
Class Index [+]



The PropertyList is a utility class that can be used to hold a list of properties. It’s derived from an Array, so it can hold the properties in a well defined order. The order can be determined by an arbitrary number of sorting levels. A sorting level specifies an attribute who’s value should be used for sorting, a scenario index if necessary and the sorting direction (up/down). All nodes in the PropertyList must belong to the same PropertySet.



Public Class Methods

new(arg, copyItems = true) click to toggle source

A PropertyList is always bound to a certain PropertySet. All properties in the list must be of that set.

    # File lib/PropertyList.rb, line 30
30:     def initialize(arg, copyItems = true)
31:       @items = copyItems ? arg.to_ary : []
32:       if arg.is_a?(PropertySet)
33:         # Create a PropertyList from the given PropertySet.
34:         @propertySet = arg
35:         # To keep the list sorted, we may have to access Property attributes.
36:         # Pre-scheduling, we can only use static attributes. Post-scheduling,
37:         # we can include dynamic attributes as well. This query template will
38:         # be used to query attributes when it has been set. Otherwise the list
39:         # can only be sorted by static attributes.
40:         @query = nil
41:         resetSorting
42:         addSortingCriteria('seqno', true, 1)
43:         sort!
44:       else
45:         # Create a PropertyList from a given other PropertyList.
46:         @propertySet = arg.propertySet
47:         @query = arg.query ? arg.query.dup : nil
48:         @sortingLevels = arg.sortingLevels
49:         @sortingCriteria = arg.sortingCriteria.dup
50:         @sortingUp = arg.sortingUp.dup
51:         @scenarioIdx = arg.scenarioIdx.dup
52:       end
53:     end

Public Instance Methods

append(list) click to toggle source

Append another Array of PropertyTreeNodes or a PropertyList to this. The list will be sorted again.

    # File lib/PropertyList.rb, line 84
84:     def append(list)
85:       if $DEBUG
86:         list.each do |node|
87:           unless node.propertySet == @propertySet
88:             raise "Fatal Error: All nodes must belong to the same PropertySet."
89:           end
90:         end
91:       end
93:       @items.concat(list)
94:       sort!
95:     end
index() click to toggle source

This function sets the index attribute of all the properties in the list. The index starts with 0 and increases for each property.

     # File lib/PropertyList.rb, line 146
146:     def index
147:       i = 0
148:       @items.each do |p|
149:         p.set('index', i += 1)
150:       end
151:     end
itemIndex(item) click to toggle source

Return the Array index of item or nil.

     # File lib/PropertyList.rb, line 140
140:     def itemIndex(item)
141:       @items.index(item)
142:     end
method_missing(func, *args, &block) click to toggle source

This class should be a derived class of Array. But since it re-defines sort!() and still needs to call Array::sort!() I took a different route. All missing methods will be propagated to the @items Array.

    # File lib/PropertyList.rb, line 58
58:     def method_missing(func, *args, &block)
59:       @items.method(func).call(*args, &block)
60:     end
resetSorting() click to toggle source

Clear all sorting levels.

    # File lib/PropertyList.rb, line 75
75:     def resetSorting
76:       @sortingLevels = 0
77:       @sortingCriteria = []
78:       @sortingUp = []
79:       @scenarioIdx = []
80:     end
setSorting(modes) click to toggle source

Set all sorting levels as Array of triplets.

    # File lib/PropertyList.rb, line 67
67:     def setSorting(modes)
68:       resetSorting
69:       modes.each do |mode|
70:         addSortingCriteria(*mode)
71:       end
72:     end
sort!() click to toggle source

Sort the properties according to the currently defined sorting criteria.

     # File lib/PropertyList.rb, line 105
105:     def sort!
106:       if treeMode?
107:         # Tree sorting is somewhat complex. It will be based on the 'tree'
108:         # attribute of the PropertyTreeNodes but we have to update them first
109:         # based on the other sorting criteria.
111:         # Remove the tree sorting mode first.
112:         sc = @sortingCriteria.delete_at(0)
113:         su = @sortingUp.delete_at(0)
114:         si = @scenarioIdx.delete_at(0)
115:         @sortingLevels -= 1
117:         # Sort the list based on the rest of the modes.
118:         sortInternal
119:         # The update the 'index' attributes of the PropertyTreeNodes.
120:         index
121:         # An then the 'tree' attributes.
122:         indexTree
124:         # Restore the 'tree' sorting mode again.
125:         @sortingCriteria.insert(0, sc)
126:         @sortingUp.insert(0, su)
127:         @scenarioIdx.insert(0, si)
128:         @sortingLevels += 1
130:         # Sort again, now based on the updated 'tree' attributes.
131:         sortInternal
132:       else
133:         sortInternal
134:       end
135:       # Update indexes.
136:       index
137:     end
to_ary() click to toggle source
    # File lib/PropertyList.rb, line 62
62:     def to_ary
63:       @items.dup
64:     end
treeMode?() click to toggle source

If the first sorting level is ‘tree’ the breakdown structure of the list is preserved. This is a somewhat special mode and this function returns true if the mode is set.

     # File lib/PropertyList.rb, line 100
100:     def treeMode?
101:       @sortingLevels > 0 && @sortingCriteria[0] == 'tree'
102:     end

Private Instance Methods

addSortingCriteria(criteria, up, scIdx) click to toggle source

Append a new sorting level to the existing levels.

     # File lib/PropertyList.rb, line 168
168:     def addSortingCriteria(criteria, up, scIdx)
169:       unless @propertySet.knownAttribute?(criteria) ||
170:              @propertySet.hasQuery?(criteria, scIdx)
171:         raise "Unknown attribute #{criteria} used for sorting criterium"
172:       end
173:       if scIdx == 1
174:         if @propertySet.scenarioSpecific?(criteria)
175:           raise "Attribute #{criteria} is scenario specific." +
176:                 "You must specify a scenario id."
177:         end
178:       else
179:         if @propertySet.project.scenario(scIdx).nil?
180:           raise "Unknown scenario index #{scIdx} used."
181:         end
182:         if !@propertySet.scenarioSpecific?(criteria)
183:           raise "Attribute #{criteria} is not scenario specific"
184:         end
185:       end
186:       @sortingCriteria.push(criteria)
187:       @sortingUp.push(up)
188:       @scenarioIdx.push(scIdx)
189:       @sortingLevels += 1
190:     end
indexTree() click to toggle source

Update the ‘tree’ indicies that are needed for the ‘tree’ sorting mode.

     # File lib/PropertyList.rb, line 193
193:     def indexTree
194:       @items.each do |property|
195:         # The indicies are an Array if the 'index' attributes for this
196:         # property and all its parents.
197:         treeIdcs = property.getIndicies
198:         # Now convert them to a String.
199:         tree = ''
200:         treeIdcs.each do |idx|
201:           # Prefix the level index with zeros so that we always have a 6
202:           # digit long String. 6 digits should be large enough for all
203:           # real-world projects.
204:           tree += idx.to_s.rjust(6, '0')
205:         end
206:         property.set('tree', tree)
207:       end
208:     end
sortInternal() click to toggle source
     # File lib/PropertyList.rb, line 210
210:     def sortInternal
211:       @items.sort! do |a, b|
212:         res = 0
213:         @sortingLevels.times do |i|
214:           if @query
215:             # In case we have a Query reference, we get the two values with this
216:             # query.
217:             @query.scenarioIdx = @scenarioIdx[i] < 0 ? nil : @scenarioIdx[i]
218:             @query.attributeId = @sortingCriteria[i]
220:    = a
221:             @query.process
222:             aVal = @query.to_sort
224:    = b
225:             @query.process
226:             bVal = @query.to_sort
227:           else
228:             # In case we don't have a query, we use the static mechanism.
229:             # If the scenario index is negative we have a non-scenario-specific
230:             # attribute.
231:             if @scenarioIdx[i] < 0
232:               if @sortingCriteria[i] == 'id'
233:                 aVal = a.fullId
234:                 bVal = b.fullId
235:               else
236:                 aVal = a.get(@sortingCriteria[i])
237:                 bVal = b.get(@sortingCriteria[i])
238:               end
239:             else
240:               aVal = a[@sortingCriteria[i], @scenarioIdx[i]]
241:               bVal = b[@sortingCriteria[i], @scenarioIdx[i]]
242:             end
243:           end
244:           res = aVal <=> bVal
245:           # Invert the result if we have to sort in decreasing order.
246:           res = -res unless @sortingUp[i]
247:           # If the two elements are equal on this compare level we try the next
248:           # level.
249:           break if res != 0
250:         end
251:         res
252:       end
253:     end

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