module RatPack module Forms def error_messages_for(obj = nil, opts = {}) return unless obj.respond_to?(:errors) return if obj.errors.blank? html = tag(:h2, "Form submission failed be cause of #{obj.errors.size} #{pluralize("error",obj.errors.size)}") msgs ={|error|{|msg| tag(:li,msg)}}.flatten tag(:div, html + tag(:ul,msgs), :class => "error") end %w(text password hidden file).each do |kind| self.class_eval <<-RUBY, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def #{kind}_field(attrs) attrs[:class] = "text" if %w(text password).include?("#{kind}") && !attrs.has_key?(:class) closed_form_field(:input, {:type => "#{kind}"}.merge(attrs)) end RUBY end def text_area(attrs = {}) form_field(:textarea, attrs.delete(:value) || "", attrs) end def button(contents, attrs = {}) form_field(:button, contents, attrs) end def radio_button(attrs) closed_form_field(:input, {:type => "radio"}.merge(attrs)) end def radio_group(arr, attrs = {}) do |ind_attrs| ind_attrs = {:value => ind_attrs} unless ind_attrs.is_a?(Hash) joined = attrs.merge(ind_attrs) radio_button(joined) end.join end def check_box(attrs) html = "" label = build_field(attrs) if attrs.delete(:boolean) on, off = attrs.delete(:on), attrs.delete(:off) html << hidden_field(:name => attrs[:name], :value => off) html << self_closing_tag(:input, {:type => "checkbox", :value => on}.merge(attrs)) else closed_form_field(:input, {:type => "checkbox"}.merge(attrs)) html << self_closing_tag(:input, {:type => "checkbox"}.merge(attrs)) end html + label end def select(attrs = {}) attrs[:name] << "[]" if attrs[:multiple] && !(attrs[:name] =~ /\[\]$/) form_field(:select, options_for(attrs), attrs) end def submit(value="Submit", attrs = {}) attrs[:type] ||= "submit" attrs[:name] ||= "submit" attrs[:value] ||= value closed_form_field(:input, attrs) end def reset(value="Reset", attrs = {}) attrs[:type] ||= "reset" attrs[:name] ||= "reset" attrs[:value] ||= value closed_form_field(:input, attrs) end private def form_field(type, content, attrs) attrs[:id] = attrs[:name].gsub(/(\[)(.+?)\]$/,'_\2') unless attrs.has_key?(:id) build_field(attrs) + tag(type, content, attrs) end def closed_form_field(type, attrs) attrs[:id] = attrs[:name].gsub(/(\[)(.+?)\]$/,'_\2') unless attrs.has_key?(:id) build_field(attrs) + self_closing_tag(type, attrs) end def build_field(attrs) label = attrs.has_key?(:label) ? build_label(attrs) : "" hint = attrs.has_key?(:hint) ? tag(:div,attrs.delete(:hint), :class => "hint") : "" label + hint end def build_label(attrs) if attrs[:id] label_attrs = {:for => attrs[:id]} elsif attrs[:name] label_attrs = {:for => attrs[:name]} else label_attrs = {} end tag(:label, attrs.delete(:label), label_attrs) end def options_for(attrs) blank, prompt = attrs.delete(:include_blank), attrs.delete(:prompt) b = blank || prompt ? tag(:option, prompt || "", :value => "") : "" # yank out the options attrs collection, selected, text_method, value_method = attrs.extract!(:collection, :selected, :text_method, :value_method) # if the collection is a Hash, optgroups are a-coming if collection.is_a?(Hash) ([b] + do |g,col| tag(:optgroup, select_options(col, text_method, value_method, selected), :label => g) end).join else select_options(collection || [], text_method, value_method, selected, b) end end def select_options(col, text_meth, value_meth, sel, b = nil) ([b] + do |item| text_meth = text_meth && item.respond_to?(text_meth) ? text_meth : :last value_meth = value_meth && item.respond_to?(value_meth) ? value_meth : :first text = item.is_a?(String) ? item : item.send(text_meth) value = item.is_a?(String) ? item : item.send(value_meth) option_attrs = {:value => value} if sel.is_a?(Array) option_attrs.merge!(:selected => "selected") if sel else option_attrs.merge!(:selected => "selected") if value == sel end tag(:option, text, option_attrs) end).join end end end