module MetricFu
# The Template class is intended as an abstract class for concrete
# template classes to subclass. It provides a variety of utility
# methods to make templating a bit easier. However, classes do not
# have to inherit from here in order to provide a template. The only
# requirement for a template class is that it provides a #write method
# to actually write out the template. See StandardTemplate for an
# example.
class Template
attr_accessor :report
# Creates a new erb evaluated result from the passed in section.
# @param section String
# The section name of
# @return String
# The erb evaluated string
def erbify(section)
require 'erb'
erb_doc =
# Determines whether a template file exists for a given section
# of the full template.
# @param section String
# The section of the template to check against
# @return Boolean
# Does a template file exist for this section or not?
def template_exists?(section)
# Copies an instance variable mimicing the name of the section
# we are trying to render, with a value equal to the passed in
# constant. Allows the concrete template classes to refer to
# that instance variable from their ERB rendering
# @param section String
# The name of the instance variable to create
# @param contents Object
# The value to set as the value of the created instance
# variable
def create_instance_var(section, contents)
instance_variable_set("@#{section}", contents)
# Generates the filename of the template file to load and
# evaluate. In this case, the path to the template directory +
# the section name + .html.erb
# @param section String
# A section of the template to render
# @return String
# A file path
def template(section)
File.join(this_directory, section.to_s + ".html.erb")
# Returns the filename that the template will render into for
# a given section. In this case, the section name + '.html'
# @param section String
# A section of the template to render
# @return String
# The output filename
def output_filename(section)
section.to_s + ".html"
# Returns the contents of a given css file in order to
# render it inline into a template.
# @param css String
# The name of a css file to open
# @return String
# The contents of the css file
def inline_css(css)
open(File.join(this_directory, css)) { |f| }
# Provides a link to open a file through the textmate protocol
# on Darwin, or otherwise, a simple file link.
# @param name String
# @param line Integer
# The line number to link to, if textmate is available. Defaults
# to nil
# @return String
# An anchor link to a textmate reference or a file reference
def link_to_filename(name, line = nil)
filename = File.expand_path(name)
if MetricFu.configuration.platform.include?('darwin')
# Provides a brain dead way to cycle between two values during
# an iteration of some sort. Pass in the first_value, the second_value,
# and the cardinality of the iteration.
# @param first_value Object
# @param second_value Object
# @param iteration Integer
# The number of times through the iteration.
# @return Object
# The first_value if iteration is even. The second_value if
# iteration is odd.
def cycle(first_value, second_value, iteration)
return first_value if iteration % 2 == 0
return second_value