require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/helpers" class EditProjectTest < Test::Unit::AcceptanceTestCase story <<-EOS As an administrator, I want to be able to edit a project So that I can correct mistakes or update the project after a change EOS scenario "an admin can edit the project information" do Project.generate(:integrity) login_as "admin", "test" visit "/integrity" click_link "Edit Project" fill_in "Name", :with => "Integrity (test refactoring)" fill_in "Branch to track", :with => "test-refactoring" click_button "Update Project" assert_have_tag("h1", :content => "Integrity (test refactoring)") end scenario "making a public project private will hide it from the home page for non-admins" do Project.generate(:my_test_project, :public => true) visit "/" assert_contain("My Test Project") login_as "admin", "test" visit "/my-test-project" click_link "Edit Project" uncheck "Public project" click_button "Update Project" log_out visit "/" assert_have_no_tag("a", :content => "My Test Project") end scenario "making a private project public will show it in the home page for non-admins" do Project.generate(:my_test_project, :public => false) visit "/" assert_not_contain("My Test Project") login_as "admin", "test" visit "/my-test-project" click_link "Edit Project" check "Public project" click_button "Update Project" log_out visit "/" assert_have_tag("a", :content => "My Test Project") end scenario "a user can't edit a project's information" do Project.generate(:integrity) visit "/integrity" click_link "Edit Project" response_code.should == 401 end scenario "an admin can see the push URL on the edit page" do disable_auth! Project.generate(:my_test_project) visit "/my-test-project" click_link "Edit Project" assert_have_tag("#push_url", :content => "") end scenario "public projects have a ticked 'public' checkbox on edit form" do Project.generate(:my_test_project, :public => true) disable_auth! visit "/my-test-project/edit" assert_have_tag('input[@type="checkbox"][@checked="checked"][@name="project_data[public]"]') end scenario "private projects have an unticked 'public' checkbox on edit form" do Project.generate(:my_test_project, :public => false) disable_auth! visit "/my-test-project/edit" assert_have_no_tag('input[@type="checkbox"][@checked][@name="project_data[public]"]') end scenario "after I uncheck the public checkbox, it should still be uncheck after I save" do Project.generate(:integrity, :public => true) login_as "admin", "test" visit "/integrity" click_link "Edit Project" assert_have_tag('input[@type="checkbox"][@checked="checked"][@name="project_data[public]"]') uncheck "project_public" click_button "Update Project" click_link "Edit Project" assert_have_no_tag('input[@type="checkbox"][@checked="checked"][@name="project_data[public]"]') end end