module Brightbox desc "Manages an account's firewall rules for a policy" command [:"firewall-rules"] do |cmd| cmd.desc "Create Firewall Rule" cmd.arg_name "[firewall-policy-id...]" cmd.command [:create] do |c| c.desc "Protocol - [tcp/udp/icmp/Protocol numbers]" c.flag [:p, :protocol] c.desc "Source - IPv4/IPv6 address or range (CIDR notation), 'any' for combined IPv4/IPv6 wildcard, server group identifer, server identifier." c.flag [:s, :source] c.desc "Source Port" c.flag [:t, :sport] c.desc "Destination. IPv4/IPv6 address or range (CIDR notation), 'any' for combined IPv4/IPv6 wildcard, server group identifer, server identifier." c.flag [:d, :destination] c.desc "Destination Port" c.flag [:e, :dport] c.desc "Icmp Type name" c.flag [:i, :icmptype] c.desc "Description" c.flag :description c.action do |global_options, options, args| if args && args.empty? raise "You must specify the firewall_policy_id as the first argument" end firewall_policy_id = args.shift raise "Invalid firewall policy id" unless firewall_policy_id[/^fwp-/] firewall_policy = FirewallPolicy.find(firewall_policy_id) unless firewall_policy raise "Could not find firewall policy with #{firewall_policy_id}" end create_options = {} create_options[:source_port] = options[:t] if options[:t] create_options[:source] = options[:s] if options[:s] create_options[:destination] = options[:d] if options[:d] create_options[:destination_port] = options[:e] if options[:e] create_options[:icmp_type_name] = options[:i] if options[:i] create_options[:protocol] = options[:p] create_options[:description] = options[:description] if options[:description] create_options[:firewall_policy_id] = firewall_rule = FirewallRule.create(create_options) render_table([firewall_rule],global_options) end end end end