/** * @file GPS multi-frequency solver * */ /* * Copyright (c) 2020, M.Naruoka (fenrir) * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * - Neither the name of the naruoka.org nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, * OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, * STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, * EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ #ifndef __GPS_SOLVER_MULTI_FREQUENCY_H__ #define __GPS_SOLVER_MULTI_FREQUENCY_H__ #include "GPS_Solver.h" template <class FloatT> struct GPS_Solver_MultiFrequency_Options { bool exclude_L2C; GPS_Solver_MultiFrequency_Options() : exclude_L2C(false) {} }; template <class BaseSolver = GPS_SinglePositioning<double> > class GPS_Solver_MultiFrequency : public BaseSolver { public: typedef GPS_Solver_MultiFrequency<BaseSolver> self_t; typedef BaseSolver super_t; private: self_t &operator=(const self_t &); GPS_Solver_MultiFrequency(const self_t &); public: #if defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ < 5) #define inheritate_type(x) typedef typename super_t::x x; #else #define inheritate_type(x) using typename super_t::x; #endif inheritate_type(float_t); inheritate_type(space_node_t); inheritate_type(range_error_t); inheritate_type(measurement_item_set_t); #undef inheritate_type typedef typename GPS_Solver_Base<float_t>::options_t::template merge_t< GPS_Solver_MultiFrequency_Options<float_t>, super_t> options_t; GPS_Solver_MultiFrequency_Options<float_t> options_frequency; public: options_t available_options() const { return options_t(super_t::available_options()); } options_t available_options(const options_t &opt_wish) const { return options_t(super_t::available_options(opt_wish), opt_wish); } options_t update_options(const options_t &opt_wish){ return options_t( super_t::update_options(opt_wish), options_frequency = opt_wish); } GPS_Solver_MultiFrequency(const space_node_t &sn) : super_t(sn), options_frequency() {} ~GPS_Solver_MultiFrequency(){} struct measurement_items_t : public super_t::measurement_items_t { enum { PREDEFINED_LAST = super_t::measurement_items_t::MEASUREMENT_ITEMS_PREDEFINED - 1, #define make_entry(key) \ L2CM_ ## key, \ L2CL_ ## key #define make_entry2(key) \ make_entry(key), \ make_entry(key ## _SIGMA) make_entry2(PSEUDORANGE), make_entry2(CARRIER_PHASE), make_entry2(DOPPLER), make_entry2(RANGE_RATE), make_entry(SIGNAL_STRENGTH_dBHz), make_entry(LOCK_SEC), #undef make_entry2 #undef make_entry MEASUREMENT_ITEMS_PREDEFINED, }; }; /** * Extract range information from measurement per satellite * @param values measurement[prn] * @param buf buffer into which range is stored * @param error optional argument in which error components of range will be returned * @return If valid range information is found, the pointer of buf will be returned; otherwise NULL */ virtual const float_t *range( const typename super_t::measurement_t::mapped_type &values, float_t &buf, range_error_t *error) const { float_t l1, l2; const float_t *l1_p(super_t::find_value(values, measurement_items_t::L1_PSEUDORANGE, l1)), *l2_p(NULL); options_frequency.exclude_L2C // if false then look for L2CM and L2CL. L2CM is higher priority than L2CL || (l2_p = super_t::find_value(values, measurement_items_t::L2CM_PSEUDORANGE, l2)) || (l2_p = super_t::find_value(values, measurement_items_t::L2CL_PSEUDORANGE, l2)); if(error){ *error = range_error_t::not_corrected; } if(l1_p){ if(l2_p && error){ // L1 and L2 error->unknown_flag &= ~(range_error_t::MASK_IONOSPHERIC); error->value[range_error_t::IONOSPHERIC] = (l2 - l1) / (space_node_t::gamma_L1_L2 - 1); /* @see IS-GPS-200H * PR = PR_L1 + (PR_L2 - PR_L1)/(1 - gamma), and PR + error = PR_L1. * Therefore, error = (PR_L2 - PR_L1)/(gamma - 1) */ } return &(buf = l1); } #if 0 /* TODO L2 only, because rate and deviation without L2 has not * yet been implemented. */ else if(l2_p){ return &(buf = l2); } #endif else{ // no range information return NULL; } } static const measurement_item_set_t L2CM, L2CL; }; template <class BaseSolver> const typename GPS_Solver_MultiFrequency<BaseSolver>::measurement_item_set_t GPS_Solver_MultiFrequency<BaseSolver>::L2CM = { #define make_entry(key) \ GPS_Solver_MultiFrequency<BaseSolver>::measurement_items_t::L2CM_ ## key #define make_entry2(key) { \ make_entry(key), \ make_entry(key ## _SIGMA)} make_entry2(PSEUDORANGE), make_entry2(DOPPLER), make_entry2(CARRIER_PHASE), make_entry2(RANGE_RATE), make_entry(SIGNAL_STRENGTH_dBHz), make_entry(LOCK_SEC), #undef make_entry2 #undef make_entry }; template <class BaseSolver> const typename GPS_Solver_MultiFrequency<BaseSolver>::measurement_item_set_t GPS_Solver_MultiFrequency<BaseSolver>::L2CL = { #define make_entry(key) \ GPS_Solver_MultiFrequency<BaseSolver>::measurement_items_t::L2CL_ ## key #define make_entry2(key) { \ make_entry(key), \ make_entry(key ## _SIGMA)} make_entry2(PSEUDORANGE), make_entry2(DOPPLER), make_entry2(CARRIER_PHASE), make_entry2(RANGE_RATE), make_entry(SIGNAL_STRENGTH_dBHz), make_entry(LOCK_SEC), #undef make_entry2 #undef make_entry }; #endif /* __GPS_SOLVER_MULTI_FREQUENCY_H__ */