require 'rbcurse/app' do header = app_header "rbcurse #{Rbcurse::VERSION}", :text_center => "MultiSplit Demo", :text_right =>"ColumnBrowse pattern" #message_row(27) message " and " oo = :HORIZONTAL_SPLIT oo = :VERTICAL_SPLIT stack :margin_top => 2, :margin => 1, :width => FFI::NCurses.COLS-2 do splp = multisplit "outer", :height => FFI::NCurses.LINES - 3 , :split_count => 2, :orientation => oo do |s| #s.suppress_borders = false lb = list_box "Classes",:list => `ri -f bs`.split("\n") s.add lb lb2 = list_box "Methods", :list => ["highline", "sqlite3-ruby", "thor", "ncurses"], :choose => ["thor"] #lb2.suppress_borders true s.add lb2 #sc = textarea "Edit" #s.add sc end # splp c1 = splp[0] c2 = splp[1] #c1.bind_key(KEY_RETURN){ # listbox now traps key ENTER and fires PRESS event c1.bind(:PRESS){ #m = Object::const_get(c1.text).public_instance_methods lines = `ri -f bs #{c1.text} | tr -d ''`.split("\n") i = lines.index "= CCllaassss mmeetthhooddss::" m = nil if i lines[i] = "Class Methods:" m = lines.slice(i..-1) i = m.index "= IInnssttaannccee mmeetthhooddss::" m[i] = "Instance Methods:" if i else i = lines.index "= IInnssttaannccee mmeetthhooddss::" if i lines[i] = "Instance Methods:" m = lines.slice(i..-1) end end if m c2.remove_all c2.insert 0, *m c2.clear_selection # since we had put default value using choose end } #blank flow do #toggle :onvalue => "Vertical", :offvalue => "Horizontal", :value => true do |e| #message "pressed #{e.state}" #case e.state #when :DESELECTED #$log.debug " about to call orientation with V" #splp.orientation :VERTICAL_SPLIT ##ret = splp.reset_to_preferred_sizes #else #$log.debug " about to call orientation with H" #splp.orientation :HORIZONTAL_SPLIT ##ret = splp.reset_to_preferred_sizes #end #end fc = splp # increase split size button "+" do #splp.set_divider_location(splp.divider_location+1) #fc.set_divider_location(splp.divider_location+1) fc.increase end # decrease split size button "-" do #fc.set_divider_location(splp.divider_location-1) fc.decrease end # equalize split size button "=" do #splp.set_resize_weight(0.50) fc.same end end end # stack end # app