return static_cast(pimpl->selectionStart); } void Gosu::TextInput::setSelectionStart(unsigned pos) { pimpl->selectionStart = pos; } bool Gosu::TextInput::feedSDLEvent(void* event) { const SDL_Event* e = static_cast(event); switch (e->type) { // Direct text input, and sent after IME composition completes. case SDL_TEXTINPUT: { std::wstring textToInsert = utf8ToWstring(e->text.text); textToInsert = filter(textToInsert); pimpl->insertText(textToInsert); return true; } // IME composition in progress. case SDL_TEXTEDITING: { pimpl->composition = utf8ToWstring(e->edit.text); return true; } // Emulate "standard" Windows/X11 keyboard behavior. case SDL_KEYDOWN: { // ...but not if the IME is currently compositing. if (! pimpl->composition.empty()) { return false; } bool ctrlDown = (e->key.keysym.mod & (KMOD_LCTRL | KMOD_RCTRL)); bool shiftDown = (e->key.keysym.mod & (KMOD_LSHIFT | KMOD_RSHIFT)); SDL_Keycode key = e->key.keysym.sym; switch (key) { case SDLK_LEFT: if (ctrlDown) pimpl->moveWordLeft(! shiftDown); else pimpl->moveLeft(! shiftDown); return true; case SDLK_RIGHT: if (ctrlDown) pimpl->moveWordRight(! shiftDown); else pimpl->moveRight(! shiftDown); return true; case SDLK_HOME: pimpl->moveToBeginningOfLine(! shiftDown); return true; case SDLK_END: pimpl->moveToEndOfLine(! shiftDown); return true; case SDLK_BACKSPACE: pimpl->deleteBackward(); return true; case SDLK_DELETE: pimpl->deleteForward(); return true; } break; } // TODO: Handle copy & paste. } return false; }