module ActiveForce class ModelGenerator < Rails::Generators::NamedBase desc 'This generator loads the table fields from SFDC and generates the fields for the SObject with a more Ruby name' source_root File.expand_path('../templates', __FILE__) argument :namespace, type: :string, optional: true, default: '' SALESFORCE_TO_ACTIVEMODEL_TYPE_MAP = { 'boolean' => :boolean, 'double' => :float, 'percentage' => :float, 'currency' => :decimal, 'date' => :date, 'datetime' => :datetime, 'int' => :integer, } def create_model_file @table_name = file_name.capitalize @class_name = prepare_namespace + @table_name.gsub('__c', '') template "model.rb.erb", "app/models/#{@class_name.underscore}.rb" if table_exists? end protected def prepare_namespace @namespace.present? ? @namespace + '::' : @namespace end Attribute = :field, :column, :type def attributes @attributes ||= sfdc_columns.sort_by { |col| col[:name].downcase }.map do |column| column_to_field(,, saleforce_to_active_model_type(column.type) end @attributes - [:id] end def sfdc_columns @columns ||= ActiveForce::SObject.sfdc_client.describe(@table_name).fields end def table_exists? !! sfdc_columns rescue Faraday::ResourceNotFound puts "The specified table name is not found. Be sure to append __c if it's custom" end def column_to_field column column.underscore.gsub("__c", "").to_sym end def attribute_line attribute "field :#{ attribute.field },#{ space_justify attribute.field } from: '#{ attribute.column }'#{ add_type(attribute.type) }" end def space_justify field_name longest_field = { |attr| attr.field.length } .max justify_count = longest_field - field_name.length " " * justify_count end def add_type(type) # String is the default so no need to add it return '' if type == :string ", as: :#{ type }" end def saleforce_to_active_model_type type SALESFORCE_TO_ACTIVEMODEL_TYPE_MAP.fetch(type, :string) end end end