# binman - man pages for bin scripts [binman] produces UNIX manual pages for executable scripts using [md2man]. ## Features * Supports any scripting language that has multi-line comments or uses `#` for single-line comments: Ruby, Perl, Python, Node.js, Tcl, AWK, UNIX shell, and more! * Provides a Ruby library and a command-line client too. * Individual extraction, conversion, and display commands. * Implemented in roughly 100 lines of pure Ruby code! :-) ### Demonstration ![Obligatory screen-shot of binman(1) in action!](http://ompldr.org/vYm5mcg) Here is [a complete example in Ruby][binman-bin] to help you get started. For examples in other scripting languages, see the "Usage" section below! ## Installation If you only want to view pre-built manual pages: gem install binman If you also want to build your own manual pages: gem install md2man -v '~> 1.4' ### Prerequisites * Ruby 1.8.7 or 1.9.2 or newer. ### Development git clone git://github.com/sunaku/binman cd binman bundle install bundle exec binman --help # run it directly bundle exec rake --tasks # packaging tasks ## Usage ### At the command line binman --help ### Inside a Ruby script #!/usr/bin/env ruby # your program's manual page goes here require 'binman' # OPTION 1: show manual and exit if ARGV has -h or --help except after -- BinMan.help # OPTION 2: show manual unconditionally BinMan.show You can also specify your program's source file encoding above the manual: #!/usr/bin/env ruby # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # your program's manual page goes here You can also write the manual as a multi-line Ruby comment: #!/usr/bin/env ruby =begin your program's manual page goes here =end You can also specify your program's source file encoding above the manual: #!/usr/bin/env ruby # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- =begin your program's manual page goes here =end See the [API documentation][binman-api] for even more possibilities! ### Inside a shell script #!/usr/bin/sh # your program's manual page goes here # OPTION 1: show manual and exit if ARGV has -h or --help except after -- binman help "$0" "$@" && exit # OPTION 2: show manual unconditionally binman show "$0" ### Inside a Perl script #!/usr/bin/env perl # your program's manual page goes here # OPTION 1: show manual and exit if ARGV has -h or --help except after -- system('binman', 'help', __FILE__, @ARGV) == 0 and exit; # OPTION 2: show manual unconditionally system('binman', 'show', __FILE__); You can also write the manual as a multi-line Ruby comment after `__END__`: #!/usr/bin/env perl print "your program's code goes here"; __END__ =begin your program's manual page goes here =end ### Inside a Python script #!/usr/bin/env python # your program's manual page goes here import sys, subprocess # OPTION 1: show manual and exit if ARGV has -h or --help except after -- subprocess.call(['binman', 'help', __file__] + sys.argv) == 0 and sys.exit() # OPTION 2: show manual unconditionally subprocess.call(['binman', 'show', __file__]) You can also specify your program's source file encoding above the manual: #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # your program's manual page goes here You can also write the manual as a multi-line Ruby comment inside a docstring: #!/usr/bin/env python """ =begin your program's manual page goes here =end """ You can also specify your program's source file encoding above the manual: #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ =begin your program's manual page goes here =end """ ### Inside an AWK script The technique for determining current AWK script file name [comes from here]( http://www.mombu.com/programming/programming/t-the-name-of-script-itself-2040784-print.html ). #!/usr/bin/awk -f # your program's manual page goes here # OPTION 1: show manual and exit if ARGV has -h or --help except after -- BEGIN {getline c <"/proc/self/cmdline"; sub(".*-f\0"," ",c); gsub("\0"," ",c); if(system("binman help" c) == 0){ exit }} # OPTION 2: show manual unconditionally BEGIN {getline c <"/proc/self/cmdline"; sub(".*-f\0"," ",c); sub("\0.*","",c); system("binman show" c)} ### Inside a Tcl script #!/usr/bin/env tclsh # your program's manual page goes here # OPTION 1: show manual and exit if ARGV has -h or --help except after -- if {![catch {exec -- >/dev/tty binman help $argv0 {*}$argv}]} {exit} # OPTION 2: show manual unconditionally exec >/dev/tty binman show $argv0 You can also write the manual as a multi-line Ruby comment inside an `if 0`: #!/usr/bin/env tclsh if 0 { =begin your program's manual page goes here =end } ### Inside a Node.js script /* =begin your program's manual page goes here =end */ var exec = require('child_process').exec; // OPTION 1: show manual and exit if ARGV has -h or --help except after -- exec(['>/dev/tty', 'binman', 'help', __filename].concat(process.argv). join(' '), function(error){ if (error === null){ process.exit(); } }); // OPTION 2: show manual unconditionally exec(['>/dev/tty', 'binman', 'show', __filename].join(' ')); ## Packaging ### Pre-building man pages Add the following lines to your gemspec: s.files += Dir['man/man?/*.?'] s.add_development_dependency 'md2man', '~> 1.4' Add the following line to your Rakefile: require 'binman/rakefile' You now have a `rake binman` task that pre-builds UNIX manual page files for your `bin/` scripts into a `man/` directory so that your end-users do not need [md2man] installed in order to view the manual pages you've embedded therein! There are also sub-tasks to build manual pages individually as [roff] or HTML. If you're using Bundler, this task also hooks into its gem packaging tasks and ensures that your UNIX manual pages are pre-built and packaged into your gem: bundle exec rake build gem spec pkg/*.gem | fgrep man/man ## License Released under the ISC license. See the LICENSE file for details. [roff]: http://troff.org [binman]: https://github.com/sunaku/binman [binman-api]: http://rubydoc.info/gems/binman/frames [binman-bin]: https://raw.github.com/sunaku/binman/master/bin/binman [md2man]: https://github.com/sunaku/md2man