Feature: Show - Default Content Viewing the show page for a resource Background: Given a post with the title "Hello World" written by "Jane Doe" exists Scenario: Viewing the default show page Given a show configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.register Post """ Then I should see the attribute "Title" with "Hello World" And I should see the attribute "Body" with "Empty" And I should see the attribute "Created At" with a nicely formatted datetime And I should see the attribute "Author" with "Jane Doe" And I should see an action item button "Delete Post" And I should see an action item button "Edit Post" Scenario: Attributes should link when linked resource is registered Given a show configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.register Post ActiveAdmin.register User """ Then I should see the attribute "Author" with "Jane Doe" And I should see a link to "Jane Doe" Scenario: Customizing the attributes table with a set of attributes Given a show configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.register Post do show do attributes_table :title, :body, :created_at, :updated_at end end """ Then I should see the attribute "Title" with "Hello World" And I should see the attribute "Body" with "Empty" And I should see the attribute "Created At" with a nicely formatted datetime And I should not see the attribute "Author"