RSpec.describe Evil::Client::Schema::Scope do let(:client) { class_double Evil::Client, name: "MyApi" } let(:parent) { client } let(:schema) { parent, :users } let(:block) { proc { def; :FOO; end } } let(:dsl_methods) do %i[operations scopes options schema settings inspect logger] end it "subclasses the operation schema" do expect(described_class.superclass).to eq Evil::Client::Schema::Operation end describe "#leaf?" do subject { schema.leaf? } it "returns false" do expect(subject).to eq false end end describe "#scopes" do subject { schema.scopes } it "returns empty hash by default" do expect(subject).to eq({}) end end describe "#scope" do subject { schema.scope(:customers, &block) } it "adds named subscope to the scope" do subject expect(schema.scopes[:customers]).to be_a described_class end it "executes the block in context of the new subscope" do subject expect(schema.scopes[:customers].foo).to eq :FOO end it "returns the scope itself" do expect(subject).to eq schema end context "when name is reserved by DSL" do it "raises Evil::Client::NameError" do dsl_methods.each do |name| expect { schema.scope(name, &block) } .to raise_error Evil::Client::NameError end end end context "when there is an operation with the same name" do before { schema.operation(:customers) {} } it "raises Evil::Client::TypeError" do expect { subject }.to raise_error Evil::Client::TypeError end end end describe "#operations" do subject { schema.operations } it "returns empty hash by default" do expect(subject).to eq({}) end end describe "#operation" do subject { schema.operation(:fetch, &block) } it "adds named operation to the scope" do subject expect(schema.operations[:fetch]).to be_a Evil::Client::Schema::Operation end it "executes the block in context of the new operation" do subject expect(schema.operations[:fetch].foo).to eq :FOO end it "returns the scope itself" do expect(subject).to eq schema end context "when name is reserved by DSL" do it "raises Evil::Client::NameError" do dsl_methods.each do |name| expect { schema.operation(name, &block) } .to raise_error Evil::Client::NameError end end end context "when there is an operation with the same name" do before { schema.scope(:fetch) {} } it "raises Evil::Client::TypeError" do expect { subject }.to raise_error Evil::Client::TypeError end end end describe "#operation" do end end