module Mongoid module Voteable extend ActiveSupport::Concern # How many points should be assigned for each up or down vote. # This hash should manipulated using voteable method VOTEABLE = {} included do include Mongoid::Document include Mongoid::Voteable::Stats field :votes, :type => Mongoid::Voteable::Votes scope :voted_by, lambda { |voter| voter_id = voter.is_a?(BSON::ObjectId) ? voter : voter._id any_of({ 'votes.up' => voter_id }, { 'votes.down' => voter_id }) } scope :up_voted_by, lambda { |voter| voter_id = voter.is_a?(BSON::ObjectId) ? voter : voter._id where( 'votes.up' => voter_id ) } scope :down_voted_by, lambda { |voter| voter_id = voter.is_a?(BSON::ObjectId) ? voter : voter._id where( 'votes.down' => voter_id ) } before_create do # Init votes so that counters and point have numeric values (0) self.votes = VOTES_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES end # Set vote point for each up (down) vote on an object of this class # # @param [Hash] options a hash containings: # # voteable self, :up => +1, :down => -3 # voteable Post, :up => +2, :down => -1, :update_counters => false # skip counter update def self.voteable(klass = self, options = nil) VOTEABLE[] ||= {} VOTEABLE[][] ||= options end # We usually need to show current_user his voting value on voteable object # voting value can be nil (not voted yet), :up or :down # from voting value, we can decide it should be new vote or revote with :up or :down # In this case, validation can be skip to maximize performance # Make a vote on an object of this class # # @param [Hash] options a hash containings: # - :votee_id: the votee document id # - :voter_id: the voter document id # - :value: :up or :down # - :revote: change from vote up to vote down # - :unvote: unvote the vote value (:up or :down) def options.symbolize_keys! value = options[:value].to_sym votee_id = options[:votee_id] voter_id = options[:voter_id] votee_id = BSON::ObjectId(votee_id) if votee_id.is_a?(String) voter_id = BSON::ObjectId(voter_id) if voter_id.is_a?(String) klass = options[:class] klass ||= VOTEABLE.keys.include?(name) ? name : voteable = VOTEABLE[klass][klass] if options[:revote] if value == :up positive_voter_ids = 'votes.up' negative_voter_ids = 'votes.down' positive_votes_count = 'votes.up_count' negative_votes_count = 'votes.down_count' point_delta = voteable[:up] - voteable[:down] else positive_voter_ids = 'votes.down' negative_voter_ids = 'votes.up' positive_votes_count = 'votes.down_count' negative_votes_count = 'votes.up_count' point_delta = -voteable[:up] + voteable[:down] end update_result = collection.update({ # Validate voter_id did a vote with value for votee_id :_id => votee_id, positive_voter_ids => { '$ne' => voter_id }, negative_voter_ids => voter_id }, { # then update '$pull' => { negative_voter_ids => voter_id }, '$push' => { positive_voter_ids => voter_id }, '$inc' => { positive_votes_count => +1, negative_votes_count => -1, 'votes.point' => point_delta } }, { :safe => true }) elsif options[:unvote] if value == :up positive_voter_ids = 'votes.up' negative_voter_ids = 'votes.down' positive_votes_count = 'votes.up_count' else positive_voter_ids = 'votes.down' negative_voter_ids = 'votes.up' positive_votes_count = 'votes.down_count' end # Check if voter_id did a vote with value for votee_id update_result = collection.update({ # Validate voter_id did a vote with value for votee_id :_id => votee_id, negative_voter_ids => { '$ne' => voter_id }, positive_voter_ids => voter_id }, { # then update '$pull' => { positive_voter_ids => voter_id }, '$inc' => { positive_votes_count => -1, 'votes.count' => -1, 'votes.point' => -voteable[value] } }, { :safe => true }) else # new vote if value.to_sym == :up positive_voter_ids = 'votes.up' positive_votes_count = 'votes.up_count' else positive_voter_ids = 'votes.down' positive_votes_count = 'votes.down_count' end update_result = collection.update({ # Validate voter_id did not vote for votee_id yet :_id => votee_id, 'votes.up' => { '$ne' => voter_id }, 'votes.down' => { '$ne' => voter_id } }, { # then update '$push' => { positive_voter_ids => voter_id }, '$inc' => { 'votes.count' => +1, positive_votes_count => +1, 'votes.point' => voteable[value] } }, { :safe => true }) end # Only update parent class if votee is updated successfully successed = ( update_result['err'] == nil and update_result['updatedExisting'] == true and update_result['n'] == 1 ) if successed VOTEABLE[klass].each do |class_name, voteable| # For other class in VOTEABLE options, if is parent of current class next unless relation_metadata = relations[class_name.underscore] next unless votee ||= options[:votee] || find(options[:votee_id]) # If can find current votee foreign_key value for that class next unless foreign_key_value = votee.read_attribute(relation_metadata.foreign_key) inc_options = {} if options[:revote] if value == :up inc_options['votes.point'] = voteable[:up] - voteable[:down] unless voteable[:update_counters] == false inc_options['votes.up_count'] = +1 inc_options['votes.down_count'] = -1 end else inc_options['votes.point'] = -voteable[:up] + voteable[:down] unless voteable[:update_counters] == false inc_options['votes.up_count'] = -1 inc_options['votes.down_count'] = +1 end end elsif options[:unvote] inc_options['votes.point'] = -voteable[value] unless voteable[:update_counters] == false inc_options['votes.count'] = -1 if value == :up inc_options['votes.up_count'] = -1 else inc_options['votes.down_count'] = -1 end end else # new vote inc_options['votes.point'] = voteable[value] unless voteable[:update_counters] == false inc_options['votes.count'] = +1 if value == :up inc_options['votes.up_count'] = +1 else inc_options['votes.down_count'] = +1 end end end class_name.constantize.collection.update( { :_id => foreign_key_value }, { '$inc' => inc_options } ) end end true end end # Make a vote on this votee # # @param [Hash] options a hash containings: # - :voter_id: the voter document id # - :value: vote :up or vote :down def vote(options) options[:votee_id] ||= _id options[:votee] ||= self if options[:unvote] options[:value] ||= vote_value(options[:voter_id]) else options[:revote] ||= !vote_value(options[:voter_id]).nil? end end # Get a voted value on this votee # # @param [Mongoid Object, BSON::ObjectId] voter is Mongoid object or the id of the voter who made the vote def vote_value(voter) voter_id = voter.is_a?(BSON::ObjectId) ? voter : voter._id return :up if up_voter_ids.include?(voter_id) return :down if down_voter_ids.include?(voter_id) end # Array of up voter ids def up_voter_ids votes.try(:[], 'up') || [] end # Array of down voter ids def down_voter_ids votes.try(:[], 'down') || [] end end end