# # Author:: Lamont Granquist () # Copyright:: Copyright 2013-2016, Lamont Granquist # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require "spec_helper" describe Chef::Provider::RemoteFile::HTTP do let(:uri) { URI.parse("http://opscode.com/seattle.txt") } let(:existing_file_source) { nil } let(:current_resource_checksum) { "41e78735319af11327e9d2ca8535ea1c191e5ac1f76bb08d88fe6c3f93a8c8e5" } let(:current_resource) do current_resource = Chef::Resource::RemoteFile.new("/tmp/foo.txt") current_resource.source(existing_file_source) if existing_file_source current_resource.checksum(current_resource_checksum) current_resource end let(:new_resource) do Chef::Resource::RemoteFile.new("/tmp/foo.txt") end subject(:fetcher) do Chef::Provider::RemoteFile::HTTP.new(uri, new_resource, current_resource) end let(:cache_control_data) { Chef::Provider::RemoteFile::CacheControlData.new(uri) } describe "generating cache control headers" do context "and there is no valid cache control data for this URI on disk" do before do expect(Chef::Provider::RemoteFile::CacheControlData).to receive(:load_and_validate).with(uri, current_resource_checksum).and_return(cache_control_data) end it "does not add conditional GET headers" do expect(fetcher.conditional_get_headers).to eq({}) end context "and the resource specifies custom headers" do before do new_resource.headers("x-myapp-header" => "custom-header-value") end it "has the user-specified custom headers" do expect(fetcher.headers).to eq({ "x-myapp-header" => "custom-header-value" }) end end end context "and the cache control data matches the existing file" do # http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec14.html#sec14.26 let(:etag) { "\"a-strong-unique-identifier\"" } # http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec3.html#sec3.3 let(:mtime) { "Tue, 21 May 2013 19:19:23 GMT" } before do cache_control_data.etag = etag cache_control_data.mtime = mtime expect(Chef::Provider::RemoteFile::CacheControlData).to receive(:load_and_validate).with(uri, current_resource_checksum).and_return(cache_control_data) end context "and no conditional get features are enabled" do before do new_resource.use_conditional_get(false) end it "does not add headers to the request" do expect(fetcher.headers).to eq({}) end end context "and conditional get is enabled" do before do new_resource.use_conditional_get(true) end it "adds If-None-Match and If-Modified-Since headers to the request" do headers = fetcher.headers expect(headers["if-none-match"]).to eq(etag) expect(headers["if-modified-since"]).to eq(mtime) end context "and custom headers are provided" do before do new_resource.headers("x-myapp-header" => "app-specific-header", "if-none-match" => "custom-etag", "if-modified-since" => "custom-last-modified") end it "preserves non-conflicting headers" do expect(fetcher.headers["x-myapp-header"]).to eq("app-specific-header") end it "prefers user-supplied cache control headers" do headers = fetcher.headers expect(headers["if-none-match"]).to eq("custom-etag") expect(headers["if-modified-since"]).to eq("custom-last-modified") end end end context "and etag support is enabled" do before do new_resource.use_conditional_get(false) new_resource.use_etags(true) end it "only adds If-None-Match headers to the request" do headers = fetcher.headers expect(headers["if-none-match"]).to eq(etag) expect(headers).not_to have_key("if-modified-since") end end context "and mtime support is enabled" do before do new_resource.use_conditional_get(false) new_resource.use_last_modified(true) end it "only adds If-Modified-Since headers to the request" do headers = fetcher.headers expect(headers["if-modified-since"]).to eq(mtime) expect(headers).not_to have_key("if-none-match") end end end end describe "when fetching the uri" do let(:expected_http_opts) { {} } let(:expected_http_args) { [uri, expected_http_opts] } let(:tempfile_path) { tempfile.path } let(:tempfile) { Tempfile.open("muhtempfile") } let(:last_response) { {} } let(:event_dispatcher) do event_dispatcher = double(Chef::EventDispatch::Dispatcher) allow(event_dispatcher).to receive(:formatter?).and_return(false) event_dispatcher end let(:rest) do rest = double(Chef::HTTP::Simple) allow_any_instance_of(Chef::FileContentManagement::Tempfile).to receive(:tempfile).and_return(tempfile) allow(rest).to receive(:last_response).and_return(last_response) rest end before do new_resource.headers({}) new_resource.use_last_modified(false) allow(new_resource).to receive(:events).and_return(event_dispatcher) expect(Chef::Provider::RemoteFile::CacheControlData).to receive(:load_and_validate).with(uri, current_resource_checksum).and_return(cache_control_data) expect(Chef::HTTP::Simple).to receive(:new).with(*expected_http_args).and_return(rest) end it "should clean up the tempfile, and return a nil when streaming_request returns nil" do # Streaming request returns nil for a 304 not modified (etags / last-modified) expect(rest).to receive(:streaming_request).with(uri, {}, tempfile).and_return(nil) expect(tempfile).to receive(:close) expect(tempfile).to receive(:unlink) expect(fetcher.fetch).to be_nil end context "with progress reports" do let(:fetched_content_checksum) { "e2a8938cc31754f6c067b35aab1d0d4864272e9bf8504536ef3e79ebf8432305" } before do expect(cache_control_data).to receive(:save) expect(Chef::Digester).to receive(:checksum_for_file).with(tempfile_path).and_return(fetched_content_checksum) Chef::Config[:show_download_progress] = true end it "should yield its progress" do expect(rest).to receive(:streaming_request_with_progress).with(uri, {}, tempfile).and_yield(50, 100).and_yield(70, 100).and_return(tempfile) expect(event_dispatcher).to receive(:formatter?).and_return(true) expect(event_dispatcher).to receive(:resource_update_progress).with(new_resource, 50, 100, 10).ordered expect(event_dispatcher).to receive(:resource_update_progress).with(new_resource, 70, 100, 10).ordered fetcher.fetch end end describe "and the request returns new content" do let(:fetched_content_checksum) { "e2a8938cc31754f6c067b35aab1d0d4864272e9bf8504536ef3e79ebf8432305" } before do expect(rest).to receive(:streaming_request).with(uri, {}, tempfile).and_return(tempfile) expect(cache_control_data).to receive(:save) expect(Chef::Digester).to receive(:checksum_for_file).with(tempfile_path).and_return(fetched_content_checksum) end it "should return a tempfile" do result = fetcher.fetch expect(result).to eq(tempfile) expect(cache_control_data.etag).to be_nil expect(cache_control_data.mtime).to be_nil expect(cache_control_data.checksum).to eq(fetched_content_checksum) end context "and the response does not contain an etag" do let(:last_response) { { "etag" => nil } } it "does not include an etag in the result" do fetcher.fetch expect(cache_control_data.etag).to be_nil expect(cache_control_data.mtime).to be_nil expect(cache_control_data.checksum).to eq(fetched_content_checksum) end end context "and the response has an etag header" do let(:last_response) { { "etag" => "abc123" } } it "includes the etag value in the response" do fetcher.fetch expect(cache_control_data.etag).to eq("abc123") expect(cache_control_data.mtime).to be_nil expect(cache_control_data.checksum).to eq(fetched_content_checksum) end end context "and the response has no Date or Last-Modified header" do let(:last_response) { { "date" => nil, "last_modified" => nil } } it "does not set an mtime in the result" do # RFC 2616 suggests that servers that do not set a Date header do not # have a reliable clock, so no use in making them deal with dates. fetcher.fetch expect(cache_control_data.etag).to be_nil expect(cache_control_data.mtime).to be_nil expect(cache_control_data.checksum).to eq(fetched_content_checksum) end end context "and the response has a Last-Modified header" do let(:last_response) do # Last-Modified should be preferred to Date if both are set { "date" => "Fri, 17 May 2013 23:23:23 GMT", "last_modified" => "Fri, 17 May 2013 11:11:11 GMT" } end it "sets the mtime to the Last-Modified time in the response" do fetcher.fetch expect(cache_control_data.etag).to be_nil expect(cache_control_data.mtime).to eq(last_response["last_modified"]) end end context "and the response has a Date header but no Last-Modified header" do let(:last_response) do { "date" => "Fri, 17 May 2013 23:23:23 GMT", "last_modified" => nil } end it "sets the mtime to the Date in the response" do fetcher.fetch expect(cache_control_data.etag).to be_nil expect(cache_control_data.mtime).to eq(last_response["date"]) expect(cache_control_data.checksum).to eq(fetched_content_checksum) end end context "and the target file is a tarball [CHEF-3140]" do let(:uri) { URI.parse("http://opscode.com/tarball.tgz") } let(:expected_http_opts) { { :disable_gzip => true } } # CHEF-3140 # Some servers return tarballs as content type tar and encoding gzip, which # is totally wrong. When this happens and gzip isn't disabled, Chef::HTTP::Simple # will decompress the file for you, which is not at all what you expected # to happen (you end up with an uncomressed tar archive instead of the # gzipped tar archive you expected). To work around this behavior, we # detect when users are fetching gzipped files and turn off gzip in # Chef::HTTP::Simple. it "should disable gzip compression in the client" do # Before block in the parent context has set an expectation on # Chef::HTTP::Simple.new() being called with expected arguments. Here we fufil # that expectation, so that we can explicitly set it for this test. # This is intended to provide insurance that refactoring of the parent # context does not negate the value of this particular example. Chef::HTTP::Simple.new(*expected_http_args) expect(Chef::HTTP::Simple).to receive(:new).once.with(*expected_http_args).and_return(rest) fetcher.fetch expect(cache_control_data.etag).to be_nil expect(cache_control_data.mtime).to be_nil expect(cache_control_data.checksum).to eq(fetched_content_checksum) end end end end end