#### 0.3.1

- Update gem's dependencies

#### 0.3.0

- Don't use the active-support-core-ext as it is obsoleted.

#### 0.2.3

- Use `require` instead of `require_relative`
- Update gem dependencies

#### 0.2.2

- Support more ruby version start from 1.9.3+
- Update gem dependencies
- Add 'active-support-core-ext' gem

#### 0.2.1

- Make ruby 2.1.0 explicit requirement

#### 0.2.0

- Remove the monkeypatch and use 'refinement' feature of ruby 2.1.x

#### 0.1.5

- Organize the core_ext class
- Add `blank.rb` class

#### 0.1.4

- Add the new api for getting the command from shell command

#### 0.1.3

- Improve the code detection for OS type
- Remove unused method
- Update style for rubocop

#### 0.1.2

- Style cleanup with rubocop
- Minor code cleanup
- Consistently use double quote for string

#### 0.1.0

- Use [Semantic Versioning][] from this point.
- Improve README.md
- Add link to 'code_climate' and 'gemnasium'
- Fix style with rubocop
- Update gemspec file

#### 0.0.1 - 0.0.8

- Releases before the Semantic Versioning
- Implmented many features and fix a few bugs along the way

[Semantic Versioning]: http://semver.org