class Brakeman::CheckRenderInline < Brakeman::CheckCrossSiteScripting Brakeman::Checks.add self @description = "Checks for cross site scripting in render calls" def run_check setup tracker.find_call(:target => nil, :method => :render).each do |result| check_render result end end def check_render result return unless original? result call = result[:call] if node_type? call, :render and (call.render_type == :text or call.render_type == :inline) unless call.render_type == :text and content_type_set? call[3] render_value = call[2] if input = has_immediate_user_input?(render_value) warn :result => result, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :warning_code => :cross_site_scripting_inline, :message => "Unescaped #{friendly_type_of input} rendered inline", :user_input => input, :confidence => CONFIDENCE[:high] elsif input = has_immediate_model?(render_value) warn :result => result, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :warning_code => :cross_site_scripting_inline, :message => "Unescaped model attribute rendered inline", :user_input => input, :confidence => CONFIDENCE[:med] end end end end CONTENT_TYPES = ["text/html", "text/javascript", "application/javascript"] def content_type_set? opts if hash? opts content_type = hash_access(opts, :content_type) string? content_type and not CONTENT_TYPES.include? content_type.value end end end