Events = bind: (ev, callback) -> evs = ev.split(' ') calls = @hasOwnProperty('_callbacks') and @_callbacks or= {} for name in evs calls[name] or= [] calls[name].push(callback) this one: (ev, callback) -> @bind ev, -> @unbind(ev, arguments.callee) callback.apply(this, arguments) trigger: (args...) -> ev = args.shift() list = @hasOwnProperty('_callbacks') and @_callbacks?[ev] return unless list for callback in list if callback.apply(this, args) is false break true unbind: (ev, callback) -> unless ev @_callbacks = {} return this list = @_callbacks?[ev] return this unless list unless callback delete @_callbacks[ev] return this for cb, i in list when cb is callback list = list.slice() list.splice(i, 1) @_callbacks[ev] = list break this Log = trace: true logPrefix: '(App)' log: (args...) -> return unless @trace if @logPrefix then args.unshift(@logPrefix) console?.log?(args...) this moduleKeywords = ['included', 'extended'] class Module @include: (obj) -> throw new Error('include(obj) requires obj') unless obj for key, value of obj when key not in moduleKeywords @::[key] = value obj.included?.apply(this) this @extend: (obj) -> throw new Error('extend(obj) requires obj') unless obj for key, value of obj when key not in moduleKeywords @[key] = value obj.extended?.apply(this) this @proxy: (func) -> => func.apply(this, arguments) proxy: (func) -> => func.apply(this, arguments) constructor: -> @init?(arguments...) class Model extends Module @extend Events @records: {} @crecords: {} @attributes: [] @configure: (name, attributes...) -> @className = name @records = {} @crecords = {} @attributes = attributes if attributes.length @attributes and= makeArray(@attributes) @attributes or= [] @unbind() this @toString: -> "#{@className}(#{@attributes.join(", ")})" @find: (id) -> record = @records[id] if !record and ("#{id}").match(/c-\d+/) return @findCID(id) throw new Error('Unknown record') unless record record.clone() @findCID: (cid) -> record = @crecords[cid] throw new Error('Unknown record') unless record record.clone() @exists: (id) -> try return @find(id) catch e return false @refresh: (values, options = {}) -> if options.clear @records = {} @crecords = {} records = @fromJSON(values) records = [records] unless isArray(records) for record in records or= record.cid @records[] = record @crecords[record.cid] = record @trigger('refresh', @cloneArray(records)) this @select: (callback) -> result = (record for id, record of @records when callback(record)) @cloneArray(result) @findByAttribute: (name, value) -> for id, record of @records if record[name] is value return record.clone() null @findAllByAttribute: (name, value) -> @select (item) -> item[name] is value @each: (callback) -> for key, value of @records callback(value.clone()) @all: -> @cloneArray(@recordsValues()) @first: -> record = @recordsValues()[0] record?.clone() @last: -> values = @recordsValues() record = values[values.length - 1] record?.clone() @count: -> @recordsValues().length @deleteAll: -> for key, value of @records delete @records[key] @destroyAll: -> for key, value of @records @records[key].destroy() @update: (id, atts, options) -> @find(id).updateAttributes(atts, options) @create: (atts, options) -> record = new @(atts) @destroy: (id, options) -> @find(id).destroy(options) @change: (callbackOrParams) -> if typeof callbackOrParams is 'function' @bind('change', callbackOrParams) else @trigger('change', callbackOrParams) @fetch: (callbackOrParams) -> if typeof callbackOrParams is 'function' @bind('fetch', callbackOrParams) else @trigger('fetch', callbackOrParams) @toJSON: -> @recordsValues() @fromJSON: (objects) -> return unless objects if typeof objects is 'string' objects = JSON.parse(objects) if isArray(objects) (new @(value) for value in objects) else new @(objects) @fromForm: -> (new this).fromForm(arguments...) # Private @recordsValues: -> result = [] for key, value of @records result.push(value) result @cloneArray: (array) -> (value.clone() for value in array) @idCounter: 0 @uid: (prefix = '') -> uid = prefix + @idCounter++ uid = @uid(prefix) if @exists(uid) uid # Instance constructor: (atts) -> super @load atts if atts @cid = @constructor.uid('c-') isNew: -> not @exists() isValid: -> not @validate() validate: -> load: (atts) -> for key, value of atts if typeof @[key] is 'function' @[key](value) else @[key] = value this attributes: -> result = {} for key in @constructor.attributes when key of this if typeof @[key] is 'function' result[key] = @[key]() else result[key] = @[key] = @id if @id result eql: (rec) -> !!(rec and rec.constructor is @constructor and (rec.cid is @cid) or ( and is @id)) save: (options = {}) -> unless options.validate is false error = @validate() if error @trigger('error', error) return false @trigger('beforeSave', options) record = if @isNew() then @create(options) else @update(options) @trigger('save', options) record updateAttribute: (name, value, options) -> @[name] = value @save(options) updateAttributes: (atts, options) -> @load(atts) @save(options) changeID: (id) -> records = @constructor.records records[id] = records[@id] delete records[@id] @id = id @save() destroy: (options = {}) -> @trigger('beforeDestroy', options) delete @constructor.records[@id] delete @constructor.crecords[@cid] @destroyed = true @trigger('destroy', options) @trigger('change', 'destroy', options) @unbind() this dup: (newRecord) -> result = new @constructor(@attributes()) if newRecord is false result.cid = @cid else delete result clone: -> createObject(this) reload: -> return this if @isNew() original = @constructor.find(@id) @load(original.attributes()) original toJSON: -> @attributes() toString: -> "<#{@constructor.className} (#{JSON.stringify(this)})>" fromForm: (form) -> result = {} for key in $(form).serializeArray() result[] = key.value @load(result) exists: -> @id && @id of @constructor.records # Private update: (options) -> @trigger('beforeUpdate', options) records = @constructor.records records[@id].load @attributes() clone = records[@id].clone() clone.trigger('update', options) clone.trigger('change', 'update', options) clone create: (options) -> @trigger('beforeCreate', options) @id = @cid unless @id record = @dup(false) @constructor.records[@id] = record @constructor.crecords[@cid] = record clone = record.clone() clone.trigger('create', options) clone.trigger('change', 'create', options) clone bind: (events, callback) -> @constructor.bind events, binder = (record) => if record && @eql(record) callback.apply(this, arguments) @constructor.bind 'unbind', unbinder = (record) => if record && @eql(record) @constructor.unbind(events, binder) @constructor.unbind('unbind', unbinder) binder one: (events, callback) -> binder = @bind events, => @constructor.unbind(events, binder) callback.apply(this, arguments) trigger: (args...) -> args.splice(1, 0, this) @constructor.trigger(args...) unbind: -> @trigger('unbind') class Controller extends Module @include Events @include Log eventSplitter: /^(\S+)\s*(.*)$/ tag: 'div' constructor: (options) -> @options = options for key, value of @options @[key] = value @el = document.createElement(@tag) unless @el @el = $(@el) @$el = @el @el.addClass(@className) if @className @el.attr(@attributes) if @attributes @events = unless @events @elements = @constructor.elements unless @elements @delegateEvents(@events) if @events @refreshElements() if @elements super release: => @trigger 'release' @el.remove() @unbind() $: (selector) -> $(selector, @el) delegateEvents: (events) -> for key, method of events if typeof(method) is 'function' # Always return true from event handlers method = do (method) => => method.apply(this, arguments) true else unless @[method] throw new Error("#{method} doesn't exist") method = do (method) => => @[method].apply(this, arguments) true match = key.match(@eventSplitter) eventName = match[1] selector = match[2] if selector is '' @el.bind(eventName, method) else @el.delegate(selector, eventName, method) refreshElements: -> for key, value of @elements @[value] = @$(key) delay: (func, timeout) -> setTimeout(@proxy(func), timeout || 0) html: (element) -> @el.html(element.el or element) @refreshElements() @el append: (elements...) -> elements = (e.el or e for e in elements) @el.append(elements...) @refreshElements() @el appendTo: (element) -> @el.appendTo(element.el or element) @refreshElements() @el prepend: (elements...) -> elements = (e.el or e for e in elements) @el.prepend(elements...) @refreshElements() @el replace: (element) -> [previous, @el] = [@el, $(element.el or element)] previous.replaceWith(@el) @delegateEvents(@events) @refreshElements() @el # Utilities & Shims $ = window?.jQuery or window?.Zepto or (element) -> element createObject = Object.create or (o) -> Func = -> Func.prototype = o new Func() isArray = (value) -> is '[object Array]' isBlank = (value) -> return true unless value return false for key of value true makeArray = (args) ->, 0) # Globals Spine = @Spine = {} module?.exports = Spine Spine.version = '1.0.8' Spine.isArray = isArray Spine.isBlank = isBlank Spine.$ = $ Spine.Events = Events Spine.Log = Log Spine.Module = Module Spine.Controller = Controller Spine.Model = Model # Global events, Events) # JavaScript compatability Module.create = Module.sub = Controller.create = Controller.sub = Model.sub = (instances, statics) -> class Result extends this Result.include(instances) if instances Result.extend(statics) if statics Result.unbind?() Result Model.setup = (name, attributes = []) -> class Instance extends this Instance.configure(name, attributes...) Instance Spine.Class = Module