## # NOTE: Appraisal sets `BUNDLE_GEMFILE` env variable. # This is how appraisals can be differentiated from each other. # https://github.com/thoughtbot/appraisal/blob/v2.4.1/lib/appraisal/command.rb#L36 # # If `BUNDLE_GEMFILE` is an empty string, then `APPRAISAL_NAME` is resolved to an empty string as well. # User passed `APPRAISAL_NAME` has a precedence. # # IMPORTANT: `APPRAISAL_NAME` env variable should be initialized as far as it is possible. # # IMPORTANT: ENV variables declared in this file should NOT be used inside the lib folder. # ENV["APPRAISAL_NAME"] ||= ENV["BUNDLE_GEMFILE"].to_s.then(&File.method(:basename)).then { |name| name.end_with?(".gemfile") ? name.delete_suffix(".gemfile") : "" } puts "ENV[\"APPRAISAL_NAME\"] -> `#{ENV["APPRAISAL_NAME"]}`" ## # NOTE: Ruby version may be set by docker. # https://github.com/docker-library/ruby/blob/master/3.1/alpine3.16/Dockerfile#L30 # ENV["RUBY_VERSION"] ||= ::RUBY_VERSION puts "ENV[\"RUBY_VERSION\"] -> `#{ENV["RUBY_VERSION"]}`"