require 'find' require 'RMagick' require 'yaml' require 'enumerator' class Sprite def initialize(options={}) @image_path = File.expand_path(File.join(Rails.root, 'public/images')) @stylesheet_path = File.expand_path(File.join(Rails.root, 'public/stylesheets')) if File.exist?(File.join(Rails.root, 'config/css_sprite.yml')) @config = YAML::load_file(File.join(Rails.root, 'config/css_sprite.yml')) else @config = options end end def build directories = css_sprite_directories directories.each { |directory| execute(directory) } end def check directories = css_sprite_directories directories.each { |directory| execute(directory) if expire?(directory) } end def execute(directory) results = output_image(directory) unless results.empty? optimize_image(directory) output_stylesheet(directory, results) end end def expire?(directory) if sass? stylesheet_path = dest_sass_path(directory) else stylesheet_path = dest_css_path(directory) end return true unless File.exist?(stylesheet_path) stylesheet_mtime = Dir["**/*"].each do |path| # it is a directory return true if path !~ /.*\..*/ and > stylesheet_mtime end return false end def output_stylesheet(directory, results) if sass? output_sass(directory, results) else output_css(directory, results) end end def sass? @config['engine'] == 'sass' end def css_sprite_directories Dir.entries(@image_path).collect do |d| File.join(@image_path, d) if, d)) and d =~ /css_sprite$/ end.compact end def output_image(directory) results = [] sources = all_images(directory) dest_image_path = dest_image_path(directory) span = 5 unless sources.empty? dest_image = get_image(sources.shift) results << image_properties(dest_image, directory).merge(:x => 0, :y => 0) sources.each do |source| source_image = get_image(source) gravity = Magick::SouthGravity x = 0 y = dest_image.rows + span results << image_properties(source_image, directory).merge(:x => x, :y => y) dest_image = composite_images(dest_image, source_image, x, y) end dest_image.image_type = @config['image_type'] ? Magick.const_get(@config['image_type']) : Magick::PaletteMatteType dest_image.write(dest_image_path) end results end def optimize_image(directory) unless @config['disable_optimization'] dest_image_path = dest_image_path(directory) command = @config['optimization'] ? "#{@config['optimization']} #{dest_image_path}" : "optipng -quiet #{dest_image_path}" result = system(command) puts %Q(Optimization command "#{command}" execute failed) unless result end end def output_css(directory, results) unless results.empty? dest_image_name = dest_image_name(directory) dest_css_path = dest_css_path(directory) dest_image_time =, 'w') do |f| if @config['suffix'] @config['suffix'].each do |key, value| cns = class_names(results, :suffix => key) unless cns.empty? f.print cns.join(",\n") f.print " \{\n" f.print value.split("\n").collect { |text| " " + text }.join("\n") f.print "\}\n" end end end f.print class_names(results).join(",\n") f.print " \{\n background: url('/images/#{dest_image_name}?#{dest_image_time.to_i}') no-repeat;\n\}\n" results.each do |result| f.print "#{class_name(result[:name])} \{" f.print " background-position: #{-result[:x]}px #{-result[:y]}px;" f.print " width: #{result[:width]}px;" if result[:width] f.print " height: #{result[:height]}px;" if result[:height] f.print " \}\n" end end end end def output_sass(directory, results) unless results.empty? dest_image_name = dest_image_name(directory) dest_sass_path = dest_sass_path(directory) dest_image_time =, 'w') do |f| if @config['suffix'] @config['suffix'].each do |key, value| cns = class_names(results, :suffix => key) unless cns.empty? f.print cns.join(",\n") f.print "\n" f.print value.split("\n").collect { |text| " " + text }.join("\n") f.print "\n" end end end f.print class_names(results).join(",\n") f.print " \n background: url('/images/#{dest_image_name}?#{dest_image_time.to_i}') no-repeat\n" results.each do |result| f.print "#{class_name(result[:name])}\n" f.print " background-position: #{-result[:x]}px #{-result[:y]}px\n" f.print " width: #{result[:width]}px\n" if result[:width] f.print " height: #{result[:height]}px\n" if result[:height] end end end end def class_names(results, options={}) options = {:count_per_line => 5}.merge(options) class_names = [] results = { |result| result[:name] =~ %r|#{options[:suffix]}$| } if options[:suffix] results.each_slice(options[:count_per_line]) do |batch_results| class_names << batch_results.collect { |result| class_name(result[:name]) }.join(', ') end class_names end def class_name(name) ".#{name.gsub('/', ' .').sub(/[_-]hover$/, ':hover')}" end def all_images(directory) images = [] Find.find(directory) do |path| if path =~ /\.(png|gif|jpg|jpeg)$/ images << path end end images end def dest_image_path(directory) directory + ".png" end def dest_image_name(directory) File.basename(directory) + ".png" end def dest_css_path(directory) File.join(@stylesheet_path, File.basename(directory) + '.css') end def dest_sass_path(directory) File.join(@stylesheet_path, 'sass', File.basename(directory) + '.sass') end def composite_images(dest_image, src_image, x, y) width = [src_image.columns + x, dest_image.columns].max height = [src_image.rows + y, dest_image.rows].max image =, height) {self.background_color = 'none'} image.composite!(dest_image, 0, 0, Magick::CopyCompositeOp) image.composite!(src_image, x, y, Magick::CopyCompositeOp) image end def get_image(image_filename) Magick::Image::read(image_filename).first end def image_properties(image, directory) directory_length = directory.length + 1 extname_length = File.extname(image.filename).length name = image.filename.slice(directory_length...-extname_length) without = false if hover?(name) not_hover_file = image.filename.sub(/[_-]hover\./, '.') if File.exist?(not_hover_file) not_hover_image = get_image(not_hover_file) without = true if image.columns == not_hover_image.columns and image.rows == not_hover_image.rows end end without ? {:name => name} : {:name => name, :width => image.columns, :height => image.rows} end def hover?(name) name =~ /[_-]hover/ end end