module ElchScan class Application module Dispatch def dispatch action = (@opts[:dispatch] || :help) case action when :help then @optparse.to_s.split("\n").each(&method(:log)) when :version, :info then dispatch_info else if respond_to?("dispatch_#{action}") send("dispatch_#{action}") else abort("unknown action #{action}", 1) end end end def dispatch_generate_config if File.exist?(@config_src) log "Configuration already exists, please delete it do generate another one." else FileUtils.cp("#{ROOT}/doc/config.yml", @config_src) log "Sample configuration created!" log "You will need to add at least 1 one movie directory." answer = ask("Do you want to open the configuration file now? [Yes/no]") if ["", "y", "yes"].include?(answer.downcase) if RUBY_PLATFORM.include?("darwin") exec("open #{@config_src}") else system "#{cfg :application, :editor} #{@config_src}" end end end end def dispatch_info logger.log_without_timestr do log "" log " Your version: #{your_version =}" # get current version logger.log_with_print do log " Current version: " if cfg("application.check_version") require "net/http" log c("checking...", :blue) begin current_version = Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse(ElchScan::UPDATE_URL)).body.strip if current_version > your_version status = c("#{current_version} (consider update)", :red) elsif current_version < your_version status = c("#{current_version} (ahead, beta)", :green) else status = c("#{current_version} (up2date)", :green) end rescue status = c("failed (#{$!.message})", :red) end logger.raw "#{"\b" * 11}#{" " * 11}#{"\b" * 11}", :print # reset cursor log status else log c("check disabled", :red) end end # more info log "" log " ElchScan is brought to you by #{c "", :green}" log " Contribute @ #{c "", :cyan}" log " Eat bananas every day!" log "" end end def dispatch_edit_script record_filter(filter_script(@opts[:select_script])) end def dispatch_index if cfg(:movies).empty? log "You will need at least 1 one movie directory defined in your configuration." answer = ask("Do you want to open the file now? [Yes/no]") if ["", "y", "yes"].include?(answer.downcase) if RUBY_PLATFORM.include?("darwin") exec("open #{@config_src}") else system "#{cfg :application, :editor} #{@config_src}" end end else movies = _index_movies(cfg(:movies)) old_count = movies.count return log("No movies found :(") if log( "We have found " << c("#{movies.count}", :magenta) << c(" movies in ") << c("#{cfg(:movies).count}", :magenta) << c(" directories") ) if @opts[:console] log "You have access to the collection with " << c("movies", :magenta) log "Apply existent select script with " << c("apply_filter(movies, 'filter_name')", :magenta) log "Type " << c("exit", :magenta) << c(" to leave the console.") binding.pry(quiet: true) else # ask to filter if !@opts[:quiet] && @opts[:select_scripts].empty? answer = ask("Do you want to filter the results? [yes/No]") if ["y", "yes"].include?(answer.downcase) movies = apply_filter(movies, record_filter) old_count = movies.count collection_size_changed old_count, movies.count, "custom filter" end end # filter @opts[:select_scripts].each do |filter| movies = apply_filter(movies, filter_script(filter)) collection_size_changed old_count, movies.count, "filter: #{filter}" old_count = movies.count end # permute permute_script(movies) if @opts[:permute] # ask to save if !@opts[:quiet] && !@opts[:output_file] answer = ask("Enter filename to save output or leave blank to print to STDOUT:") if !answer.empty? @opts[:output_file] = answer end end # format results begin formatter = "ElchScan::Formatter::#{@opts[:formatter]}" rescue LoadError warn "Unknown formatter " << c("#{@opts[:formatter]}", :magenta) << c(", using Plain...", :red) formatter = "ElchScan::Formatter::Plain" end results = formatter.format(movies) # save if @opts[:output_file][:output_file], "w+") {|f| f.write(results.join("\n")) } else logger.log_without_timestr do results.each {|line| log line } end end end end end def collection_size_changed cold, cnew, reason = nil if cold != cnew log( "We have filtered " << c("#{cnew}", :magenta) << c(" movies") << c(" (#{cnew - cold})", :red) << c(" from originally ") << c("#{cold}", :magenta) << (reason ? c(" (#{reason})", :blue) : "") ) end end def _index_movies directories directories.each_with_object({}) do |dir, result| if Find.find(dir) do |path| # calculate depth depth = path.scan(?/).count - dir.scan(?/).count depth -= 1 unless if depth == 1 && result[File.basename(path)] = self, dir: dir, path: path, ) end end else log(c("Directory unreadable, skipping ", :red) << c("#{dir}", :magenta)) end end end end end end