Voom::Presenters.define(:autocomplete_action) do helpers Demo::Helpers::IndentedGrid attach :top_nav attach :events_drawer indented_grid do heading 'Autocomplete' title 'Work In Progress' body 'Provides a text field that when typed into will fetch a set of items to select base on what was typed.', 'Useful for providing search clues as the user types.', 'The search command returned should either an array of text terms found, or optionally an id that will also be sumbitted using the same name as plus `_id` as the text field.' heading 'Search' content id: :search_field do text_field name: :search, full_width: false do label 'Search Silicon Valley' event :input do autocomplete '/_search_' end event :change do replaces :context_list, :context_list, title: 'Search Results' end end end attach :context_list, title: 'Search Results' end attach :code, file: __FILE__ end