#include VALUE cNokogiriHtml4Document ; static ID id_encoding_found; static ID id_to_s; /* * call-seq: * new * * Create a new document */ static VALUE rb_html_document_s_new(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass) { VALUE uri, external_id, rest, rb_doc; htmlDocPtr doc; rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "0*", &rest); uri = rb_ary_entry(rest, (long)0); external_id = rb_ary_entry(rest, (long)1); doc = htmlNewDoc( RTEST(uri) ? (const xmlChar *)StringValueCStr(uri) : NULL, RTEST(external_id) ? (const xmlChar *)StringValueCStr(external_id) : NULL ); rb_doc = noko_xml_document_wrap_with_init_args(klass, doc, argc, argv); return rb_doc ; } /* * call-seq: * read_io(io, url, encoding, options) * * Read the HTML document from +io+ with given +url+, +encoding+, * and +options+. See Nokogiri::HTML4.parse */ static VALUE rb_html_document_s_read_io(VALUE klass, VALUE rb_io, VALUE rb_url, VALUE rb_encoding, VALUE rb_options) { VALUE rb_doc; VALUE rb_error_list = rb_ary_new(); htmlDocPtr c_doc; const char *c_url = NIL_P(rb_url) ? NULL : StringValueCStr(rb_url); const char *c_encoding = NIL_P(rb_encoding) ? NULL : StringValueCStr(rb_encoding); int options = NUM2INT(rb_options); xmlSetStructuredErrorFunc((void *)rb_error_list, Nokogiri_error_array_pusher); c_doc = htmlReadIO(noko_io_read, noko_io_close, (void *)rb_io, c_url, c_encoding, options); xmlSetStructuredErrorFunc(NULL, NULL); /* * If EncodingFound has occurred in EncodingReader, make sure to do * a cleanup and propagate the error. */ if (rb_respond_to(rb_io, id_encoding_found)) { VALUE encoding_found = rb_funcall(rb_io, id_encoding_found, 0); if (!NIL_P(encoding_found)) { xmlFreeDoc(c_doc); rb_exc_raise(encoding_found); } } if ((c_doc == NULL) || (!(options & XML_PARSE_RECOVER) && (RARRAY_LEN(rb_error_list) > 0))) { VALUE rb_error ; xmlFreeDoc(c_doc); rb_error = rb_ary_entry(rb_error_list, 0); if (rb_error == Qnil) { rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "Could not parse document"); } else { VALUE exception_message = rb_funcall(rb_error, id_to_s, 0); exception_message = rb_str_concat(rb_str_new2("Parser without recover option encountered error or warning: "), exception_message); rb_exc_raise(rb_class_new_instance(1, &exception_message, cNokogiriXmlSyntaxError)); } return Qnil; } rb_doc = noko_xml_document_wrap(klass, c_doc); rb_iv_set(rb_doc, "@errors", rb_error_list); return rb_doc; } /* * call-seq: * read_memory(string, url, encoding, options) * * Read the HTML document contained in +string+ with given +url+, +encoding+, * and +options+. See Nokogiri::HTML4.parse */ static VALUE rb_html_document_s_read_memory(VALUE klass, VALUE rb_html, VALUE rb_url, VALUE rb_encoding, VALUE rb_options) { VALUE rb_doc; VALUE rb_error_list = rb_ary_new(); htmlDocPtr c_doc; const char *c_buffer = StringValuePtr(rb_html); const char *c_url = NIL_P(rb_url) ? NULL : StringValueCStr(rb_url); const char *c_encoding = NIL_P(rb_encoding) ? NULL : StringValueCStr(rb_encoding); int html_len = (int)RSTRING_LEN(rb_html); int options = NUM2INT(rb_options); xmlSetStructuredErrorFunc((void *)rb_error_list, Nokogiri_error_array_pusher); c_doc = htmlReadMemory(c_buffer, html_len, c_url, c_encoding, options); xmlSetStructuredErrorFunc(NULL, NULL); if ((c_doc == NULL) || (!(options & XML_PARSE_RECOVER) && (RARRAY_LEN(rb_error_list) > 0))) { VALUE rb_error ; xmlFreeDoc(c_doc); rb_error = rb_ary_entry(rb_error_list, 0); if (rb_error == Qnil) { rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "Could not parse document"); } else { VALUE exception_message = rb_funcall(rb_error, id_to_s, 0); exception_message = rb_str_concat(rb_str_new2("Parser without recover option encountered error or warning: "), exception_message); rb_exc_raise(rb_class_new_instance(1, &exception_message, cNokogiriXmlSyntaxError)); } return Qnil; } rb_doc = noko_xml_document_wrap(klass, c_doc); rb_iv_set(rb_doc, "@errors", rb_error_list); return rb_doc; } /* * call-seq: * type * * The type for this document */ static VALUE rb_html_document_type(VALUE self) { htmlDocPtr doc = noko_xml_document_unwrap(self); return INT2NUM(doc->type); } void noko_init_html_document(void) { assert(cNokogiriXmlDocument); cNokogiriHtml4Document = rb_define_class_under(mNokogiriHtml4, "Document", cNokogiriXmlDocument); rb_define_singleton_method(cNokogiriHtml4Document, "read_memory", rb_html_document_s_read_memory, 4); rb_define_singleton_method(cNokogiriHtml4Document, "read_io", rb_html_document_s_read_io, 4); rb_define_singleton_method(cNokogiriHtml4Document, "new", rb_html_document_s_new, -1); rb_define_method(cNokogiriHtml4Document, "type", rb_html_document_type, 0); id_encoding_found = rb_intern("encoding_found"); id_to_s = rb_intern("to_s"); }