# frozen_string_literal: true module FFakerTW module Internet extend ModuleUtils extend self BYTE = Array('0'..'255').freeze HOSTS = %w[gmail.com yahoo.com hotmail.com].freeze DISPOSABLE_HOSTS = %w[ mailinator.com suremail.info spamherelots.com binkmail.com safetymail.info ].freeze DOMAIN_SUFFIXES = %w[co.uk com us ca biz info name].freeze SAFE_DOMAIN_SUFFIXES = %w[org com net].freeze SLUG_DELIMITERS = %w[- _ .].freeze MAC_LIMIT = 281_474_976_710_655 def email(name = nil) [user_name(name), domain_name].join('@') end # returns an email address of an online disposable email service (like tempinbox.com). # you can really send an email to these addresses an access it by going to the # service web pages. def disposable_email(name = nil) [user_name(name), fetch_sample(DISPOSABLE_HOSTS)].join('@') end def free_email(name = nil) [user_name(name), fetch_sample(HOSTS)].join('@') end def safe_email(name = nil) [user_name(name), fetch_sample(SAFE_DOMAIN_SUFFIXES)].join('@example.') end def user_name(name = nil) return shuffle(name.split(' ')).join(fetch_sample(%w[. _])).downcase if name return sanitize(Name.first_name) if rand(0..1).zero? [sanitize(Name.first_name), sanitize(Name.last_name)].join(fetch_sample(%w[. _])) end def domain_name [domain_word, domain_suffix].join('.') end def domain_word sanitize(Company.name.split(' ').first) end def domain_suffix fetch_sample(DOMAIN_SUFFIXES) end def uri(protocol) [protocol, domain_name].join('://') end def http_url uri('http') end def ip_v4_address (1..4).map { fetch_sample(BYTE) }.join('.') end def slug(words = nil, glue = nil) words ||= Lorem.words(2).join(' ') glue ||= fetch_sample(SLUG_DELIMITERS) words.downcase.gsub(/[^a-z0-9]+/, glue) end def password(min_length = 8, max_length = 16) length = min_length > max_length ? min_length : fetch_sample(min_length..max_length) String.from_regexp(/\w{#{length}}/) end def mac(delimiter = ':') rand(0...MAC_LIMIT).to_s(16).rjust(12, '0').scan(/.{2}/).join(delimiter) end private def sanitize(string) string.gsub(/\W/, '').downcase end end end